October 15, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT BLUE MOUNTAIN AM BLUE MOUNTAIN BEACH – DADDY SURF Looking like some cooler but beautiful weather. Possibly small West wind swell this week – stay posted. Y’all have a wonderful night and be blessed SURF Ankle Crumbly 😏 WATER Clean Mid 70s-chill in air WIND Light Onshore 😏 SKIM Knee+ Clean 😃

October 14, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT SASP MORNING SASP, Afternoon – DADDY SURF Another absolutely beautiful and amazing day. Surf was small but rideable. Hunter’s six year old daughter ‘’Graclyn’  was charging the waves. SURF Knee Crumbly 😏 WATER Murky Mid 70s-chill in air WIND 5 mph Onshore 😏 SKIM Knee+ Clean 😃 NEW BOARD BRIGADE

October 13, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT COUNTY PIER MORNING County Pier, 6:30 AM – TSV Surf’s still up. Clean and looks fun! The thumbnail is not representing the best sets. It’s definitely smaller than yesterday evening, but still plenty of potential. Daddy Surf is hosting Luke Partridge tonight in the shop for evening worship at 6-8 pm. We’ll do…

October 12, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT SASP MORNING State Park, 7:30 AM – TSV Surf is up. Quite disorganized this morning. Should be surf all day. Hopefully will shape up with the good winds that are projected. I tried the State Park but the current is wild. Godspeed and stay safe. SURF Head High + Powerful 😅 WATER Murky…

October 17, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT Treasure Island Condo7:30 AM TREASURE ISLAND, 7:30 AM – TSV No surf. Slight chance on Friday. Wind cold. SURF FLAT Clean 😌 WATER Clear+Jellies Warm-Slight chill in air WIND Light Offshore 😀 SKIM Flat Clean 😑 CURRENT TIDE

October 11, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT Treasure Island Condo7:30 AM TREASURE ISLAND, 7:30 AM – TSV No surf. Chance of surf today? Although it’s looking like it might not hit until after the front passes, which will be after sunset. Stay tuned just in case. Tomorrow there should be surf all day, but there are a lot of variables. …