October 1, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT Beach Access 7 730 AM BEACH ACCESS, 7 AM TSV Surf is still flat on the East end of PCB, but the waves are getting bigger the further West you go. Chances of surf in Bay County are slim, but on a big enough board you may be able to find waves on…

September 28, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT Beach Access PM BEACH ACCESS, PM- Daddy Surf Beaches are beautiful and no surf. Yellow and Purple flags- jellyfish present. Lots of tractor activity up and down the beach as they’re getting ready to begin beach re-nourishment project. SURF Flat Clean 😌 WATER Clear+Jellies Warm-Slight chill in air WIND Light Offshore 😀 SKIM…

September 24, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT Beach Access Beach Access, Evening – Daddy Surf Sunset pictures from this evening.Tomorrow is our Sabbath, so we’re Closed. Looking like great weather but be cautious in the water as lots of people reporting that they got stung. Yellow and Purple flags flying. Y’all have an absolutely amazing night and be blessed! –…

September 25, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT State Park SASP- Daddy Surf What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day that the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it!  Such a beautiful sunny day in PCB. Water is emerald clear blue green in 80 with lots of jellyfish! Yellow and Purple flags – no surf. Looks like an Easterly…

September 26, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT State Park AM SASP, AM- Daddy Surf Good Tuesday morning Y’all – it’s another absolutely beautiful but wet morning as we have light rain and East winds with a small East swell pushing West. Waves  here at the St. Park are knee high almost thigh, but high tide and stiff offshore wind is…

September 23, 2023

By SurfinT

SURF REPORT Rick Seltzer AM Rick Seltzer, AM- TSV Flat. No chance of surf today. Skim will even prove a challenge. We hosted a large group from the Canadian Airforce to enjoy some paddling and skimming at Seltzer. SURF FLAT Clean 😌 WATER Slightly Murky WARM WIND Slack Offshore 😀 SKIM Flat-Lumps Clean 😐 TIDE…