Mr. Surf’s Almanac | June | 2023

By SurfinT

Daddy Surf’s Corner On May 20 Fellow Brother Warrior in Christ Nic Chavers led worship at the shop and there were so many great connections between the people who came to worship!  Godincidences and Confirmations Left and Right in May! Click here and scroll to the bottom to read about Testimonies from this month…

Mr. Surf’s Almanac | May | 2023

By SurfinT

Daddy Surf’s Corner Skim Jam was a blast! Congrats to Gerardo Valencia for winning the Pro Division, and our own Local Legend Dylan Duncan for taking home first place in Semi Pro. Mommy Surf is hosting PCB Watergirls this Saturday (May 13th) at St. Andrews State Park! More details below! We had some fun…

Mr. Surf’s Almanac | April | 2023

By SurfinT

Daddy Surf’s Corner Another filled month! Ben Gravy came and caught a record length wave behind Seascreamer, and we showed special behind the scenes footage in the coffee shop! We had Spring Break Breakthrough with Luke and Big Wave Jake Partridge, and after leading worship in the shop they even got a taste for…

Mr. Surf’s Almanac | March | 2023

By SurfinT

Daddy Surf’s Corner This month has been crazy!   We’ve had some awesome surf!    All of our Spring stuff has been coming into the shop: new skateboards, new skimboards, new clothing, you name it we’ve got it!   We’ve had people showing up just to do live music absolutely free.    This is a…


By SurfinT

Today’s (Monday 5/3/21) SURF / BEACH Report: We are (SURF SHOP) OPEN Tues. –  Sat. 9am-4pm / Sunday 9am-4pm / & Monday CLOSED Today is absolutely beautiful with sunny skies and very warm in 80s and muggy / stiff SSE winds with waist to chest high surf / fair to mostly poor form. Red flags.…


By SurfinT

Today’s (Tuesday 2/9/21) SURF / BEACH Report: We are (SURF SHOP) OPEN Tues. –  Sat. 9am-4pm / Sunday & Monday CLOSED Today started out with some bad storms but by mid day turned out to be absolutely beautiful with cloudy skies and some sun breaking through at times. Light offshore winds creating very glassy conditions…