Eye Witness Accounts Of Jesus Changing Lives


Once again the Holy Ghost brought in folks from all around to be ministered to. Some needing healing physically, some emotionally and some just a fresh new wine poured out from above. Incredibly blessed and humbled to be used by God in such a beautiful way each day. We are EKKLESIA!

Another Brother brought into the Kingdom of God! I’ve known Zac and his family for quite a long time. Zac’s brother ‘Storm’ lost his life awhile ago in a jet ski / boating accident. I remember giving Storm a Bible and talking with him regularly about Jesus. When his mom came into the shop after the accident, she told me he always kept that Bible at his bedside. I have no doubt Storm is in paradise with Jesus. Well today, his brother Zac came into the shop holding Bible and needing to speak with me. To make a long story short, we prayed over Zac and he gave his life to the Lord and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and then we walked him across the street and was baptized in the Gulf. He’ll be coming back soon and we’re going to baptize his whole family! This is LIFE! We aren’t in the Surf Business. We’re using the Surf Business as HIS business and seeing the fruits of our labor. It’s not about selling stuff, it’s about bringing the lost into the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.









The Lord never ceases to amaze me, and I’m so humbled and honored to do this work HE has assigned me to do. It certainly NEVER gets old!
This is Andrew & Claire visiting from Virginia. The Lord directed their steps into the shop at exactly (as it always seems to be) the same time I just happened to drop in for a minute. Right away I felt a strong impulse from the Holy Spirit and knew they were here to be prayed for. I immediately went across the store and confronted them and introduced myself and told them exactly that! That the Lord had brought them in and that this was HIS house and Holy ground. Claire began to cry as His presence was so powerful I knew something was about to happen. To make a long story short, I led them both to our prayer bench, got my Talit and anointing oil to prepare to do His work. They were Catholic, so everything I spoke about, I showed them and referred it all to scripture as I explained what the prophetic was and the Sword (Word) of the Spirit (Prophetic).
I also shared what the Lord was saying about them (Words of knowledge) and they were astounded that everything the Lord was speaking through me was spot on, particularly, because I never met them before. Claire was there to be healed not just physically but also emotionally because she had been through so much. Her entire femur in her leg had to be replaced because of a tumor they had found. She had been through quite a lot to say the least. Her husband, Andrew, on the other hand also needed to be healed emotionally, particularly, delivered from fear, anxiety and depression. Jesus healed them both – it was powerful! Also, they both received baptism of Fire (I read and explained it to them in scripture in detail)
Andrew couldn’t stop thanking me, but I told him this is what I live for! I still am so overwhelmed every time it happens and so grateful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I love Him! I love Him! I love HIM indeed! Hope y’all enjoy this story and are inspired to go be the hands and feet of Jesus. Living the Kingdom life.

October 2021

October 2021

January 2022
Good Sunday morning Y’all – it’s another Absolutely Beautiful Day that the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it! Wow – Wow – WOW!
Yesterday was simply amazing to say the least. Had such a powerful encounter with Holy Spirit during ‘Gathering at the Surf Shop’, particularly, when we took Communion. His presence remained well after we finished and had to open our doors for business. Why?! HE prepared the shop for some powerful Divine Appointments. What’s so beautiful is HE draws people in and the shop and barista bar filled up. #1 The picture you see here is Jessica. She was led to the shop to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire. We met at the front door and immediately I knew the Lord had sent her here. She also had a lot of things she was dealing with and needed Jesus to set her free which she was, and also her body needed healing. Jesus completely healed her body and all pain and depression was stripped off! She left a whole new daughter restored and delivered and baptized in Holy Spirit and Fire! What’s the really amazing thing is I have never met her and we’re connected to people all the way up north in Dalton Georgia – coincidence, I don’t think so – GODINCIDENCE for sure!
#2 A group of folks traveling in the USA dropped in for coffee – not! The Holy Spirit led them here. Travis (husband from China) now living in America with his wife from Russia (they met in China where his wife was working) and their very good friend ‘Angela’ who lives in Brooklyn New York.
Jerrod Schonfeld who is part of the Mr. Surf’s Ministry Team was sitting at a table with them in the coffee shop. Little did I know he was sharing the gospel with them – they were not believers. He spent a good while with them and they all politely sat there and listened. Jerrod invited them to give their lives to Jesus, but they nicely declined. The whole time this was happening, Holy Spirit kept highlighting them to me, particularly, Travis. After they left, Jerrod told me what was going on. I saw them all still outside in the Courtyard – they couldn’t leave. Why? Because Holy Spirit wasn’t done yet. Holy Spirit said, ‘John go talk to them!’ I said about what? Jerrod already shared the gospel. Holy Spirit said just go, I’ll do the rest. Go and talk with the Chinese guy. So I asked Jerrod what was the guys name and he said Travis. I obeyed and went outside and called out to Travis. They all turned surprised. I just was blank forward and said hey guys, the Holy Spirit has asked me to come speak with y’all, particularly to you Travis. They were kinda shocked to say the least. I briefly explained who I was and I was just doing what the Lord asked. I told them I knew they didn’t believe but that was okay. All I know is he wanted me to come talk with y’all and now I’m waiting to see what He wants to say, especially for some reason to you Travis. If you could see the look on their faces. They looked at me like who is this guy and what the heck!
Travis’s wife said well why Travis and I said I don’t know. Then Holy Spirit said tell Travis he works with computers. Now get this, I know nothing about these people except their names. They hadn’t even told me about where they were from or where they were going. I knew nothing! I wanted to say what Holy Spirit told me but in my mind I was arguing with Him. What if I’m wrong Lord? I’ll look like an idiot. Then Holy Spirit said ‘INTELLIGENCE’ tell him I’ve given him that gift and he’s to use it for me. And when he does. I’m going to blow him away with what I will do with his life!
They just all sat there looking at me because they could tell I was talking to the Lord. I just looked up and told Travis exactly what the Lord told me. You could see immediately in his eyes he was taken back and then he just smiled. His wife and Angela on the other hand were quite shocked. I said that’s the word He gave me for you. I then asked Travis what he did and well to no surprise, he worked in the software industry with computers and his wife said, as well as Angela, that he was very intelligent. Then Holy Spirit just downloaded on me and for quite awhile we talked and they all asked questions. They wanted to know this Holy Spirit who I explained was part of the Triune God;
Father, Jesus (Son) & Holy Spirit
Angela really started asking questions. It was so beautiful and so appointed. I absolutely love doing His work. We all said our goodbyes and I know for certain the Lord opened a door that morning and their journey with Him was about to get radical – I told them so and they were so open and excited!
#3 Last encounter was with a soldier (an Army Diver) who was sitting in the coffee shop. I myself was a Dive Med Tech in the Navy so it opened up our conversation and led to talking about the Lord. He wasn’t a believer. However, because the Word relates closely with warfare, the Lord has given me the gift to speak to military people because I correlate the Word with how it pertains to the military and warfare. To make a long story short, we sat, talked, spoke about his family and who he (his name is Tom) is in Christ. He had been to churches but never heard the Word explained this way. I also told Tom about our (the Soldier’s Psalm – Psalm 91) and how powerful it was and that it was part of my daily declarations and prayers. We have a small book ‘Military Edition Psalm 91′ that we give out when Holy Spirit leads us to. I gave him the book and we prayed. After the prayer, he looked up at me and I could see in his eyes he knew Holy Spirit was there. He said that’s powerful and thanked me and off he went.
God is SO absolutely good! Nothing can compare to doing His work here on this earth. I will end with this – when I spoke yesterday morning at our Gathering, the Fire of the Holy Spirit fell on me and had me release a word for those sitting there. They all knew it was from the Lord. I believe it’s a Word that must go out, especially, in the churches for God’s people. It’ll tick many off, but I’m not here to build up crowds or a following. I’m called to ‘SOUND THE ALARM’ and let those willing to listen understand what’s going on and what’s coming. For me to live is Christ and to die is gain. I’m just doing what the Lord asks me to do. Hope y’all enjoyed the testimonies and they encourage you. Love y’all and appreciate y’all’s prayers and support. Y’all have an absolutely beautiful day and be blessed – Daddy Surf

January 2022
So I’m outside cleaning up the yard, and this young man ‘Joseph’ shows up because he has an appointment with my wife to go over Solar Panels. My wife wasn’t feeling well and had to postpone the appointment, however, it was with Jesus Christ that Joseph had an appointment. I just began to talk with Joseph about what he wanted out of life? where he saw his future? Then Holy Spirit just downloaded on me and I began to talk about him (Joseph) and tell him all about things that he was facing and going through. Joseph just stood there frozen because I had never met him or talked with him before. I began to tell him about a Father who loved him and would never leave him and the Holy Spirit told me he knew Joseph had a rough life and I even told him things that had happened in his early family life. Holy Spirit spoke to me loud and clear and the more I spoke what He was telling me to say, the more Joseph was completely shocked. I never knew or met Joseph in my life, but the Lord allowed me to download all the information about him, so without a doubt, Joseph knew it was absolutely real.
To make a long story short, I shared sound Truth – not watered down, tickled up or seeker friendly words – I gave Joseph meat! It’s what he was hungry for. He said that he had people try to push Christianity on him and I said brother nobody can push anything on you. The Lord just wants you to know he created you because he loves you, he did everything for you and it cost you nothing but just say yes Lord I believe! Turn from your ways to His and enter into the Kingdom life. I said let’s pray. As we prayed, Jesus held Joseph and Joseph encountered the Lord for the first time. It so beautiful and was that simple. Joseph just stood there frozen, eyes a little damp from tears and a hunger to begin to walk with Jesus. He will be coming by the shop in a few days and we’ll pray again and go over something’s in the Bible and also let him ask more questions. I’m sure he’ll have many.
Matthew 9:35-38
And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
My name is JOHN – Tony died a long time ago. Just as Abram’ name was changed to Abraham??, Jacob’s to Israel, Saul’s to Paul.
The Lord met me in my Secret Place and said three words: SOUND THE ALARM
From there He led me to a Spirit filled church where an elder came up to me and said, ‘The Lord told me to give you these words: “IT’S NOT TOO LATE ” and “PUT IT ON A SHELF “
From their the Lord led my wife and I to north Alabama to an Apostolic House
A prophet prayed for me, and as he did, the Lord gave him a vision of me. I was very small STANDING AT / in front of a HUGE DOOR. He said that was all.
My wife and I developed a strong relationship with the Pastor, his wife and several people at that house. I believe the Pastor (who has a powerful anointing) imparted what the Lord had given him to me. The Lord also began to connect us with other powerfully anointed men and women of God – some Generals. The connections keep coming and I am beginning to see the Lord building something, which I believe is for ‘Such a time as this!’ The Lord is giving me dreams nightly most of which I record. Divine Appointments followed by apostolic power are occurring daily, many of which I don’t share.
In short I believe we are here – the beginning of the ‘Days of Noah’ – why because a dream the Lord gave me recently referred to scripture: Hebrews 11:7
For anyone who reads this now you know.
IT’S NOT TOO LATE – get in the Ark now! (Hebrews 11:7)
The time is short and running out (shelf life) – PUT IT ON A SHELF
Get in the Ark now (Salvation through Jesus alone) IT’S NOT TOO LATE
You have this moment and possibly the rest of today. Tomorrow may never come.
Call on His name – believe in your heart that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life.
He became sin for us to set us free to live eternally with Him now and forever more!
Love y’all and so much appreciate y’all’s prayers and support. See y’all at the shop or maybe on the road somewhere.
Have an absolutely beautiful day – JOHN

Spring Break 2022
This morning during my quiet time with the Lord, I began to plan out my day. As usual, I hold my plans loosely, because I know the Holy Spirit will lead me (Pv. 16:9), so I always expect the unexpected. I very lightly heard the Lord say, He wanted me to do a Live Beach Report, but down at the County Pier. I normally do the morning beach report from just down the street from our house, rarely do I do it from the pier. Deep down inside, I knew the Lord had an appointment – didn’t have a clue but just knew something would happen.
Upon leaving the house I first headed to the shop, and as soon as I walked in, the Lord had an appointment with a lady sho needed encouragement and some weight broken off her shoulders. We prayed. Jesus refreshed and healed her from the stress and oppression that was attacking her. She wept and felt great after the encounter. I got up and was going to head to the St. Park (where I usually go) to do a Live Beach Report. As I got in my truck, once again, I heard the Lord say very lightly, I told you to go to the pier. I knew for certain He had something He needed to do and I was just the vessel. If you watch my Live you’ll see me talk about it. I even point out the individual I believe was the appointment – he was! His name is ‘Ian’. Ian is the one next to me (John -Daddy Surf & Lucas)
I’ll try to make this short: Ian was parked in front of me. I was asking Holy Spirit if he was my appointment – no answer – so I waited. Ian backed up and parked across from me remaining there with some friends in another car next to his. His friends left and once again I asked Holy Spirit if he was my appointment. Holy Spirit then told me to go over introduce myself and tell him that he was hurt by the church and that wasn’t Me (Jesus) tell him I (Jesus) didn’t do it, and I wanted him (Ian) to come back to me. I did exactly what Holy Spirit said. Ian was shocked! I continued to speak truth to him and share deep (all scriptural) things. Ian had heard some of what I shared, but mostly from a religious and legalistic spirit. During our conversation I mentioned he (Ian) had a passion in computers, particularly, designing games. Keep in mind, I never met Ian up until now. Ian was completely overwhelmed wanting to know how I knew all this because every word was true! I told Ian, Holy Spirit began this encounter early this morning and He led me here so I could give you His words.
Make a long story short: Ian walked away from Jesus because of a religious spirit but Jesus never walked away from him. It was time for Ian to have an encounter with Jesus and be baptized in the Holy Spirit. He was and was completely overwhelmed. BTW – he drove all the way over from the pier to the shop to finish what the Lord started. I didn’t know if he would show up but he came in right behind me. His remarks to us before we prayed for him were
‘Heck Yeah! I want this Encounter – Jesus!
This is just the beginning – it’s going to be EPIC!

Spring Break 2022

Spring Break 2022
Luke 1:39-45
In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and ublessed is the fruit of your womb! And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”
Note: John (the Baptist) was the first to recognize the long awaited Messiah ‘Jesus Christ’ while in the womb!
So this just happened in the Surf Shop:
This is Jessica & Joseph (Joe) The Lord led them here this morning. The moment they came in, they said they felt the presence of the Lord. I was engaged in a conversation with a friend and the Lord highlighted Jessica to me while she was shopping. I didn’t know why. After speaking with my friend, I realized Jessica had left – or I thought so. I looked around the coffee shop and outside but didn’t see her. As I went back into the shop, she and her husband were checking out. I said, much to their surprise, ‘Oh there you are! I was looking for you!’ She and her husband were taken back at first until I explained who I was and everything to them. I didn’t realize Jessica was pregnant with their first child, a girl, ‘Westlyn’. They are here in PCB for their Babymoon. I knew immediately they were here, including little Westlyn, to be prayed for. They are Christians but didn’t know fully about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire which is written throughout scripture. We talked about it in length and we all sat together for prayer. I covered them with the Talit and anointed them with oil and the Lord began to speak through me as I prophesied over them and little Westlyn in Jessica’s womb. As I did, Jessica wept and the baby ‘Westlyn’ was leaping inside her womb. It was amazing! Jessica said it was crazy because she felt little Westlyn dancing inside her womb! All this occurred as the presence of Holy Spirit overwhelmed all of us! There were a lot of people in the shop all watching as this all happened.
I love this life! Living and walking with Jesus every moment of every day!
Hope y’all enjoyed this testimony.
God is Absolutely Good!

Testimonial from a Patron

Spring Time Testimonies

Spring Time Testimonies

Spring Time Testimonies

Spring Testimonies

Springtime Testimonies

Spring 2022

Spring 2022

Spring 2022
This beautiful family from Nashville aren’t new to the shop. I’ve prayed with them before. However, come to find out this time the mom was sick, so I said let’s all go pray. It was all led by Holy Spirit. I began to give them deep prophetic teaching before praying. Told them about the revelation of taking ‘Communion’ which was given to us on Passover by Johnny Taylor which he brought in from the Holy City of Jerusalem. They were absolutely amazed at the revelation of what the Lord was speaking to them. I then asked if they knew the Baptism of Holy Spirit and Fire and if they prayed in the spirit (spoke in unknown Tounges as at Pentecost) they said no. After explaining it all, they had complete understanding and wanted to receive it. So we prayed together, I laid hands on them and asked the Lord for them to receive it – the Fire came! They all said that the Prayer Bench they were sitting on felt like it was on Fire
! I know for fact – mom is healed in the Mighty Name of Jesus and they’ll be praying in the spirit before the week is over! So be it Amen!

Spring 2022

Spring 2022

Spring 2022
Another absolutely beautiful day that the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it! This is Kim and Guy. The Lord sent them to Destin to establish an Ekklsia business establishment. We talked at length (over an hour) and the Lord had me share deep prophetic teaching, and how to set their business up as an Ekklesia. They knew of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire
by reading the Bible, but unfortunately, the church they attended never taught (an explanation of) about the significance of what and why it’s an integral part of baptism. During our conversation, the Lord also revealed ‘healing’ – one of them was there to be healed. In short, we prayed, they received the baptism of Holy Spirit and Fire, and Guy who has a disease that attacks his lymph nodes, was healed. CHECKMATE! Jesus Christ of Nazareth ALWAYS wins! So many more Divine Encounters throughout the day.

Spring 2022

Spring 2022

Spring 2022

Spring 2022
So this guy ‘John Faircloth’ was led to the shop by the Lord. He even said he didn’t know why but had to come in to see me (Daddy Surf). I didn’t remember him, but he knew me and told me he used to buy surfboards from me when he was a kid (he’s 28yrs). I could tell that he had had a rough life and was basically on the street. We talked about how he had got there and about making bad choices led him to jail, the street and so on. He told me that God was mad at him and had kicked him out of heaven. Can you believe that!? I told him – plain and simple it was a lie. That God never stopped loving him and I shared Truth. We talked at length and I asked him if he was ready to make Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior % = ALL IN COMPLETELY! He said yes. We sat him on the Surfboard Prayer Bench. His feet were sore from walking on the streets, so I had him take his shoes off and I washed his feet – although it was Jesus in me doing it. I covered him with the Talit, anointed him with oil and John gave his heart wholeheartedly to the Lord. It was POWERFUL! The Lord had me speak (prophesied) over him to be ready and stay intentional with his walk and that the Lord would begin to move mightily in his life. Immediately, the Lord did. A customer at the register noticed him and I praying. This customer handed me a $50 bill and asked me to give it to John! The Lord was already moving! We took him out to the ‘Courtyard’ and John was baptized in water. We got him a meal and gave him a Bible and my employee Robin took him to the ARK where they help people who are trying to get their lives back on track.

Spring 2022

Spring 2022

Spring 2022

Spring 2022

Spring 2022

Summer 2022

Summer 2022
Once again at the Surf Shop, it was nonstop from the moment we opened until closing the Spirit of the Lord moved mightily – Divine Appointment one after another. Deep teaching, prayer, baptism in Holy Spirit and Fire, and much prophesy foretold. These young daughters of King Jesus were literally ‘ROCKED!’ as they encountered Holy Spirit and came to a complete understanding of what the baptism of Holy Spirit and Fire was. We had fellowship and prayed, and the Lord released powerful impartation and prophesy over their lives. It was an absolutely beautiful time. Keep these young ladies in your prayers – God has huge plans for their future!

Summer 2022

Summer 2022

Summer 2022

Summer 2022

Summer 2022

Summer 2022

Summer 2022

Summer 2022

Summer 2022
These three young kids were a Divine Appointment set up at an EXACT location and an EXACT time – No coincidence, a GODINCIDENCE
I was supposed to be on the road to Vernon to work on our property very early because I wanted to work before the heat / temp got to high as I’m clearing land / bushwhacking the property by hand.
HOWEVER, at the unction of Holy Spirit I felt led to go to the County Pier to pray over and declare and decree the Word over PCB. Upon arriving and setting up, I observed these kids pull up and immediately knew the Lord had sent them there for prayer. They just arrived in PCB and couldn’t check into their room until later in the day. They walked directly towards me.
To make a long story short – I ministered to them, we prayed, and Holy Spirit gave me words of knowledge related directly to their situation/s and struggles leading into speaking into their lives with words of hope, edification, and particularly in one case, for healing. The young lady who needed deep emotional healing wept as I prayed for her. She was there to be set free from depression and anxiety. It was a very powerful encounter, and you had to be there to experience it. Jesus Christ set her free! God NEVER CEASES to completely blow me away!

Summer 2022
This couple came to the shop for prayer. They are faithfully stepping into positions of Pastor’s at a church that they were attending and the Pastor has retired and given the church over to them. Come to find out that one of them has a severe illness. We all prayed on the Surfboard Prayer Bench. They, as well as I, know the Pastor was completely healed. It was so powerful that we all began to sweat – the temperature around us got so hot – in an air conditioned building! Even our staff member said she felt it at the counter which is across the room. Also, when Holy Spirit moves like that the shop fills up with customers, as it did in this case, and they watch in wonder knowing something was happening. Some smile and know exactly what’s going on while others just have that look like it’s something they’ve never seen and or experienced! This is Marketplace Ministry – an Ekklesia – a Kingdom Business. Never a dull moment every day we’re open for HIS business.
Hope these testimonies lifted your spirit!
Y’all have an absolutely beautiful and blessed evening. I’m pooped and it’s going to be a very active week – I just know it for certain.

Summer 2022
The minute I stepped into the shop, the Lord had me declare, pray and prophesy over this beautiful family. Both parents are recovering addicts. Dad was there to receive the Baptism of Holy Spirit and Fire – evidence is received prayer language. Mom had just recently received it. However, she had severe pain and immobility in her neck because she had broken it. Jesus Christ healed her completely – no pain & complete mobility restored! Hallelujah – thank you Jesus!
Hope y’all are inspired and encouraged by these testimonies. Remember it’s by the Blood ?? of the Lamb and Word of our Testimonies that the enemy is defeated. GO KICK THE DEVIL’S TEETH OUT!

Summer 2022



Prophetic Word

Prophetic Word

Testimony - Not Today Satan!

Met a lady at the register and we started talking about the Lord. As I more shared with her what I believed the Lord was doing, particularly in this day and season, she began to tear up. I knew she needed prayer and asked for her husband to come join us. We sat on the Surfboard Prayer Bench with Talit and anointing oil. Come to find out (GODINCIDENCE) she has my mother’s name (Janet) and her husband has my name (John) I just spoke the words Holy Spirit gave me to prophesy into their lives. They said they were drawn to the shop and it was exactly what they needed. Thank you Jesus – we give You all the honor and glory.




Testimony from the Surf Shop:
Holy Spirit impressed upon to go to the shop early to pray and anoint the shop and property. The coffee shop had just opened (7am), and as I walked in there was a couple there to get coffee. The Lord highlighted them as I walked by, but I didn’t sense anything else. I went into the Surf Shop side which was Closed and dark because we didn’t open till 9am. As I prepared to pray, a lady (one of the couple) had slipped into the shop unnoticed, although it was clear we hadn’t opened yet. I went over and said excuse me mam, but we’re not open yet and she said sorry I’ll leave. I replied, no you don’t understand, the Lord brought you here. I’m not supposed to be here and neither are you and this is His House (I pointed up) and He brings people here every day to be ministered to. The moment I saw you and your husband, Holy Spirit highlighted y’all now you’re here in front of me and we need to find out what y’all need prayer for. Her eyes began to water up and she said this is crazy, I believe you because of what happened last night. I said, okay now we’re getting somewhere – let’s ask Holy Spirit. She said her and her husband felt led at the spir of the moment to go to PCB, got a hotel yesterday, and last night as they ate dinner they met missionaries and spent all night hanging out with them and had the best time. She also said that they felt they had to come to this coffee shop. As I listened, I realized something and said, WAIT A MINUTE! Are the missionaries going to England? She said YES! eyes wide open – I said, ’Are their names Shane and McKenzie?!’ Now she was really surprised, as well as I, and said, ‘YES!’ I then said that’s absolutely amazing because those missionaries came to our shop the day before and asked me to pray for them! Now how is that possible – only God!
So, now we needed to find out why the Lord brought her and her husband in.
To make a long story short, this is what Holy Spirit did through the entire encounter / time.
Cody N Britney Grube joined me:
We both prophesied over them and, actually, Holy Spirit gave us both words of knowledge for each of them and their family members. The couple was completely blown away by the accuracy of the information. Holy Spirit also gave me instructions for the girl on how to set up a ministry for her daughter and her friends – she teared up the whole time as it resonated with her spirit.
Cody was able to help her husband with some dreams he was having and what to do – spot on and actually in scripture!
We ministered to them for over an hour. And to top it off – they sat on the Prayer Bench, anointing oil and Talit, and I asked the Lord to baptize them in Holy Spirit and Fire
and WOW did it happen – it got so hot!
They didn’t know about it but when it was all said and done – it was DONE!
Hallelujah – Hallelujah – Halleluja!
Praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It never gets old.
Below is a picture of the missionaries Shane and McKenzie
Please keep them in your prayers, as they’ll be going into a very challenging area of 89% Muslim population with hardly any presence of Christianity.
Hunter and I got to pray with them, and my wife and I sowed into their mission work. When I did, Holy Spirit immediately spoke to me and said HE (the Lord) was stretching out our canopy and expanding the territory to plant tent pegs abroad in other nations from the shop without us even leaving – so cool The Lord also said others would come.
Be ready people – GOD IS MOVING MIGHTILY!
Y’all have an absolutely night and we’ll be seeing y’all soon.







‘The Bride and the Bridegroom’
There are times when the Lord shows me things in the ‘natural’ which correlate in the ‘supernatural’ as what occurred last week when I took a day to go to a special place (Watercolor) just West of PCB. It’s quiet and has absolutely amazing and beautiful landscapes. I like to spend quiet time with the Lord, listening to prophetic music and reading scriptures. I found a place all to myself, nestled in, turned on the music and listened to a message by ‘Radient Israel’ and was reading the scripture below.
Matthew 25:1-13 The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
“Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. The foolish said to the prudent, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the prudent answered, ‘No, there will not be enough for us and you too; go instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.’ And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut. Later the other virgins also came, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open up for us.’ But he answered, ‘Truly I say to you, I do not know you.’ “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.
What happened as I sat there was absolutely NOT a coincidence but a GODINCIDENCE without a doubt!
A man (in pic – Bridegroom) showed up in a suit, and a woman was with him carrying a camera. Here I am reading and listening to the message and observing this event happening right before me – out of all the locations and at that exact time – I knew the Lord was revealing / speaking to me.
However, what I noticed was that I didn’t see a Bride anywhere in sight. I watched as the woman/ photographer took pictures then all of a sudden about a half block away the Bride appeared in a white gown adorned to meet her Bridegroom!
He, the Bridegroom had his back to her as she approached from behind.
As I sat and watched all this happening, I inquired of the Lord why and what was He revealing / speaking to me. Then I realized something powerful. We the church (Bride) are awaiting for the arrival of the Bridegroom (Jesus Christ). However, that’s not what was taking place AND at every wedding the Bridegroom always awaits for his Bride. WOW ?? what a revelation!
I heard the Lord say, ‘John, I (Jesus Christ – the Bridegroom) await for My Bridegroom- the Church) to come out and come forward. It’s time to AWAKEN!
This is the time of AWAKENING!
Now if that doesn’t rattle your bones, I don’t know what will.

I met Rachelle and JL as soon as I walked into the shop this morning – no coincidence – a GODINCIDENCE! After speaking with them for awhile, I felt impressed by Holy Sprit to pray with them to receive Holy Spirit and fire – the evidence speaking in tounges. I sat them on the Prayer Bench, covered them with the Talit and anointed them with oil. I explained everything directly according to scripture. JL said WOW it all made perfect sense. To make a long story short, we prayed, the power of God’s Holy Spirit and fire fell n us all and it got HOT! People were watching while shopping in the store and could not deny the power moving upon us and it filled the atmosphere. Rachelle immediately began to pray in her spirit language. JL was hot. Here’s the response I received from Rachelle:
“POWERFUL. That’s the only word that can sum up this morning’s encounter with the Lord through John at Mr. Surf’s.
We have been wanting to go here for a long time as we’ve heard testimonies and stories of the awesome things happening through the Holy Spirit in this place! Today was the day we were meant to walk inside.
Because of the Explore PCB Game during Jeep Jam, we needed to go to Finns to get the points in the game. So we decided morning coffee would be a great time to go as they had just closed 11 minutes prior to us getting there yesterday. We walked in and John was the first person we saw. Several hours later, we left filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit, prayed over, declared over, and received more confirmation with divine meetings and connections.
Today, I received my prayer language which I have been yearning for for some time now. The enemy tried to convince me I wasn’t worthy of a prayer language. But my God met me on that prayer bench as I pictured Him embracing me and me falling at His feet. There He filled me with fire and so much spiritual energy that my body was shaking, tears were flowing, and I was sweating from every pore as my lips moved and a word that I myself do not know what it means left my mouth again and again. When it was all over, I felt so full yet so consumed at the same time. Surrender is such a beautiful feeling.
As God continues to surround us with more divine connections, our ministry grows, our faith grows, our power & authority grows…and we are ready! Ready to serve the Lord, learn more about Him, lean more into Him, and do more through Him. To Him goes ALL the glory yesterday, today, and forever. 🙌

These two ladies contacted me because they wanted to be baptized in the Gulf waters. I told them, as I always tell everyone who wants to be baptized, to come to the shop early and bring everyone in who will be there because I like to talk with everyone. Almost every single time this occurs – As I explain that’s it’s much more about just receiving the baptism of water unto repentance that ‘John the Baptist’ spoke of, he talks of the One who would come even greater the he and would baptize in the Holy Spirit and fire, usually the entire family come to a new revelation and understanding and they ALL receive the baptism of Holy Spirit. Some even break out speaking in tounges and other just weep and weep. We go literally go through boxes of tissues a month – no joke! And yes, other than the two ladies getting baptized in the Gulf, they all received the baptism of Holy Spirit! Halleluiah – we give God all the glory and honor.

‘Not today satan!’
This is ‘Paul’. Holy Spirit led him here to be delivered from taunting and demonic spirits. Paul admitted he had walked away from the Lord, opened portals of darkness and listened to the lies of the enemy, thus began a life the enemy would like every one of us to live; Chasing the pleasures of the world, satisfying our fleshly desires and relinquishing the authority Jesus Christ redeemed back to all of those who truly believe AND CHOOSE by free will to serve and follow Him – Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords. The ONLY Way, Truth and Life AND nobody can come to the Father except through Christ!
Paul was sitting at the edge of our property with a load of items he had gathered off the beach to sell to people passing by. He was homeless, jobless hungry, and admitted he had been doing drugs. I was driving by and a young man behind me had stopped his car to give Paul some food. I called Paul over and told him that the police would not allow him to set up but I would gladly help him out. The kid behind me was about to leave when I told him that more than physical bread, Paul needed spiritual bread, and I was going to pray with him. The kid followed me over to Paul. I spoke with Paul sharing the Gospel and explaining that Jesus Christ had the authority to set him free from all the strongholds that were holding him bondage, but only he could ask Him (Jesus) to be delivered and if so, that he would have to serve and follow Him the rest of his life. As Paul wept, he said he felt chills all over his body and his hairs were standing on end. I said it was Holy Spirit. Paul rededicated his life to the Lord right there on the street as cars were going around us, some even slowing down to watch. Here’s the wild part, before this happened, I asked Paul if he desired to be delivered because I knew what would go down. I also told the kid who was with me that I wanted him to see how real this was because I knew the church he goes to doesn’t function in the
Five-fold ministry, and most likely never encountered what was about to go down. And – it went down!
In the Mighty Name of Yeshua Hamashiach and by the Power of His Blood, I began to command the spirit and or spirits to leave. I believe it was the first time that the kid saw this, (he got out of there fast right afterwards) and at times there were cars slowing down observing everything going on. The reason I post this is because I know for certain as we progress into the prophetic timeline and new generation, these things will be seen more and more not just on the streets but everywhere!
God is raising up a ‘Remnant’ of warriors, fearless and bold, standing and fighting in Truth and Love, but holding no bars back.
We are to be His ambassadors on the earth advancing His kingdom (Kingdom of Light) against the kingdom of darkness.
And particularly important, to be completely submitted and obedient to Christ’s commission: (Mat. 28:18-20)
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
As I brought Paul into the shop, I told him what to expect. I said it was imperative that he get connected to like-minded brothers and sisters to continue to receive discipleship which was imperative to remain free. I gave him some contact information and helped him out with the situation he was in. He said that he was going to come back, which I am sure he will within the next few days.

Spring Break 2023
Thank you Josh-Megan Lunsford for your testimony – much love and much needed – Daddy Surf
About this moment When Josh and I started talking about a possible vacation for a few days, Panama City Beach was not on our radar. We considered several places in South Carolina and maybe even somewhere more local, but God had a different plan. When nothing else worked out, we remembered that our friends from church have a place in Panama City and that’s where Mr. Surfs Surf Shop was located. I had nothing but not so healthy spring break memories until this time, but had heard of John and his shop and always wanted to see it for ourselves. So we messaged our friends about their place and the dates we were looking for were available. Even though it didn’t make a lot of make sense, it felt right so we said yes. Several obstacles came up the week or two before we left and some that caused us to debate canceling our trip. But as we were praying and asking God what He wanted for us and what we needed to lay down, I kept hearing “Florida, Florida” so clearly as the thing we needed to keep and not move away from. So despite the many reasons to stay home, we went. Oh my!! On Sunday, we stepped into John’s shop for a quick visit to see what everyone had told us about. Little did we know that he was there and had just finished ministering to someone before coming over to greet us. Within seconds, we were talking Kindgom things and he offered to pray over us. He took us to the surfboard prayer bench and prepped us with oil and a prayer shawl. He sat before us to inquire of The Lord and spoke a very simple word of knowledge: “This is just the beginning (for you two).” Tears burst out uncontrollably! John didn’t know that we had just talked about this exact word on our way to Florida. We were driving through a town and could feel a shift in the spirit and Josh heard clearly – “This is a new beginning!” Several people had also spoken over us in the past half year that whatever God was doing in our lives, this was just the beginning. What’s so special about John’s word was that he didn’t know us at all. And he had no idea the enemy had whispered a thousand times over that our best days were behind us and our health/bodies were not getting any better. I have laid in fear and disappointment night after night feeling like I was closer to the end than any sort of beginning. And that the things we did and saw in the last 11 years were about all we would see. But God!! John went on to say a few more beautiful and confirming things over us and we can’t thank him enough for how submitted he is to the Holy Spirit and to the Kingdom work The Lord has called he and his wife to. I have no doubt a lot of the spiritual uptick we are seeing in the world today (revivals, movements, outpourings, etc.) are an overflow from things that were birthed in his shop. If you are ever in PCB, you have to stop by and see all the Lord is doing. May He continue to be magnified on the earth through his devoted followers!!

Spring 2023
Pic #7 – Thank you Wendi Rowan Sandefur It was an honor to pray with you! Can’t wait to visit the ‘Tabernacle’
From Wendi:
‘Went to Mr. Surf’s Surf Shop this afternoon to receive a super natural miraculous healing prayer from this divine Man Of God. The Holy Spirit just flows through him and his shop. Thank you so much John and Hunter for taking time out of your day to pray with me. May The Lord continue to Bless you and your ministry’

Spring 2023
I’ve been in awe this past week, as I’ve seen and been so humbly used by the Lord in the most amazing ways. It would take at least a week to write all the testimonials that have occurred. For now, I’ll share the one of the picture of the four girls standing with me in the Courtyard:
A week ago, a group of girls on college Spring Break came to the shop – there were actually a total of seven- three had already left thus only four in the picture.
Day one – last Sunday I met them, asked where they were from, did they just get into town (yes) and thanked them for coming to eat at Finn’s. Little did I know that Holy Spirit had a tremendous plan set up for every single one of them!
After eating their breakfast, four girls wandered over to the shop and again we chatted. This time Holy Spirit spoke to minister to them which I did. He (Holy Spirit) gave me ‘words of knowledge’ about each one – ie what they did, what they’re talents were, what was going on in their lives, and even information about their futures (prophecy). They were totally blown away because I had never met them and everything Holy Spirit told me to say was spot on! Btw – I was totally blown away also as I always am!
We prayed together in the middle of the Surf Shop and the power of God fell on us.
I believe for certain it was the first time that the girls encountered the Lord in such a way by their reactions. They all said that they were surely coming back, and coming back every day which they just about did the rest of the week! I watched them leave and tell their other friends about what had just happened. Again little did I know what God was up to.
Next morning I awoke and was getting ready to head out to the shop, and I saw a group of kids on Spring Break renting a house across the street from ours. I grabbed a business card and walked over to invite them and tell them about Finn’s Barista Bar. As I approached them they said, ‘Hey John it’s us! You prayed over us yesterday and we were just getting ready to head over to have açaí bowls. No coincidence – a GODINCIDENCE – because the story gets WAY BETTER!
The girls continued to come in each day and I would greet them. However, I sensed that the Lord had put them directly across the street from our house. I mentioned that to them and they all agreed it wasn’t a coincidence. We talked about that – no such thing as Coincidences only GODINCIDENCES, and it opened the door to minister to them each day. On the third day as I was doing my quiet time devotion with the Lord, the Lord spoke saying, ‘John, they know about Me, they have been taught religion not relationship, however they don’t know Me. I (God) desire to baptize them in my Spirit (Baptism of Holy Spirit and fire ) I want you to disciple them and teach them about the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire and ask them if they want to receive it. Well me, I was hesitant at first and the next day I saw a few of them we just talked, but deep inside Holy Spirit was really knocking on me because I didn’t follow through.
The next morning again in my quiet time, the Lord spoke and said the same thing only this time it was much stronger! He also gave me specific instructions about one girl and another to directly tell them how they were brought up and what they were struggling with. When I would do that the whole group would know that it was the Lord because I didn’t know anything about these girls.
I knew they were leaving soon, so I didn’t know if I’d get a chance to see them all together one last time.
As I left the house and walked into the shop, there they all were – I knew what I had to do. They were all sitting at a table and I asked if I could sit and chat. They said yes and were excited, like they were expecting something. I asked if they had some time because the Lord had asked me to share some things with them. They said yes. I immediately pointed out the two girls who the Lord had told me about and let them know what HE said. All the girls were blown away and one in particular began to cry. I spent about over an hour time with them sharing scripture, showing exactly where, what and why the God was Three in One (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) Fire – Water – Wind We all went deep into the Word, some had questions, they all were like dry sponges soaking up every word. It was absolutely beautiful.
I told them that the Lord had been on me the last couple days and said that one if not all of them would receive His baptism of Holy Spirit and Fire. Which btw – it was the first time it was revealed / taught to them.
When I was done I said that I had to go work, but at anytime they wanted I would pray for each of them. And one by one they began to come over to the Surf Shop side and I prayed with them on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, Talit and oil.
One a Hebrew/ Jewish girl gave her life to Jesus Christ and received the baptism of Holy Spirit.
Four more received the baptism of Holy Spirit
Two desired to receive their prayer language (Pray in Tounges) and boy was it POWERFUL!
All I can say is Wow just WOW!
GOD is the Most Amazing Father!
I absolutely love my Papa God – that’s what I call Him.
Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. The end times are here people. Look around – we’re in it!
Are you ready for our King?!
He loves you and desires a personal relationship. It cost you nothing but cost Him everything to open the door that no man can open and no man can close. Get in NOW before it’s too late. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and Life!

Spring Break 2022

2023 Summer

June 6th 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

July 2023

July 2023

August 5th, 2023
This is Church without walls
This is Marketplace Ministry
This is the EKKLESIA
To say today before we opened our doors until closing was ABSOLUTELY AWESOME would be an understatement.
Testimony after testimony of powerful Divine Appointment after another.
I will try to post a few over the next few days but I’m SO pooped and SO ready to take a rest.
I want to give a HUGE shout out and THANK YOU to Aaron Michaels and Megan Hobbs for making this day so special. Please support their ministry and music by requesting your local Christian radio stations to play his two top songs ‘Trust’ & ‘Faith Over Fear’. They are on the top music charts in Tulsa Oklahoma.
I want to thank everyone who came out for fellowship and worship – totally amazing time. The whole time we were inside the shop, Holy Spirit moved mightily as a storm raged outside the entire time! It was very unusual but prophetic. Y’all have an absolutely beautiful night and we’ll let you know when our next Special Event is coming up.

Summer 2023
Holy Spirit led two men to exactly where I had set up my morning Altar unto the Lord to Declare & Decree and Pray and sound the shofar! How I know it was absolutely a GODINCIDENCE not a coincidence is that all morning I was contemplating on either going to the county or city pier down at Pier Park. HOWEVER, for some reason I ended up at the St. Park. As I was praying early morning (only ones there that early) these two men walked up to look at the beach. They said they would only be a minute and apologized for interrupting me but I said it was okay and actually knew Holy Spirit brought them here. I was still and waited for Holy Spirit to move. The Chad (the one I’m praying for) said, ‘Excuse me but if you don’t ask mind me asking, what are you doing?’ It opened up sharing the deeper things of God and scripture with the two of them, almost all of which they had heard a little but hadn’t understood the depth of it all. I then began to prophesy over Chad and his friend (Trey) got chill bumps as Chad began to tear up and Holy Spirit embraced us all. Chad used to be in a worship band and had drifted away from his walk and calling / destiny. He has had a pretty rough road since then – but God! Today was his day to renew his commitment and come into agreement with the call on his life as I covered him with the Talit, anointed him with oil (our sandals removed) and the Lord had me release a powerful word over him. I’ve been keeping in touch with both of them as they live just north of PCB.

Summer 2023
The picture of lady with the gray dress had many health issues caused by a couple car accidents. She had complete nerve damage to her left leg, dragged her foot, no feeling in it and severe pain to her hip, plus several other injuries and issues to her body. We prayed and Jesus Christ of Nazareth completely healed her!

Summer 2023
Husband and wife came in the shop to meet me. The wife wanted to pray with me for healing her ear because she didn’t know what was causing her to lose hearing and the physicians didn’t know the cause. So we went to the Surfboard Prayer Bench removed our sandals and I covered them both with the Talit and anointed them with oil. It was so powerful that (see pic) the wife was out for awhile. And YES – Jesus Christ healed her. It’s just as amazing each time we see the power of Holy Spirit move – NEVER GETS OLD! Halleluiah all praise, honor and glory to our King Jesus!

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023
These ladies of King Jesus came in to shop. They were here for a Girls getaway and all went to a church I well know. We started conversations about their Pastor – a very Godly man, and I told them I had read one of his books which really helped me in completely trusting God and His Kingdom / Ekklesia. As we spoke I asked if we could all pray. They said certainly and we formed a circle in the middle of the shop and began to pray. The power and presence of Holy Spirit fell on us and I began to prophesy over each one as the Lord gave me the words to speak. You could have filled a bucket with the tears as they wept and wept and Holy Spirit edified and healed each one, especially emotionally.. We all went outside afterwards and took this picture. Life is SO ABSOLUTELY radically amazing when living for Jesus!

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023

Summer 2023
As most often happens, when I step into the shop unexpectedly, the unexpected happens. – Testimony:
This is ‘Tamika’ and ‘Donna’. I went down to the shop to drop off a board and grab the mail. The shop was closed. I saw a car pull up and these two girls got out and approached the door. Deep within me I sensed Holy Spirit brought them, however, I didn’t obey Holy Spirit’s unction at first because it had been a long day and I was tired. Well, it wasn’t to be so!
I opened the door and told them that we were closed for the day. They said that they had come to rent some kayaks for a couple hours and asked where they could go. To make a long story short, I recommended the St. Park because it was already late afternoon / evening. They thanked me and left. I locked up and began to walk away and Holy Spirit just about yelled at me ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!’ I brought them here and I need to do a work in them. Literally, I ran back outside and as they were turning around in their car and just about to pull off onto Thomas Drive, I ran up to the window and knocked surprising them. They rolled down the window and I said, ‘I can’t let y’all leave. The Lord brought you here! One of you or maybe both of you needs prayer. I don’t know why or what’s going on but you do.’ They both were stunned to say the least. However, they looked at each other, and with that certain look and I knew it was true. Donna began to tear up. I said we need to go back in to the shop and pray. It’s Holy ground and the Lord has a work to do in you and that’s why He brought you here! They both not only agreed, but were so adamant that they turned around abruptly and immediately! We all went to the Surfboard Prayer Bench, removed our shoes, and I covered them with the Talit and anointed them with oil explaining everything to them as I did. The presence of Holy Spirit was so powerful, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife! As I prayed and prophesied over them both they wept and wept and wept as Holy Spirit’s healing power came upon them, particularly Donna, setting them free from fear, depression, anxiety and much more. I could literally sense the chains being broken off her one by one as she wept and wept. The Lord had me speak specific words for things that she had held onto that caused much pain, hurt, and rejection. It was absolutely beautiful and powerful at the same time. She said afterwards that she felt so much lighter and free! The Lord had me prophesy over them both and speak into their destiny. Not only were they set free, they received baptism of Holy Spirit, something they knew nothing about. They both thanked me and asked if they could give me a hug. We hugged and took this photo. Just look at the joy in their faces! God never ceases to amaze me and it’s only by His grace am I so humbled and honored to have these Divine encounters everyday. I love love love doing this work with the Lord.
Philippians 1:21 (AMP)
For to me, to live is Christ [He is my source of joy, my reason to live] and to die is gain [for I will be with Him in eternity].

Summer 2023
The picture of mom (Lanna) and daughter (Sam) are special. I’ve known them for about a year and we were connected through my friends the ‘Bullocks’ in Warrior Alabama. They are both anointed and have strong callings on their lives. I’m so humbled and honored to have them as Prayer Warriors who cover us and our business / ministry with prayer. They came to visit for Labor Day weekend. Not only did the Lord have a word for both of them, but Lanna received healing in her body. The radical thing is this: I felt impressed by Holy Spirit to stand and pray and release a declaration and decree over ‘Sam’ who’s a sought out volleyball player about to go into college. God will use her in sports as a mighty ambassador and spiritual leader. The Lord set a new ranking upon her as He gave me the words to prophecy. What’s crazy is that she didn’t say anything to her mom or me, but she knew she had to come to the shop this weekend and that I would pray over her just as how it happened! She had the vision of everything that went down the day before! God is absolutely amazing! Please be praying for them as the Lord is leading them both on new paths, and Sam is desiring to follow the Lord as to what college to go to. She wants to be sure it’s the Lord’s choice not hers. I believe she’ll have no problem because this girl is on FIRE! for Jesus! Immediately afterwards –
A man came in asking for prayer. I had no idea what was about to happen. As I prayed, the man’s hands began to twist up – that’s when I knew! He needed deliverance from a demonic spirit. As we prayed, his body twisted up and he fell forward to the ground. He began to cough up and we began to command the spirit or spirits to come out in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ set him free – it was awesome. What was so special was I grabbed ‘Sam’ who I had just prayed for and prophesied over how the Lord was raising her in ranks to come pray with us not knowing what was about to happen. AND there were A LOT of people in the shop watching all of it – Ekklesia in action! Thank you King Jesus!

Summer 2023
Wow! just WOW Jesus! What a beautifully Holy Spirit day with POWERFUL Divine Encounters all day!
From the very moment I got through with my Livestream first thing this morning, my first appointment was to minister to two teenagers, one in particular, who needed deliverance and an encounter with Holy Spirit because of her situation (it was bad). She was losing faith that there was a God. After all was said and done – IT WAS DONE! Glory Hallelujah! Much more to this but I’ll just leave it at that.
Had several more Appointments for deliverance, healing and restoration and prophesy.
Then three baptisms only expecting one!
Testimony: The Cordova family (see pic) who are new residents here, were sitting on the beach watching as I baptized ‘Dee Anne’ first pic. Mom approached me and said, ‘Are you John from Mr. Surf’s?’ I said yes, and she and her husband ‘Cris’ told me that they were wanting to come meet me. Cris even said it was Divine Intervention because he didn’t really want to go to the beach but went. They said their son ‘Ethen’ had just accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and neither of their sons (twins) Ethen and Aiden hadn’t been baptized in water and they wanted them to be baptized in the Gulf. We’ll here we were and again – IT WAS DONE in the Mighty Most Precious Name of Yeshua Hamashiach – glory Hallelujah!
What’s even more amazing is that when I prayed for the parents, I prophesied over them and the mom said that they were lined up with the scriptures she was reading while at the beach! What a glorious day! Thank you Jesus YOU are so absolutely amazing!

Summer 2023
‘Calvin’ who I met at the beach while doing this morning’s beach report. He greeted me and said he liked my necklace. I asked if he was hungry and would like some breakfast. He was delighted and said yes. Took him across street to Finn’s and got him a breakfast bowl. He said he hadn’t eaten like that in a long time. As we talked, I came to find out he was working construction and fell from scaffolding and crushed his hip. His hip had been replaced with metal and it was causing him severe pain (he was limping really bad) and said his leg was getting smaller and weaker and he could no longer ride his bike. I asked Calvin if I could pray for healing and told him I knew for certain Jesus Christ would heal him.
I grabbed Hunter, a fellow brother I do ministry with (he’s in our inner circle) and we prayed for Calvin’s hip and leg and asked Jesus Christ to heal him and take his pain away. As we did, Calvin shook a couple times like something hit his body. After it was all said and done, Calvin said he felt Hunter’s hand holding his leg while I had my hands on his head and back while praying, and then he felt Hunter’s hand no more. It was different – it was JESUS! Jesus Christ took the pain away and he stood straight up! Hallelujah – we give all praise and glory to our King!

Summer 2023
Rachel and her aunt who came in to shop. Holy Spirit highlighted Rachel and I knew to pray for her. We talked a good bit and the power of Holy Spirit fell and began speak through me as I prophesied over Rachel, and I spoke the words He gave me telling her what and how God was going to move in her life in using her as a leader to help young people of her generation and deliver them from many things keeping them bondage. It was SO powerful! Many customers were watching and listening and couldn’t deny the presence of Holy Spirit in the shop. Both girls wept and wept as Holy Spirit fell on them – so amazing and beautiful. I’m blown away every single time it happens!

Summer 2023
Danielle brought her daughter (Kaitlin) to the shop and asked if I could pray healing for her toothache. However, I knew immediately it was so much more than just a tooth! She was there to be healed physically, emotionally and spiritually. We all went to the Altar – our ‘Surfboard Prayer Bench’ where I spent awhile sharing scriptures about the water baptism and the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16). I go to the Old Testament, as well as, the New Testament explaining clearly – Fire – Water – Wind and how it’s revealed in the Word. Kaitlin sat listening deeply as she had no knowledge of any of it but now it made sense and began to connect all the dots of questions she had deep within her. We prayed for healing and I released the words Holy Spirit had me speak. She was healed and left having a deeper understanding of who she was in Christ. So amazing, beautiful and always overwhelming! However, deep inside I sensed she needed a community of like-minded friends to meet break bread, fellowship with and continue on in discipleship – SO VERY VERY IMPORTANT! Please be praying for Kaitlyn, as well as her mom, ‘Danielle’, who also needs prayers for her and her boyfriend ‘Johnny’ who is in jail and has given his life to the Lord and they both have repented, and are so ready to begin their new life and journey together with Jesus Christ, our Savior and King of kings, Lord of lords. Thank you

Summer 2023

Fall 2023
I was at the register when this young lady came up to check out. I began a conversation with her about Jesus and as I spoke she began to tear up. I said I know why you’re crying, it’s Holy Spirit. I said I don’t know what’s weighing you down but Jesus is here and He’s healing you. Her tears began to pour out more and more, so I took her hands and anointed them and her forehead with oil and began to prophesy the Word over her. She just wept and wept. When it was all said and done, I said there now it’s gone, you’re free. She looked at me and smiled and said thank you. I’ve been missing His presence for awhile now. I really needed this. She then told me that she was working with YWAM (Youth with a Mission) in Hawaii and moved back to Indianapolis and the hustle and bustle and grind of living life in the city had drained her from His (Christ’s) fullness. She said she hadn’t felt like this since she was in Hawaii working with YWAM. I told her that her lamp was refreshed and full of oil, now go take it back to the city and keep it filled. We hugged, took this picture. She’ll be coming back, and I’m sure that Mommy Surf and I will be going to visit her and her friends in Indianapolis because she is going to work with a Kingdom Business and Ministry Hub that serves their area.

Fall 2023
Just at about the time we said goodbye, this young couple (boyfriend and girlfriend – both wrestled in school and that’s how they met each other) came in and we talked about Jesus. I shared some deep prophetic truths with them. We spent at least :45 minutes or so. Then the young girl said that I had prayed with her and her friends and her brother on the Surfboard Prayer Bench with the Talit and anointed them oil last year. She said she got baptized in the Holy Spirit and that she prays in Tounges – it happens when she’s in church! I could tell her boyfriend didn’t really know what that all meant, so again we sat and I went through scripture showing him what it meant and why it was so powerful. He said, “Wow!’ because it made sense and now understood it – the pieces of the puzzle put together. Then his girlfriend said her brother was better. She said he had severe depression when I prayed for Him and Jesus set him free. He was doing great and had an incredible job making really good money. I didn’t even remember all this but I am SO GRATEFUL the Lord sends me reminders like this to keep me going. It gets tough at times and there are times that I wonder, ‘Lord am I really doing what I’m supposed to do and am I truly making a difference?’ He sends me small encounters like this to remind me and to keep running the race and fighting the good fight for His glory and His Kingdom.

Fall 2023
We have a Surfboard Bench ‘Altar’ unto the Lord that my wife and I have set up in our Surf Shop. We have literally prayed for thousands of people on this Surfboard Prayer Bench for more than a decade. We’ve seen AND continue to see the Almighty Power of God displayed in many ways while customers, many unchurched, watch in amazement and know without a doubt it’s real. Healings and Deliverance, Baptism in Holy Spirit and fire (receiving their prayer language speaking in toungues, and more) Yesterday was a day full on with powerful Divine Appointments as I prayed for people nonstop while in the shop. In one instance, as I ministered to a young couple (the wife was pregnant with their first child) the Lord had me release a strong prophetic word over the baby. As I did the presence of Holy Spirit was so powerful, the shop filled up with customers. The young mother was weeping. There was another young couple watching and began weeping. They waited and asked if I could pray for them. They had a child. Again as I prayed with them, Holy Spirit delivered them from fear, anxiety and depression – powerful – and they both looked so much better. They hugged me and said that they felt all this weight lifted from them and felt free! Many people say that they are led here, as was the case, later on that afternoon with another Holy Spirit encounter. This goes on and on each day we’re open, except Mondays when we’re closed for our Sabbath. All I can say is I never know what to expect except the unexpected. And, I don’t hold onto any plans for each day because I know for certain it’s the Lord directing my steps and I let Holy Spirit lead as He wills.

Fall 2023
Thank you Angela Murphy – it’s messages like yours that keep my wife and I running our race FULL ON!
From Angela;
“I’ve sat on that altar, was anointed and prayed over by Daddy Surf and another pastor that just happened to be in the shop that day.
I was also baptized by Daddy Surf right there on the Gulf.
An experience I’ll NEVER forget!!!!
What John is doing at his shop right there on the Gulf in PCB is nothing less than magical.
He’s definitely doing the Lords work!
If in PCB, stop in his shop and feel the love of the Lord working through him.”
I remember when my mentor and spiritual father ‘Pastor Kent Mattox’ told me that the Surfboard Prayer Bench was a ‘Touching Point’. I hadn’t heard of that, and he showed me in scripture references and explained them to me. The Lord had spoken to me about a dear friend (Scott Stansfield) who went to Pastor Kent’s church in Oxford Alabama (Word Alive International Outreach) The Lord spoke to me and said to travel there with the bench and to pray for Scott exactly how I pray for people here in the shop every day. It was absolutely amazing and supernatural what happened all that day (a Sunday) and I must have prayed for fifty or so people.
What I’m saying it’s not the bench – it’s Jesus Christ and nobody or nothing else to be credited. However, the Lord uses it and us as a vehicle to do His work AND we make sure He (Jesus Christ) receives all the glory.
I’ve seen skin diseases clear up right in front of my eyes, a foot grow back, swelling limbs return to normal, severe pain leave bodies, so many baptisms in the Holy Spirit and fire with people receiving their prayer languages, demons cast out and so much more. What makes this so unique is it’s done right smack dab in the middle of business hours while customers see it and know it’s real. It’s called ‘Marketplace Ministry’ in fullness and by the grace of God my wife and I are so humbled and honored to steward it.
We are in a transition right now and need Divine guidance from the Lord and Him alone because we want to be certain it’s His perfect will for us. With that said, I ask all of you who we love and know so dearly to please pray for us as we write the vision for 5784 and beyond. Thank y’all so very much!

Fall 2023

Fall 2023
Testimony – Titled ‘You Can’t Hide ANYTHING from the Lord !’
This is Maria (mom) & Anna (daughter ) from Tennessee. Not a doubt that Holy Spirit led them here. They even admitted it and acknowledged what happened, that they felt they had to come to the Surf Shop. And was it a coincidence that I just happened to be standing near the register when they were checking out? Certainly not – a GODINCIDENCE !
I introduced myself and said hello. Holy Spirit let me know without a doubt they needed prayer, so I simply asked them if they needed prayer for anything. They both smiled and said thank you but no. I just bluntly said, ‘No, you’re not telling me the truth! You can’t hide anything from the Lord!’ The moment I said it – WATERFALL! They both began crying , I mean CRYING! I said follow me and led them to our Surfboard Prayer bench where we removed our shoes – they were hesitant because they had just finished running but did. I covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil. As Holy Spirit led me in my words, the healing came to whatever was weighing them down . Actually, he showed me much of their pain, particularly, in Anna the daughter. Together they must have used a half a box of tissues. And YES the Lord healed whatever was on them and released them from the weight – complete freedom in Christ Jesus! You can still see that their eyes are still red and swollen from all the crying – Glory Hallelujah to our King! He is SO faithful and delivers every single day ! Please keep them in your prayers as they go back home.

Fall 2023
Powerful Testimony: We have a small place just north in Vernon less than an hour away from the shop. It’s our ‘Quiet Place’ where Mommy Surf and I like to go to get away from all the hustle and bustle of the beach. However, yesterday evening, Mommy Surf spontaneously said, ‘Hey, let’s go up to Bonifay – 12 miles north of Vernon – and check out the Rodeo (NW Florida Rodeo Championships) We have never been to one before so we didn’t know what to expect. WOW it was an eye opener! There were literally thousands of people there. And what’s more amazing is how the Lord revealed to me the huge and somewhat different (from the beach) harvest of folks who were in need of Jesus Christ in SO many ways. The Lord kept showing me in the spirit person upon person needing salvation, and SO many people needing deliverance and healing physically, emotionally and spiritually. It was a significant time for me and then this: The Lord put me right next to a young man in a walker. He came up with his kids and brother. They were from Defuniak Springs. He looked like he was in severe pain and I mean severe! I went over to him and asked if he was okay. He said that they had to park a long ways away so he had to walk a long distance. He had a major hip replacement. I could see that there was much more going on with his health. He was in pretty bad condition. I immediately asked if I could pray with him and ask Jesus to remove his pain. He looked at me for a moment then said yes thank you. He said that he believed in Jesus and that the Bible says that we could be healed when we pray. I told him that I believed in everything scripture said and that what ‘is written’ in the Bible is that Jesus bore our sins, has set us free, and it was by His stripes that we ARE HEALED! Not ‘could be’ – It’s absolute Truth! I looked him straight in the eyes and adamantly said, Do you believe! – Jesus asked ‘Do you believe!’ So I’m speaking in the name of Jesus Christ – ‘DO YOU BELIEVE!’ He was kinda taken back but it totally changed his demeanor and said, ‘YES!’ I said I have some oil with me and we’re going to hold hands and I’m going to put my hands on the back of your neck and command your pain to leave in His Name Jesus Christ and it will leave. I had noticed people all around me were watching but didn’t know if they could hear all we were saying. I began to pray, anointing him with oil from his head to his legs. I knew immediately that the power of Holy Spirit came upon him because of his posture as he sat in his walker. He went limp. He looked at me with glassy eyes stood up and said wow I actually feel better. Wow my pain is gone! Hallelujah – thank you to our Lord and Savior and King Jesus Christ! He thanked me for taking the time to pray for him. I said it’s what I do and then told him who we (Mommy and Daddy Surf) were. His eyes popped wide open and he said that’s crazy, I used to surf all the time when I was younger and I bought surfboards from Mr Surf’s! I miss it! He and his brother surfed like crazy when they were younger. We talked for quite awhile while Lib and his kids and brother watched the rodeo. He’s got three beautiful and amazing kids and is bringing them up by himself. I not only actually prayed over him but also prophesied and told him that the Lord was so pleased with him because he was doing such a great work with his family, I had no idea he had kids. I’m telling you his kids were very well mannered – GOOD kids. Actually, when he introduced them to Lib and I, they all hugged us and his little one thanked me for praying for her daddy. I invited him and his kids to come to our shop. I wanted treat them to breakfast/ lunch then let them use some surfboards while they are at the beach. They all got excited! His brother took this picture. We all said our goodbyes and I know for certain we’ll be seeing them again soon! What an amazing night! Our God is so faithful and GOOD!

Fall 2023
So yesterday my wife (Mommy Surf ) and I (Daddy Surf ) came into the shop very early to organize inventory. I NEVER come in with her early, but she asked if I could help get some of the inventory out because it would be a busy day. I usually go right into my ‘Quiet Time’ with the Lord with a cup of coffee and Bible and notebook. However, this morning the Lord had other plans. As we worked, nobody was there yet, the moment the coffee shop opened two young ladies came in. I saw them, and just for a moment I sensed Holy Spirit had brought them in but brushed it off as we continued to work on the Surf Shop side – our door / entrance to the shop was closed. I went to the back of the shop to store a skimboard and accidentally (a GODINCIDENCE) left the gate open. When I came back in Fi (Coffee Shop manager) said someone had gone in to the shop. When I looked in these two young ladies (Maria – in pink & Julie) were waiting and my wife said they needed prayer. So much happened and I’ll try to make this as short as possible.
Julie said they got up early to walk and they felt led (it was Holy Spirit) to walk by the shop. They saw our sign which says ‘COME IN 4 PRAYER’. They needed prayers. Mommy Surf was going to leave but Holy Spirit very strongly impressed upon her heart to stay. We sat them both at the Surfboard Prayer bench, we all removed our sandals, we covered them with the Talit and anointed them with oil. The presence of Holy Spirit was so heavy and the temperature went up! They both needed so much healing and wept and wept and wept as Holy Spirit touched them both filling their empty and dry out cups. What’s even more remarkable is when we were all praying, the words Holy Spirit had me speak over them both, all of a sudden came out overhead on a song playing on our sound system! They were both absolutely amazed and started laughing – it was so beautiful – CONFIRMATION!
When we were done, they both started to head out but my wife came up to me and said, ‘Holy Spirit just told me that Maria needs to surrender her life to Christ’. I thought that they both knew Jesus because Julie talked about how she had surrendered her life to Christ but had drifted from her walk and was feeling convicted. (That’s another part of this story), so I I went over to Maria and asked her if she knew Jesus? She said no and didn’t know what that meant. I said do you want to surrender your life to Him – she immediately and ADAMANTLY said YES! YES! YES! Again, we all sat at the Prayer Bench and Julie surrendered her life to the Lord and was baptized in the Holy Spirit! I explained everything to her and showed her in scripture everything I explained. We also gave them very nice Bibles (part of our ministry) signing them and writing out an outline where to begin – very important. I told Maria if she wanted to she could come back later and we would be honored to baptize her in the Gulf. Her eyes popped wide open and she blurted out, ‘I want to do it now!’ – so it was done! However, the story doesn’t end here. There was an older gentleman, (a prophet of the Lord) with a long white beard btw, sitting all by himself on the beach in a chair – keep in mind this is very early in the morning – watching us. He approached us afterwards and prayed and prophesied over Maria – so powerful. He told me that Holy Spirit spoke to him and said he was to stay there and that the Lord was going to send someone down for him to pray over! You can’t make this stuff up!

Fall 2023

Fall 2023
This is Jim and Sandy from Tennessee. They just happened to come in the shop as I popped in to get something – NOT! Actually, Jim literally said that the Lord had him turn his car around to come to the shop – Holy Spirit for sure!
I met Jim at the register as I walked in and I don’t know exactly how we got into a conversation about Jesus – Holy Spirit did- but I discovered his twin brother has cancer. I immediately knew that the Lord had brought him in not only to pray, but for an impartation as well. His wife (Sandy) said that they knew what I did because they had been in the shop several times before (they visit PCB often) and had watched me praying with people at the Surfboard Prayer bench, with my Talit before. I began to go directly to the deeper things in scripture, particularly, what Jesus Christ did when ALL were healed who came to him. As I spoke both Jim and Sandy began to tear up as Holy Spirit came upon them, so I immediately took them to the Prayer Bench, covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil. Both were weeping and weeping as we brought all their requests to the Altar, and Holy Spirit guided my words – so beautiful and powerful. Again, Jim said without a doubt the Lord had him turn his car around and come to the shop because it was just what they needed and the Lord knew it!

Winter 2023

Winter 2023

Winter 2023

Winter 2023

Winter 2023

Winter 2023

Winter 2023

Winter 2023


Winter 2024

Winter 2023

Winter 2023

Winter 2023

New Year's Eve 2023

Winter 2024

Winter 2023

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Winter 2024
Waves of Thunder
& Glory
poured down and filled the Surf Shop this morning as my wife and I met with a group of women (mostly all Kingdom Business owners) to fellowship and pray. However, it all began when a mother brought in her young daughter to be prayed over. She told me that the Lord told her to go to the Surf Shop and have us pray
over her. She was baptized in the Holy Spirit! As I was finishing up praying with the mother and daughter, the group of ladies came in and God moved mightily! You had to be there to really know what it was like. Healings and prophetic words. Plus, it was no coincidence – a GODINCIDENCE that a very dear and powerful sister warrior in Christ came in just at the right time to assist us in praying. I know it was God because I haven’t seen her in quite awhile – I believe more than a year ago! Mommy Surf
connected with some new friends who also are surfers
We all plan to get together regularly. God is making Kingdom connections!

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Spring Break 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2024
Another family coming into the shop and to receive the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire! When the power from above came upon them, they all began to weep and weep and almost used a whole box of tissue, Afterwards we all went out into the COURTYRAD where we have a baptismal ALWAYS ready to fill with water. We filled it and they all were baptized in water right afterwards! God is advancing His kingdom on earth! Glory Halleluiah – we give all the praise and honor to our Lord and Savior King Jesus!

Spring 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2024

Spring Break 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2024
WOW – Revival is in the atmosphere! Folks coming in from all over our community, state and nation receiving baptisms in water and Holy Spirit and fire, healings with signs miracles and wonders! All in the Mighty Name of Yashua Hamashiach. We thank all of you for your continued prayers and support as God moves mightily!

Spring 2024
Holy Spirit led me to a young lady under a sponsor tent. I knew the Lord wanted her to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. She was a believer in Jesus Christ, but didn’t know about it. I explained and went to scripture to show her what it was, why it was powerful and so forth. I covered her with my Talit, anointed her with oil and prayed. Power of Holy Spirit came upon her. She was overwhelmed and said her whole body was sweating (it was cool under the tent) and her eyes became glazed and watery. I said that’s it! Get ready everything is about to go to a whole new level. People all around us were watching us.

Spring 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2024
This is Chase & Shelby expecting ‘Lila May’ their daughter soon to be. They tried to have a baby for more three years. The Lord led them to the surf shop late last summer. We met and I asked them if I could pray with them. I sat them on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, we removed our shoes, I covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil and we prayed. I declared the Word of Life into her womb in the name of Yashua. I remember it well. Holy Spirit came upon them. Shelby found out four months later, she was pregnant! She is about to have her baby! God is So Absolutely Good!

Spring Break 2022

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Spring Break 2022

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Spring Break 2022

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Spring Break 2022

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Spring Break 2022

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.