Eye Witness Accounts Of Jesus Changing Lives

Winter 2023

Good evening Everyone, hope all is well with y’all and that you’re having a wonderfully blessed 😇 weekend. So much going on at Mr. Surfs Surf Shop
First off, we had surf all day and although weather and water are somewhat chilly 🥶 lots of surfers and skimmers out on the beach. No surfable waves tomorrow but I believe there’ll be small skim. On another note – wow, Wow 😯 WOW 😮! What a radical couple days it has been. So, if you want to read on, read on as I share some powerful Testimonies from the Surf Shop. However, there’s so many piling up, I’ll try to post as many as I can but it may take some time. This is a few but be a bit long, but a well worth read:
Pic 1 & 2 is our dear friends Ray and Alexa Carsella from Miami Florida. I’ve known them for several years. They are here to help folks affected by the Tornado – spirit filled Christians and prophetic. Alexa brought Ray in to encounter Holy Spirit for the first time and to be baptized at the shop several years ago. He was our FIRST baptism out in the Courtyard and still reads daily from the Bible I gave him that day!
Now on to the Testimonies –
1. As I walked into the shop, I recognized a mom and her daughters who were with their grandmother. I had prayed over the mom and daughters in the past but couldn’t quite remember when. However, along with recognizing them, Holy Spirit immediately impressed they needed prayer for something, but I didn’t hear a clear word from the Lord about what it was. As I was talking with Alexa and Ray, I stopped for a minute and walked over to greet them as they were sitting eating and drinking coffee. We all said hello, then I told them Holy Spirit impressed me I needed to pray for them for something. They immediately knew what it was – Healing for grandma (a skin disease) and family prayer because a granddaughter was getting married. We all went over to the Surfboard Prayer Bench, removed our shoes, and I covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil all as a prophetic act to honor the Lord ( just how Papa God has me pray most of the time although I don’t have to). However, it was more than that – it opened the opportunity to share the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire in fullness according to scripture (Matthew 3:11) To make a long story short what the Lord brought them in for was done! They both thanked me so much for taking the time and it brought them both to a whole new level in their faith and understanding the Word.
2. As I returned to meet with my friends Alexa and Ray, we watched some folks come in. They were Elders of Jehovah Witness. I immediately recognized them because I knew who they were and had seen them elsewhere before. Now Alexa and Ray are spirit filled and prophetic, and I said, ‘Watch closely – Holy Spirit has brought them in to minister to them. I don’t have to do a thing. We just smiled and watched and could see they knew something was different in the atmosphere as they walked around. They sat and drank coffee while Holy Spirit did whatever He was doing (ministering to them). I see this happen quite often with many people who come here. It’s the most beautifully wonderful thing to observe. This place is truly Holy ground and territory.
3. After talking with my friends, I walked over to the surf shop side and three girls from FSU who are here with their sorority sisters (business majors) came in. I greeted them and asked them what their majors were. I asked them if they knew what ‘Ekklisia’ meant and one immediately said ‘Church!’ I said yes you’re partially correct but let me tell you the deeper meaning of when it was first mentioned by Jesus in scripture and what He was saying. They were like sponges and soaked it all in as Holy Spirit spoke through me. One of them began to tear up and I knew Holy Spirit was touching her. I immediately addressed it and said what’s weighing on you. She began to tear up even more and said school and life. I let Holy Spirit give me the words to speak and I said let’s pray for the Lord to lift the weight, break off the burden and give you victory. Her friends were there watching. As I held her hand to pray, the song changed over our sound system and a new song began with the words coming out about ‘breaking off the weight, lifting our burdens and setting us free and about giving us victory! WOW 😮! I said, DO YOU HEAR THAT! DO YOU HEAR THOSE WORDS! That’s God! He’s speaking directly to you through that song! How can that be a Coincidence – it’s GODINCIDENCE! All of us were blown away! The girls all started laughing and rejoicing as we listened to the song. I didn’t need to pray at all. The Lord used the song to sing over her and IMMEDIATELY as she listened, believed what had happened could only be God – she felt instantly free and at peace. God is SO absolutely amazing and good!
I have several more testimonials I’ll share later. This is getting long and I’m tired from pouring out all day. I’m sensing tomorrow is going to be another very busy day for Kingdom Business at the Surf Shop.
Y’all have a wonderful night and be blessed 😇 – I am pooped 🥱Daddy Surf over and out!

Winter 2024

Friday night I went to a special meeting to a small country town just north across the border in Alabama.
Our (Lib and I) spiritual father / mentor and consider our pastor – Kent Mattox at Word Alive International Outreach sent a text asking me if I could attend as representatives of that region (combined counties) met for Rosh Chodesh Shevat and ‘All in Alabama’ – a mission to create Gospel-centered change starting in Alabama and extending to the nations. Since it borders Florida, and we (my wife and I / Mr. Surf’s) our an apostolic outpost, they were going to include Florida and asked me to go so I could represent our state. I got my two brother Warriors in Christ Robin Caton and Mark) to come and we knew it was going to be a special time. We prayed in the spirit almost all the way there – a ninety minute drive away.
Although the venue was small (a small church) and a small group of people from each county, – it was Fire 🔥 🔥🔥! and the meeting was Off Richter Scale Holy Ghost!
Plain and simple – No words can explain. Near the end of the meeting I heard a word from the Lord ‘REVIVAL!’ coming to the little church. Then I felt so overwhelmed by Holy Spirit to go anoint and pray 🙏 over the pastor. I didn’t know how or when to step forward and let the pastor and leaders know what the Holy Spirit revealed, however just then, the guest leader spoke stepped forward and spoke about seeing people coming there from other churches when they got out. It opened the door for me to speak what the Lord showed me, and I immediately went to the front and spoke out what the Lord was revealing to me. I said I had to pray over the pastor ‘Lisa Jenkins’. Lisa Jenkins
I got Robin and we covered her with the Talit, anointed her with oil, and I prayed and prophesied what I was hearing from the Lord. Whoa 😮 – the power of the Lord came down on us and I got HOT 🥵! I began to sweat and the Pastor began to fall to the ground on her face! The Lord had me announce ‘ Get Ready! because the little church would not handle all the people coming. I immediately said ‘Pullbarn!’ Although I wanted to say ‘ Tent!’ Pullbarn is what came out! I said, ‘You’ll need to build a Pullbarn if not two or more!’ When all was said and done I went to the back of the room. I I stood there, a man approached me, tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘You don’t know me but I own a construction company (he’s their sound man and member of the church) but we just built a Pullbarn out in the back!!! I was totally blown away, as well as, the small gathering of people who were there. Don’t you just LOVE ❤️ how God moves!
Get ready people – this is only beginning. Can’t wait to see what Papa God has in store for His sons and daughters.

Winter 2024

Good evening Y’all – hope everyone is having an absolutely amazing Martin Luther King holiday weekend.
We’re CLOSED tomorrow as it is our Sabbath Day. Today was absolutely beautiful and much warmer with plenty sunshine and mild temperatures in low 60s. Just some small waves 🌊 for skimming. Y’all be prepared because forecast shows some very COLD 🥶 weather conditions this week and into the weekend. My wife headed up to our property just north of the beach to prep everything for the hard freeze forecast. We also did the same at the shop and home here on the beach. Pics are from earlier today.
God is really moving mightily and here’s a few more Testimonies from the Surf Shop, as well as, one from the past of a couple who contacted me today giving me an update and sending pictures of their ‘Miracle Baby’ – kinda long but enjoy and be inspired by how good our God is!
#1 A young couple were sitting in the Coffee Shop and Holy Spirit highlighted them to me, but I didn’t hear a word (a Rhema word) so I sat on it and told the Lord if they needed prayer, to send them into the shop and have them walk around. Well now, that’s just what He did. I watched as they walked around and around, went upstairs and then came down and walked towards the front door. I thought they were about to leave, however, they just stopped and stood there. That’s when I knew for certain, they can’t leave. It’s how Holy Spirit works and I know for certain they need prayer for something even if I haven’t heard a word from the Lord. I approached them, I politely introduced myself then straight up told them why they were there – to be prayed for something because the Lord let me know. At first they were taken aback but when I explained everything they knew I was speaking truth. Actually, the young man knew me and had heard about the surf shop. His dad’s picture was on our wall because he bought several surfboards from Mr. Surf’s when he was a kid. To make a long story short, they were newly engaged, and the Lord revealed that He wanted me to pray over them and bless them which I did on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, covering them with the Talit and anointing them with oil. They were definitely touched by Holy Spirit. They don’t go to church often because of school and work. What’s also amazing is I heard Holy Spirit say, ‘children’ when I was praying. I told them what I was hearing from the Lord and then I saw lots of children, a large beautiful family with wonderful Thanksgivings and Christmas’s and so much more in their lives. There eyes got wide and they both had HUGE smiles. They informed me that they were just talking about that together when they were upstairs! It’s what they wanted – God knew their hearts and was confirming it. God is SO absolutely amazing!
#2 A dad came in with his son and his son’s girlfriend. The dad was buying his son a surfboard, and he had a cane. I could see he was definitely in severe pain and had limited mobility. As they were standing at the register, I was drawn to his son and began to minister to him and his girlfriend. She believes Jesus, however, I could tell the son was on the fence. We talked some until I knew to stop. He listened some then lost interest – that was about to change. I then turned to the dad to find out all that was going on with him – LOTS! I won’t go into detail, but I knew I had to pray with him. He had severe pain and limited mobility. He was a strong believer. I also learned he had worked in some places where there was much darkness, so as I prayed for the pain to subside and increase in strength to his body, I commanded anything that was contrary to the Word and or the Kingdom of Light to be bound up and cast out in Jesus Christ Mighty Name and the power of His Blood! Particularly, anything in the past which may have attached to him in the dark places he had worked. I just kept praying and praying while his son and the girlfriend watched, as well as, other customers coming into the shop. It was definitely powerful and nobody could deny the presence of Holy Spirit. We were standing in the middle of the shop. Guess what!? Yep, his pain definitely subsided, he became so much more mobile it was epic! His son saw it, as well as, his girlfriend and everyone in the shop. The man gave me the biggest Bear Hug and even turned around when leaving the shop to hug and thank me again – it was ALL Jesus! He wasn’t completely healed, although I told him to hold on to the word and prayer spoken over him and that I believed he would feel a difference as the days progressed. He believed!
I also know it had a significant impact on his son’s faith.
Now last Testimony:
I received a message from Ryan today –
Hey John it’s Ryan, Kala , and Cole Connor from Nashville Tennessee wanted to check on you sir. I know the storm hit hard there – our thoughts and prayers are with you my friend. Our little miracle ‘Cole’ is getting big
Their pictures are in the post and here’s the the story /
Testimony from a Surf Shop:
Meet Kayla & Ryan & little ‘Coleman Joseph’ they say is their miracle baby.
Last July 2020, Kayla and Ryan were led to the shop by the Lord. I met them and knew the Lord had brought them in. We started talking, and I discovered that they were deeply hurting because they wanted a child and Kayla had two miscarriages. I showed them a book that my friend wrote that might give her peace. I then said I believe that they would have a child and asked if I could pray with them. They said yes, and I took them over to our Prayer Cubby and sat them on the Surfboard Prayer Bench. As I most often do I anointed them with oil and put the Talit around them (Prayer Shawl) and began to pray. Holy Spirit fell on us and they began to weep. As the Lord led me, I began to speak over them and said that they would receive a child before the end of the year. I heard that she would have a baby boy.?Then all of a sudden I heard ‘FEAR!’ I said you’re afraid! You have a spirit of fear over you! I knew it was hindering her from having a child, so in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I commanded it to leave! I rebuked the spirit, it lifted off Kayla, we all felt it – it was powerful and Kayla began weeping. Then right at that exact moment out of all the songs that come on over our music system in the shop the song that came on shouted ‘FEAR doesn’t have a chance when I’m standing in Your Love’ by Bethel! It was SO powerful! And we all rejoiced and thanked Jesus! They returned home and had a procedure to have a child but normally it could be up to a few years before it would work. She got pregnant two months (in September – I said it would be before the end of the year). Here’s their newborn son little ‘Coleman Joseph’ three months old born born late Spring/ early Summer – a perfectly healthy baby boy. God Is Absolutely Good!

Winter 2024

Good early early morning Y’all, pictures are from yesterday evening’s sunset 🌅, and if you look hard enough there’s a dolphin surfacing in one picture. It was so quiet and peaceful – absolutely breathtaking. Looking like we’ll have a bit of warmer weather today. I’ll be heading up to Vernon with Mommy Surf🏄‍♀️ and Robin to do some work on our property. However, before I do so, I’ll head to the beach and do an early morning Beach Report and set up an Altar unto the Lord and continue with Declarations, Decrees and Prayers for Protection over our Waterways as per the assignment put out by Dutch Sheets and our (Mr. Surf’s) apostolic cover WAIO. I’ll be in the shop tomorrow and the weekend. Until then, I’d like to share an awesome Testimony:
Several days ago I received a message from a lady who watches us on Facebook and she requested that we pray 🙏 for her. (See first note below #1)
She was in severe pain, couldn’t sleep well, and could only get around with a walker, and it seemed her condition was getting worse. I told her that I would put her on my prayer list. However, Holy Spirit impressed me to have her send me her number, and I was to call her and put her and her husband on speaker phone and pray over her. She did just that, but again Holy Spirit impressed me to call them from the shop and pray 🙏 because it’s an open straightaway / portal to heaven. So I contacted her to find a time and went to the shop. What happened next – ONLY GOD! As I got her and her husband on the phone, I also got our employee Dorsie Mullen and said that as I prayed scripture over her and what I was hearing from the Lord, Dorsie was there with me and she would be praying in the spirit. I also had the husband get some olive oil and place it on their hands and anoint his wife by placing it on her forehead. As I began to pray, I prayed with AUTHORITY – everyone in the coffee shop next door could hear me. I prayed specific scripture related to how Jesus bore our sins and it’s by His stripes we ARE HEALED! Not going to be healed. I began to command her body to come into alignment and pain to leave and counted back from 10 to one. As I did water 💦 came forth out of my eyes, Dorsie was tearing up and the woman who we were praying for began to weep so LOUD! It was like she was in a deep weeping. Because we were on speaker phone, and I was speaking with authority / forcefully, people were watching us and listening from the coffee shop and heard the lady also. Then her husband yelled – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
Mission accomplished – I said it was ALL Jesus and to give Him all the glory. As I looked over to the coffee shop side, I could see the amazement in some people’s eyes and there were a couple that just smiled because they knew what had just happened. Below (note #2) is the message I received yesterday.
Pain almost completely gone – it will be within this week (the Lord let me know), no walker, and sleeping with no problem.
Our God is SO absolutely amazing and good. See y’all shortly at the beach Livestream. Join me and assist me in Prayer 🙏 for our city, state, nation, nations and Israel.
(#1 note) Daddy Surf,
I’d like to request prayer please. My right knee began hurting mid November and I chose to
Ignore it which was a huge mistake because by
limping I’ve caused my lower back and hip to go out and am in severe pain. I cannot get an appointment with my spine specialist until the 30th. Also my husband and and I are being sued by an unscrupulous
restoration company for the third time after two Judges have found in our favor. The stress has been tremendous. Thank you for your faithfulness.
(#2 note – yesterday) I am MUCH better. Slept almost through the night. Pain level is minimal this morning and am able to walk without the walker. Praise God!!! Am still holding on to his promise.

Winter 2024

Good evening everyone. So as I was out in the country up at our property clearing land, my eyes and ears to my heart were open as the Lord revealed things to me in the peaceful wilderness. Lib and I are blessed 😇 to have a place far detached from the hustle and bustle and grind down in PCB and it’s only less than an hour North. It’s God’s country out there and you hear His voice so much clearer.
Today as I was working the property and burning, it’s interesting how the pile of large trees, wood and such needed to be continually fueled to set ablaze at what is the ‘Heart’ of the pile. And, to get the fire to a whole other level, I also hit it with the blower fueling it with air.
It’s an interesting parallel to our walk with the Lord. If we desire to remain ablaze and on fire 🔥 for Jesus Christ, it takes continuous fueling in scripture, prayer, devotion, worship, and fellowship with like-minded believers to keep our heart on FIRE! Just going to church one to three times a week won’t cut it it.
This reminds me of the scripture in Revelation –
“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” Revelation 3:15-16
Although it was cold outside, I got the fire so hot that I could barely get near it.
I guess I’ll apologize now because most always I’m so Hot 🔥 folks don’t understand me. It’s just how the Lord has wired me. However, I’ve found that it
definitely puts the enemy and all of hell to flight 😎! Good night and God bless. Daddy Surf 🏄‍♂️🌊💪⚔️🔥🔥🔥

Winter 2024

Testimony from this morning:
The picture you see is when I baptized ‘Mark’ back in Spring 2022 – you can go through our Testimonies from the Surf Shop Blog page and read the testimony – very powerful! Early this morning as I pulled up to the shop to gather with just a few and core group of friends for Communion and an important Prayer Session, there was a man (I didn’t recognize him) sitting at a table outside all bundled up and freezing in the 27dg weather. I stopped my truck, yelled at him to go into the coffee shop and I’d get him a hot cup of coffee. Come to find out it was Mark! I greeted him and as I got him coffee and some food, asked what he’d been up to? He said he’d been back in jail / prison but was out and was back on the streets. He lost the place down the street where he was living. It was destroyed by the tornado – a lot of homeless people / people having a tough time stay there (see picture). Mark began to cry when he talked with me because he felt ashamed. I adamantly told him to not be ashamed, I understood and I loved him and so did God. Mark is saved (pictured his baptism) but still stuck in the desert. Since we were all meeting up for Communion and prayer, it was no coincidence God brought him here today – a GODINCIDENCE for sure. We were able to pray with and over Mark, and he was delivered from somethings that he picked up since I last saw him – let’s just say – it was radical! Mark felt freedom come and Holy Spirit ministerd to him.
I’m so blown away at how my Lord sets each day up in such a way that He keeps taking me higher and higher and deeper and deeper into who He is and how I get to co-labor with Him in my journey alongside Him here on earth until He calls me home or returns. It’s how He desires it to be with each one of us in our own special way (destiny). What’s so cool about this whole situation is, all we did was love Mark like Jesus would do and it made a world of difference to Mark. AND, you’ll never guess what my morning devotional was about? Yep – Love ❤️ The title verse:
‘We love because He first loved us’.
1 John 4:19 – totally God!
Have an absolutely wonderful night and be blessed 😇 – Daddy Surf 🏄‍♂️
Word for the Day from our spiritual father and pastor:
‘“Jesus said that His Ekklesia would stand amidst the people of the world, leveraging a greater influence of the Kingdom than the enemy could exert through the people he blinds to do his own bidding (See 2 Cor. 4:4) And, when Jesus introduced the Ekklesia, His intention all along was to co-opt an existing secular concept and impregnate it with His Kingdom DNA…so that God’s Kingdom would manifest”. (The Transformation Workbook, p. 106,116)
May each one of our hearts be ignited today in a greater way for the purposes of God and may our minds be renewed in such a way that we consistently walk in the true EMPOWERMENT of Christ, bringing forth God’s Kingdom, on earth as it is in Heaven!
Faithfully, Kent & Beverly Mattox
“Empowered in Christ: Radiating His Presence and Anointing”
Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 (NIV) “Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.”
Focus: Meditate on the transformative power of being anointed in Christ and being empowered to carry His presence into the world, drawing wisdom from 2 Corinthians 1:21-22.
1. Divine Anointing: As believers, we are anointed by God for a purpose. This divine anointing sets us apart, marking us as vessels for His work in the world. What unique thing has God designed for you to specialize and excel in? Where do you see His anointing flowing the most in your life?
2. Sealed with Ownership: God’s seal of ownership (Holy Spirit) signifies that we belong to Him. Understanding our identity in Christ and aligning our lives with God’s design will bring us into a place of empowerment where we can live with great confidence and assurance regarding our sonship, calling, and anointing in Christ.
3. Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: God’s Spirit within us is a powerful deposit, guaranteeing God’s promises. God’s Spirit upon us guarantees the world will be transformed. His divine presence empowers us to navigate life’s challenges, share God’s love, and be Christ’s ambassadors on Earth.
Heavenly Father, thank you for anointing us for Christ’s purposes. May we embrace our identity in Him, recognizing the seal of ownership You have placed upon us. Continue to EMPOWER us through Your Spirit to radiate Christ’s love and light in the world. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Winter 2024

Enjoy the pictures of this evening’s sunset. The surf 🌊 was really coming in strong, so it will definitely be up in the morning but wind 🌬️ will be more onshore.
Thoughts and Word for tonight:
This early morning as I was doing my Quiet Time and Devotion with the Lord, I pressed in deep to try and hear what He is saying for this time and season. I believe we’ll be seeing and experiencing, as well as many others, something significant – exactly what I don’t know but have a hunch. Often when I press in like I did this morning, the Lord usually puts something forth, as He did this morning in my morning reading. I felt impressed to share it – He spoke to me through His Word – scripture:
Micah 4:1-5
The Mountain of the Lord
In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and peoples will stream to it.
Many nations will come and say,
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the Lord Almighty has spoken.
All the nations may walk in the name of their gods, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.
As I read the scripture, verse 1 (In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and peoples will stream to it) resonated strongly in my spirit. I immediately thought ‘Who can ascend the mountain of the Lord?’ I then looked it up / searched for it in scripture and it led me to Psalm 24:
‘The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.
Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place?
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.
They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob.
Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.
Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.
Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty – he is the King of glory.’
Whoa 😮 I hadn’t a clue it was Psalm 24 which parallels 2024 – this year!
This is DEEP, so for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, understand what the Lord is revealing here (dig deep and ask Holy Spirit) A very important message and strategy to navigate what’s coming. He answered my prayer!
God is absolutely amazing and So good.

Winter 2024

Today was an absolutely beautiful sunny 🌞 but somewhat chilly with air temperatures in upper 50s. Very small waves 🌊, water somewhat murky in 50s, and single Red Flag 🚩 (pic #1)
The remaining pictures are of our ‘The Mission’ Holy Spirit led us to follow through with to Seal the Perimeter of our city (PCB) to speak Declarations, Decrees, and Prayers of Divine Protection, Deliverance, and Destruction of ALL evil and ANYTHING contrary to the Word and Kingdom of God! We included the Waterways according to the word given by Dutch Sheets .
As a prophetic act, we gathered five smooth stones, salt, I took my staff, Talits, anointing oil, and Shofars, and anointed the tires of my truck with the oil and drove the entire circumference of PCB to each ‘Gate’ – see pics:
South Gate – Pass; East Gate – Hathaway Bridge; North Gate – Back Bay Brige; West Gate – Inlet Beach Bridge and finished at the PCB City Hall. We threw the stones, put salt in, and struck the the water at each gate prophesying the Declarations,Decrees and Prayers and sounding our shofars. All as a prophetic act to honor the Lord.
We had an extra blessing as we ran into my friend and strong fellow Christian brother Todd who owns Wildlife30A a unique and awesome faith based program for kids. Some of the kids knew me and it was incredible to see them so knowledgeable about the Bible. We all gathered for a pic. What an amazing day – it was a five hour adventure but we’ll worth it – MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Y’all have a wonderful night and be blessed 😇 – see you at the Surf Shop. – Daddy Surf over and out!

Winter 2024

Attention a Call out to ALL Watchmen and Watch-women:
A Sense of Urgency
By Dutch Sheets Give Him :15 1/30/24
Tomorrow (January 31, 2024) is a very important day, one I believe will be used to heal and save our nation. I would love for you to participate. Before I give the details, let me tell you why it is so important.
The Scriptures teach that “righteousness exalts a nation, and the nation is blessed whose God is the Lord” (Proverbs 14:34, Psalm 33:12). Secularists and humanists would have us believe America can be great without God, that our greatness is due to our own abilities, determination, and natural resources. This is foolish pride and deception. Abraham Lincoln clearly understood this when he wrote his March 1863 Proclamation of Prayer:
“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand that preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.”(1)
These sobering words are as relevant today as they were 150 years ago, perhaps more so. America has again lost her way.
Centuries ago, the prophet Jeremiah lamented the fallen condition of Israel. Like America today, they had turned away from the Lord and been overtaken by immorality, compromise, and idolatry. God raised up the prophet, Jeremiah, to confront them, and in the sixth chapter of the book bearing his name, Jeremiah said:
“Everyone’s after the dishonest dollar, little people and big people alike. Prophets and priests and everyone in between twist words and doctor truth. My people are broken—shattered!—and they put on Band-Aids, Saying, ‘It’s not so bad. You’ll be just fine.’ But things are not ‘just fine’! Do you suppose they are embarrassed over this outrage? No, they have no shame. They don’t even know how to blush.”
(Jeremiah 6:13-15 The Message)
I ask you, could not these words be written of America today? Israel did not heed the words of the prophet and repent. So, God issued another message through Jeremiah: “Go stand at the crossroads and look around. Ask for directions to the old road, the tried-and-true road. Then take it” (Jeremiah 6:16, The Message). The Lord was offering them a recovery. Israel ultimately rejected Jeremiah‘s warnings, however, and went into a prolonged season of great judgment.
Just as Israel in Jeremiah’s day, America has lost her way. Having deviated from “the old road,” we are wandering aimlessly in the wilderness of godless humanism and moral relativism. Many of our national leaders are drunk with power and dizzied with deception. They mock God, reject His ways, promote evil, and want a different America than was envisioned by our Founders. Many are working diligently to transform us into a godless nation.
Far too many spiritual leaders have also lost “the old road.” Like a GPS that cannot connect to a satellite, they are now without heaven’s direction. Sold a package of unbiblical ideals, many run toward misdefined goals and are fueled by untamed egos, making the rapid growth of their churches and the size of their congregations the standard for success. They’ve forgotten Christ’s mission statement: preaching the good news to the poor, releasing captives, opening blind eyes, setting free the oppressed, casting out demons, healing the sick, and discipling nations (Luke 4:18; Mark 16:16-18; Matthew 28:19). They do not preach the Cross or welcome the power of Holy Spirit, preferring instead, the “new” road of entertainment, feel-good messages, and the avoidance of moral and cultural issues.
Where has the new road led us? Our schools have no prayer, Scripture reading, or moral standards. Without the stabilizing anchor of truth, our kids wander aimlessly through the maze of moral relativism. Life has been cheapened, morality is mocked, and violence is rampant. Schools allow perverts to groom our children, our education system is a joke, and most of our media are liars. Illegal drugs kill hundreds of thousands, terrorists and traffickers are allowed into our nation at will, and our President and his Head of Homeland Security oppose stopping this. The leader of the free world can’t string two sentences together, and many of our leaders are liars and fools.
Our journey down the path of unbiblical, amoral, and antichrist philosophies has produced these shocking but predictable results. When the slow death began, we had no answers. We had lost our mooring, our moral compass, and our foundation had crumbled. Consequently, we began sinking fast and are now stuck in the mire of a foundationless culture and the quicksand of humanistic, “no absolutes” thinking. Having abandoned the old road, we lost our way and are “flatlining” fast. Please believe me when I say that apart from God‘s supernatural intervention, there is no way out.
How do we find our way back to the old road? It begins with humility and repentance, which brings me to the reason for this post. Wednesday (tomorrow) is A Day of National Repentance, planned and coordinated by Jim Garlow, Founder and CEO of Well Versed, and Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. Last year’s event was the first year of this Day of Repentance and was blessed by the Lord’s presence and favor.
The purpose of the day is carefully guarded: there are no speakers or messages, no introductions or applause, and each prayer of repentance is limited to less than a minute. Last year‘s gathering was attended by many leaders, including a couple of dozen members of Congress. Tony Perkins said of last year‘s day of repentance: “It was one of the most powerful events in DC I’ve been involved in, in 20 years.”
Jim Garlow said, “God showed up.” What more could be said to gauge the success of any gathering? Speaking of those who want to participate, either in person or by Livestream, Garlow said, “Those who have a sense of urgency given to them by the Spirit of God…those who realize exactly where we are as a nation – how far we have fallen, how close we are to going over the cliff to our destruction – these are the people who will be interested in this time of repentance.”
I will be there offering my short but heartfelt prayer of repentance for our nation. Though no seats are left, I encourage you to join us online. To do so, text the word “prayer” to 67742 or go to ,PrayDC.org. The activities will begin tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7:30 AM Eastern Time and finish around 1:30PM.
Pray with me:
Father, America has lost her way. We left the “old road” of truth, and chose a new path for our journey as a nation. We are now so hopelessly lost that there is no way back without Your help. We repent for the pride and fleshly desires that motivated this wrong turn. As President Lincoln said, “We have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we [became] too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.”(2)
Forgive and heal us, we pray. Whatever is required to awaken this nation, please do it. Then send a sweeping revival, an unprecedented outpouring of Your Spirit, one that overwhelms darkness, opens blind eyes by the millions, and turns our nation back to You. You have offered to do this, but we know Your promises are conditional. So we now offer the biblical response required of us: we repent, ask for cleansing, and appeal for the awakening, doing so in the Almighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Our decree:
We decree that the mercies of the Lord are new EVERY morning and that they NEVER come to an end. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Winter 2024

Testimony from the Surf Shop:
Today as I was at the shop, I somewhat recognized a lady with a friend. They were in fellowship and talking about the Lord. They overheard my Livestream as I was praying and speaking about the Lord also as I was doing a Livestream on Instagram. Then the lady said, ‘I know you! You’re the one who prayed for my brother two years ago across the street at Rick Seltzer Park on the beach!’ (See picture – taken two years ago) I haven’t seen her or her brother since. She said her brother lives in Kansas City and that he never forgot that encounter. It totally changed his life.
I remember praying for him and his foot. He could barely walk because of a car accident. I recorded the Divine Encounter on our Blog page on our website.
She said her brother’s foot is still completely healed, and although he still has a rough life at times, Jesus Christ is in his life. I am so overwhelmed and amazed by My King Jesus and SO grateful He sends me confirmations like this one to keep me going. As many of you well know, the road is tough at times, however we must stand and fight to the end!
Here’s the story I wrote in Spring 2002:
Get ready people! The Tsunami 🌊 that’s about to slam the coastline and push in across America will usher in a new thing.
Many will not ride the Wave that the Lord brings in. The Seeker Friendly and Religious ways will no longer work.
The bricks will come down and either erupt into a brand new light of God’s glory exploding with signs, miracles, and wonders or have a form of godliness lacking the power there of.
Even the people will look different. The unexpected will be fiery followers of King Jesus. Going where no one has gone before. Pioneering a new thing and new way for God’s Kingdom here now and the one to come. It will be the least who become the greatest and the greatest who will become the least.
This is Gilbert and his sister Elisha. The Lord sent them my way as Robin and I were praying, anointing and blowing our shofars at Rick Seltzer Park and the beach. Gilbert could barely walk because his foot had been crushed and he was in severe pain. I immediately knew he was a Divine Appointment, and the Holy Spirit led me to him. I not only prayed for his foot, but also prayed into his spirit to ease the pain and suffering that was weighing him down. While I was praying, his sister came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder. Gilbert cried like a baby as Holy Spirit wrecked us all. People were walking by and watching in amazement as we prayed. Gilbert was healed both physically and emotionally and his spirit was lifted to a new high. We all rejoiced!

Winter 2024

Testimony: As I was getting ready to head out to Vernon this morning, I met this couple (Scott & Jenna) here on vacation from Canada. They have a Kingdom business (Special Event Party Rentals) They pray over and anoint all their rentals, particularly the tents – so awesome!
As we were talking, Jenna, told me the Lord sent them here to the Surf Shop. She needed prayer and inquired the Lord on what church they needed to go to. She said our Facebook page came up, and kept coming up. She told the Lord, ‘That’s a Surf Shop not a church.’ She said He responded it’s the church in PCB you need to go to, so they ended up here. We talked and I was the one to pray for her. Confirmation: I wasn’t supposed to be there, I just stopped in for a minute – the Lord knew! We sat at the Surfboard Prayer Bench, removed our shoes, I covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil. Holy Spirit did what He had to – it was powerful 🔥. I’ll be seeing them again. They are here for a few more weeks. Y’all have a wonderful night and be blessed 😇 Please keep us in your prayers 🙏 – ALWAYS needed and SO much appreciated. We love ❤️ y’all – Daddy Surf 🏄‍♂️ over and out!

Winter 2024

Waves 🌊 of Thunder ⚡️& Glory 🔥 poured down and filled the Surf Shop this morning as my wife and I met with a group of women (mostly all Kingdom Business owners) to fellowship and pray. However, it all began when a mother brought in her young daughter to be prayed over. She told me that the Lord told her to go to the Surf Shop and have us pray 🙏 over her. She was baptized in the Holy Spirit! As I was finishing up praying with the mother and daughter, the group of ladies came in and God moved mightily! You had to be there to really know what it was like. Healings and prophetic words. Plus, it was no coincidence – a GODINCIDENCE that a very dear and powerful sister warrior in Christ came in just at the right time to assist us in praying. I know it was God because I haven’t seen her in quite awhile – I believe more than a year ago! Mommy Surf 🏄‍♀️ connected with some new friends who also are surfers 🏄🏄‍♀️ We all plan to get together regularly. God is making Kingdom connections!

Winter 2024

I stopped in the shop on the way back and the Lord had several Divine Appointments waiting for me. The pictures are of Joshua, Nikki and their two daughters Kylie and Maddie. They came to the shop a year ago ( pics are before and after) and I prayed for them and Joshua’s hip at that time. They had to come back and brought their adopted / spiritual parents (Dwight and Lynnae) who I prayed with and blessed 😇
I had them sit at our Surfboard Prayer Bench (Alter) we removed our shoes, covered them with the Talit and anointed them with oil. The power of the Lord came upon us. IT WAS AWESOME! Then I prayed over, blessed and did an impartation on the daughters who are in public High School. I believe Maddie has started a Student Bible Study group. Holy Spirit moved so mightily. You had to be there to really experience what happened.
There’s a move of God that cannot be stopped! He is raising up sons and daughters who will walk in power and authority – a new generation of soldiers who will take back what the locust has devoured. JOIN THE RANKS AND BE READY! Glory Hallelujah- all praise and honor to our Lord and Savior King Jesus.
‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.’
Acts 2:17

Winter 2024

The pic of this couple is ‘Peter and Tiffany’ visiting Visit Panama City Beach VISIT FLORIDA for vacation. They used to live here but now live in Wisconsin. Holy Spirit brought them directly to me for a powerful Divine Appointment. I was actually involved with another Divine Appointment and praying for another lady at the Surfboard Prayer Bench when they came in. It’s NONSTOP the moment we open for business and I come in, so much so, that we’ve hired enough staff this season so my wife and I can specifically be in the shop for the folks the Lord is bringing in. People are coming in for Healing physically, emotionally and spiritually and many being baptized in the Holy Spirit 🌊 and fire 🔥 (Mat. 3:11 & Luke 3:16) What’s crazy is many attend churches like ‘Peter and Tiffany’.
I spent some time teaching / discipling them and going through scripture. I taught them about the prophetic and Kingdom authority. They were totally blown away. I knew Holy Spirit brought them in because as I approached Tiffany and told her so and asked what I could pray for her for, she said she had been in several times and saw me praying with people and just before she came in asked God if I would be able to pray with her – BOOM! – I supernaturally led by Holy Spirit came over to her naturally and asked her if she desired pray – totally a GODINCIDENCE.
I took both of them to the prayer bench, we removed our shoes, I covered them with my Talit, anointed them with oil and began to pray 🙏. The power of God came upon us and they both wept. Tiffany said now I know why you have these boxes of tissues here. The Lord gave me a word for them both, particularly, Peter, and they said that someone else had said the same thing. They desire to open a Kingdom business, which I absolutely believe will happen. I have their email and will keep in touch. This is the EKKLESIA in action and how we as sons and daughters of God should all be living. It’s expanding and I believe expanding rapidly. Don’t miss what God is doing in this hour and season. It’s just going to get better. The enemy is TICKED OFF but he has been defeated. It is Finished! Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah – glory to our King, Lord and Savior Yeshua Hamashiach.

Winter 2024

The Glory of the Lord filled the shop most all morning as people just kept coming in from all areas and phases of life. Most of the time, I just sat back smiling and watching Holy Spirit minister to people, some not even knowing who, why or what they were encountering. At times it was so obvious there was no possible way you could deny it. I myself ministered and prayed with several folks including this young lady who the Lord brought to the shop – here’s why I know and her story:
Felicia is in the military and in a position to have an impact on many lives. She actually is the first woman assigned to where they have stationed her. She was in the coffee shop and asked if I could pray 🙏 with her. I said, ‘Certainly! That’s why we are here.’ She eventually told me she felt led to come here, and almost didn’t come but felt so impelled to come.
I explained that’s what’s called an ‘unction’ (the Spirit of the Lord moving us and leading us). I explained there’s no such thing as coincidence – all things are Godincidences- because He is Sovereign.
She definitely was brought here by the Lord. As I normally do, we went to the Surfboard Prayer Bench, removed our shoes, I covered her with the Talit and anointed her with oil. We talked, I ministered and discipled her because she doesn’t go to church and went over the deeper things in scripture about the baptisms and why and what each one were as a whole, Kingdom authority, the prophetic and so forth – in all, I spent over an hour+ with her. We prayed, the power of God came upon us and He gave me the words to speak over her – WOW! What an assignment the Lord has for this young lady! I gave her my wife’s number so we can keep in touch and she will be coming back. This is just one of a few Divine Encounters that happened today and continue to happen every day we are open for business. This is Marketplace Ministry / Kingdom Business – the Ekklesia in action.

Spring Break 2024

Update on a Testimony I posted a couple weeks ago: Replay of the Testimony – From my right to left – Pastor Jeremy, Jason and Jason’s brother MJ.
Directly after I had a Divine Appointment, not mentioned, Pastor Jeremy came right up to me and said, ‘We are a ‘Divine Appointment! We just drove over six hours / 664 miles to come here to the Surf Shop.’ He then told me he had just preached Sunday about us here at Mr. Surf’s and all and what the Lord is doing. The Pastor specifically brought ‘Jason’ because he has Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. The pastor also told me Jason’s children have a powerful call on their lives and that’s why he believed Jason was being attacked by the enemy. However, Jason would not let anyone pray for him but when he listened to Pastor’s sermon on Sunday, he said, ‘Take me to the Surf Shop!’ They didn’t come yesterday because we’re closed on Mondays. What happened next can only be GOD – period! I took them all to the Surfboard Prayer Bench where I had Jason remove his shoes, covered him with my Talit and anointed him with oil. I had a strong sense something radical was about to happen, and I gave Pastor Jeremy a bag just in case the cancer would come out (it did!) I got Robin to assist me in praying and told pastor and Jason’s brother to come into agreement. I shared some scriptures with Jason so he understood what the Word- absolute Truth – says. I then commanded the cancer to leave his body to get out in the Mighty Name of Yeshua. As I did, people began to come into the shop and coffee shop was full. The temperature around us went up, Jason began to sweat profusely, (I had to wash my Talit that night) bent over, almost came off the bench and began wailing and screaming REAL LOUD. Then he began coughing as Holy Spirit did his work and began to heal him. Everyone in the shop saw it and heard it – there was absolutely no doubt Jesus was there healing Jason.
Then this – I thought it was over, but Jason looked completely worn out, and my head was throbbing – it rarely happens – usually when I’m dealing with dark forces / heavy warfare. Jason was white as a sheet and looked kinda strange. I knew something wasn’t right, so I asked him how he was doing, and he said as he was crying really hard, ‘I’m in so much pain’ so much so he could barely move. I told him and the Pastor we’re not finished. I spoke very slowly and directly to Jason about what I was going to do and what I wanted him to do. Keep in mind now – Holy Spirit is in absolute control of everything so I’m just going by His instructions not mine – this isn’t about me at all. It’s all about Jesus Christ. I told Jason that I was going to count back from ten to zero and I wanted him to close his eyes. And, that Each time he heard me count, I wanted him to watch the light pulsate at each number and as I counted down the pain would subside and dissipate as I got to zero. What happened next – AGAIN – can only be God. I began counting down from ten to one and each time, I said “pain leave now in Jesus Mighty Name!” As I did a song came on over our sound system we never heard before, even the pastor. It was a prophetic song and the words said, ‘I’m relieving the pressure’ ‘I’m relieving the pressure’ over and over. It was the Spirit of the Lord speaking the words over Jason and by the time I got to zero, Jason’s pain was completely gone! The words in the song stopped at the same time! Everyone there heard it and saw it and we were all totally blown away! – wow just WOW!
Now the text I received from Jason last week: Hey there John. . . I am the gentleman with Stage IV Pancreatic cancer from Huntsville, AL that you prayed over one week ago today in your shop. Since then I have had a PET scan and have received the results from my oncologist. The only word that can be described is ‘miraculous’. Six months ago a previous PET scan indicated cancerous activity and growth in my shoulders, hip, lungs, liver and pancreas. Cancerous activity is indicated on PET scans by various colors lighting up on the screen where normal activity will show just various scales of grey. The PET scan that I just received showed no colors, only grey through out my entire body. The only thing that is still left and visible on the PET scan is a lesion on my liver and a tumor on my pancreas. The way the nurse describe this to me is that the cancer is dormant, dying, asleep and that all that is left behind right now is the wreckage of dead/dying cells. The doctors, of course, will not say I am cancer free or in remission but we don’t need them to. We know what has happened, what is happening and what is to come. My fight is not over and I am still in significant pain. Now that the cancer is being held at bay, it is time to go after the source of the pain and I am in prayer that God is illuminating the path into how that will be accomplished. Irregardless of the pain, I am grateful and I am healed. I am no longer looking over my shoulder and counting the days and weeks. . . I am now preparing for the future in years! My family and I will be in Panama City Beach the week of May 6th and we will be visiting your store to say hello and to give you a big hug. During that time I would be happy to share my testimony or be of service anyway I can. Please also feel free to share my message with your Facebook and other social media followers. Obedience is a powerful thing in the kingdom of God. The intersection of my obedience and your obedience ended up in an amazing testimony that still has more miracles in store. Thanks brother and God bless.

Spring 2024

The picture of the young kids standing with me were shopping, and our employee Jen asked me to go talk with them and tell them the story behind our ‘Last Bonfire’ T-shirt as they were looking at buying it.
To make a long story short, they’re visiting PCB from a very small town in Tennessee and go to a church that’s basically boxed up in religion. The church doesn’t let the Holy Spirit free like, so many churches do, – ‘dry bones’ restricting the power of God to move freely among the people. I must have spent two hours + with them talking about the Lord, sharing testimonies, scripture and teaching them about the prophetic. They would ask questions, and I’d correlate everything with scripture in Old and New Testament. They said they never really had the Old Testament shared with them and when I showed them that the Old Testament concealed the New Testament and the New Testament revealed the Old Testament and showed them how they were actually parallel and complemented each other, they were totally blown away. They’re here for the week and asked if they could come back and learn more. I said, ‘Certainly YES!’ They were like sponges soaking it all in. We all ended up going to the Surfboard Prayer Bench, where we removed our shoes, I covered them with the Talit and anointed them with oil and we prayed. The power of Holy Spirit came upon them and they were overwhelmed as the Lord embraced them and took them all to a whole new level of faith and their walk with Jesus! This never gets old and I’ll be seeing them tomorrow and throughout next week.

Spring 2024

Another family coming into the shop and to receive the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire! When the power from above came upon them, they all began to weep and weep and almost used a whole box of tissue, Afterwards we all went out into the COURTYRAD where we have a baptismal ALWAYS ready to fill with water. We filled it and they all were baptized in water right afterwards! God is advancing His kingdom on earth! Glory Halleluiah – we give all the praise and honor to our Lord and Savior King Jesus!

Spring 2024

This is Kamryn & John. An absolute GODINCIDENCE the Lord brought them to the shop. Before going to work I was rinsing my truck off and two kids on bikes rode by and said ‘Good morning!’ I responded the same.
 Fast fwd – as I’m leaving the shop an hour later Kamryn and John walk in. Yep you guessed it, the same two kids that greeted me earlier – Confirmation #1 .
They didn’t recognize me, but I recognized them. I boldly approached them and said y’all are in serious trouble but in a good way! I know without a doubt the Lord sent you here and you’re about to find out why. They just stared at me and were taken aback. I told them who I was because they didn’t recognize me but I did them, and told them I was the one y they greeted earlier in the morning. I told them about the shop and how the Lord brings folks in all day every day. I said it’s no coincidence that we crossed paths first thing this morning and now you’re standing in front of me. Again they just stood there listening still kinda in shock. I asked there names ‘John’ – Confirmation #2) same name as me. I said to John, ‘I see you in the military and in special forces!’ They were totally blown away! He’s in ROTC – military and desires to go into the army special forces (Rangers)
I was in the military and I was in special forces – Confirmation #4. I asked Kamryn what was her major. She said social.
I graduated with a degree in Special Education and minor in social work – Confirmation #5! Now I had their full attention because they knew without a doubt something was happening. I knew immediately why the Lord brought them in – to learn about and to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and teach them about the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’. They are Christians but knew nothing about it and we spent over an hour, as I discipled them all according to the scriptures. I treated them to breakfast. And yes, in the end we prayed, right in the middle of our main entrance to the shop as people were coming in, and His power from above came upon us – everyone around us knew it was real and something had happened. They are coming back tomorrow to see me. Man, I SIMPLY LOVE ❤️ THIS LIFE and where the Lord has put my wife and I. It’s just gonna get better and Better and BETTER! 🔥🔥🔥

Spring 2024

Again these two young ladies were brought in by the Lord to be discipled and baptized in the Holy Spirit.
I spent an hour or so with them and taught them about the baptism of Holy Spirit and the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ The power came upon us as we prayed. It was SO HEAVY that Jenn our employee said she felt it across the floor and almost passed out! They left completely overwhelmed and ripe and ready to go out and share the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom!’
(Matthew 24:3 & 14)
As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” . . . .
And this gospel of the KINGDOM will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (The words of Jesus Christ)

Spring 2024

This is Michael and Parker. They came in to shop and come to find out, I ministered to Michael when he was in Middle School and High School when my wife and I would go to the schools and ministered to kids. I started asking him some tough questions about Jesus and scripture and shared the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ with him. Parker stood by listening, and I not knowing, didn’t realize she was having a tough time believing because basically was brought up in a religious atmosphere / teaching. She also told me later she was attending churches here in our area and just didn’t feel it and didn’t understand the scriptures and all about Jesus.
I simply looked her in the eyes and said, ‘Do you want to meet Him?’ She said, ‘What!? What do you mean?’ I said, ‘He’s here and this is Holy ground, can I pray 🙏 with you and we’ll ask Him to hold you and fill you with His love ❤️ – you’ll know when He wraps His arms around you – just keep an open mind.’ She kinda just stood there for a minute or two staring at me then said ‘Okay, Ya sure thing. I’ll do it.’
Here’s what happened:
I got my Talit and covered her and told her what it was and why I used it but didn’t have to. I had her close her eyes and I let Holy Spirit lead me in the words to speak over her. I asked the Lord to fill her with His Spirit – the Holy Spirit. Parker began to weep and weep like a baby and was very embarrassed. I told her it was okay and that the Lord was holding her, loving her and letting her know He was very real and baptizing her in His Spirit. Parker didn’t fully believe before all this happened.
My employees were crying also as they watched and listened. The presence of the Lord was so thick you could cut the atmosphere with a knife – no lie!
However, the Lord was far from over. Parker and Michael thanked me and left the shop shortly afterwards while I went over to Finn’s to get some lunch. When they got in the car to leave, Michael asked Parker, ‘What was that!? You never cry and I’ve only seen you cry two times since we’ve been together. You just cried like a baby in front of total strangers!
She just sat there dazed, then told Michael, ‘I can’t leave! It’s not done. I have to go back in to the shop!’ Michael said, ‘What are you talking about!? She repeated the same thing. She came back in asking for me, so Jenn, my employee, came and got me. I approached Parker then she told me she couldn’t leave. She told me that when I put the Talit on her and prayed, she couldn’t explain what happened but she felt completely different and wanted me to baptize her in water. I said certainly we are always prepared for this. I’ll fill our tub with warm water. (See pics) I baptized her – HOWEVER – it wasn’t over!
My two dear and VERY powerful prophetic soldieresses in Christ came in at the same time. They said they didn’t know why but Holy Spirit told them to go to the Surf Shop. They came all the way from Lynn Haven. I knew why. They were sent to pray with me over Parker once again to receive her spirit language (the evidence of fire) It’s absolute truth and Biblical and many churches don’t believe in it or don’t teach it. We gathered around Parker (last pic) laid hands on her and asked the Lord to give Parker her spirit language – done!
Parker was completely transformed AND my sisters spoke powerful prophetic words over Parker. She has a high calling on her life.

Spring Break 2024

Meet ‘Meg’ and her friends from Alabama. Jesus Christ completely healed Meg – here’s the story. Meg and her friends came to the shop to see me but I thought they were just here for shopping and food. They told me nothing about her condition. Actually, Meg worships with a brother in Christ ‘Nic Chavers’ who will be coming down the first of May for Bike Week with Abel Ministries to be a part of our Tent Gathering ‘Waves of Thunder & Glory’ – that’s another story.
As I was walking out the door I ran into Meg and her friends, and they all introduced themselves and told me who they. They also told me that I had prophesied over two of them last year and the words had come true! As we talked, I began to share all the testimonies that were occurring here in the shop and that the move of God was increasing. We also talked about the upcoming eclipse and how it was Biblical and how everything was lining up with the return of Jesus. At the exact time ‘Jason and Holly’(see pic) from Oregon were in the shop who I met the previous day and we also talked about the Lord’s coming. Jason actually has spent much time in Israel and has studied scriptures and is well versed, so he explained much about the temple and the time of Jesus and what we must see occur beforehand according to scripture.
I got them involved in our conversation and Jason mentioned the ‘tearing of the veil’ – you’ll see why this is significant shortly – keep reading.
As we were all talking, I mentioned about all the people coming in to be healed from sickness and disease, particularly, a recent incident where a man came in riddled with cancer and Jesus healed him (he’ll actually be coming in May to share his testimony!) I hadn’t a clue that Meg was sick. She had an infectious infirmity that caused pain. I actually supernaturally went and got a book on ‘Healing’ and gave it to the girls to share and read. The moment I gave the book to them, Meg’s girlfriend knew that I would be praying for Meg and Jesus would heal her. I still had no clue she was sick because nobody told me. As we talked, unknowingly, Meg later told me that her pain was increasing in her body – it was manifesting. I believe because whatever was the cause knew it hadn’t a chance and was about to be overcome by the Blood of the Lamb – Jesus Christ King of kings, Lord of lords, the Living Word!
I noticed Meg’s eyes and I immediately said. ‘You’re not sick are you!’ She said yes and began to tear up. I said, ‘Wait a minute! That’s why you’re here! Jesus is going to heal you! BTW – you’re healed because how is it a coincidence that I handed you the book about healing and not one of you told me Meg was sick! A GODINCIDENCE for sure!
Now all the girls were crying. Remember one of her friends knew it was going to end up this way – God is So absolutely good! We all went to the Surfboard Prayer Bench and Meg and I removed our shoes. I covered her with my Talit and anointed her with oil – we began praying 🙏 and WOW just WOW! 🔥🔥🔥 Power from above came upon us, it got hot 🥵, the shop began to fill up with people who watched in the distance and amazement as it most always happens. Meg cried like a baby – water racing from her nose. All the girls were standing there crying 😭 You just had to be there to know and experience what it was like. Meg’s pain was gone. She was healed in the Mighty Most Powerful and Precious Name of Yeshua!
Here’s the crazy part of the story – remember I told you to note about Jason talking about the ‘tearing of the veil’ earlier with the girls and I, well, while I was praying over Meg a song came on above us over the PA system about guess what? Yep – you guessed it, the ‘tearing of the veil!’ Wow just Wow! You can’t make this stuff up.

Spring 2024

I was resting at the counter when I saw this group of moms come into the shop. Holy Spirit IMMEDIATELY highlighted them and I knew without a doubt that the Lord had sent them in but hadn’t heard a Word (Rhema Word) from the Lord yet!
I slowly walked their way sat down ( I was tired from praying for so many people ALL morning long) and welcomed them. They told me that they had come in and wanted to meet me because I had made such an impression on their sons. Their sons told them they had to go meet that crazy (in a good way) owner at the surf shop. I remember my encounter with their sons, and I was humbled and honored to share deep things in scripture and about the Kingdom of God and who they were in Christ, etc. etc. and prophesied over each one. They had gone to church all their lives and had never heard what I spoke about – btw which is ALL in scripture.
People are hungry! They want the deeper things in the Word. The world is very very rough right now and about to get (you will remember me saying this) A LOT more rougher – a SHAKING is forthcoming.
I began to share with the moms what I shared with their sons. Again, they too have gone to church all their lives but were amazed at many of the things I presented to them in the scriptures which they didn’t know. Then one of the moms (the one with the Jean jacket) said, ‘Can I ask you a question?’ I said sure! She told me that she left church because she had been doing much volunteer work and ran many of the programs. The pastor approached her one day and told her something – I won’t disclose it – HOWEVER, it was concerning her involvement in the church and about her husband. It totally blew me away and I was SO discouraged to hear it! I said ‘mam e’ that is an utter LIE from hell and Jesus talked about it! He even sternly warned / reprimanded the religious leaders for their religious institutions and teachings. She teared up because she knew I was right. I went directly to scripture and showed her where the same thing was happening back then as it is now in many (not all) of the churches.
Then this happened:
I said let’s all pray 🙏 as we all got in a circle and I anointed their hands with oil, we stood at the entrance way to the shop.
Power from above came upon us. People began to pour into the shop watching and listening – nobody could deny something powerful was going on. The Lord gave me the Rhema Words to speak, prophesy and declare over each one. They all began to weep. Everyone (which was quite a lot of people) watched in amazement. Then the Lord had me turn and place my hand on one of them for healing – I hadn’t a clue she was sick. Power came on her and she about fell out as Holy Spirit 🔥came upon her burning all the chaff of depression, anxiety and fear. It was so powerful that my employees felt it all the way across the room! What a moment and what a transformational event for each one of them. They spent over an hour shopping and will be coming back.
This is the Ekkesia! We are a Kingdom Business first and foremost. It’s like I’ve said before – the Lord will not ask us how much money we made, how many waves we caught or how many boards we sold. He will say, ‘What did you earn with the coins I gave you’ read – (Luke 19:11-27)

Spring 2024

Title: ‘The way, the truth, and the life.’
Yesterday was quite busy at the shop with folks coming in for the week and heading back home. As I had just finished praying for a couple the Lord brought in to receive the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire, two young ladies (Lexi and Christina) just out of high school and were clearly Buddhist walked in to shop. Holy Spirit immediately and CLEARLY highlighted them. I knew what He wanted me to do. I had no idea that they had already been to the shop the day before. My staff told afterwards and even said they knew it was a Divine Appointment when they saw me talking with them.
Their lives were about to be radically and completely transformed!
I walked over and introduced myself. They were both holding two small items in their hands with writing on them, so asked them what it was the writing on their items. Christina said her mom would love it, so because I can, I told both of them that I wanted to give them as a gift. They were elated and thanked me. I said it’s nothing and it’s just a small gift to the One God gave us – then I shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ, my personal testimony, and the Gospel of the Kingdom. I began to speak into their lives and telling them they were created in His image and had a specific destiny for their lives that no one on earth could fulfill. They both were in AWE and soaked in every word. Christina began to weep and Lexi teared up. I asked if I could pray with them – they wanted me to. We held hands and I asked Holy Spirit to come upon them. People were all around us watching as I prayed with two young Buddhist girls. As the power of God came upon them, they instantly knew it was real and Jesus Christ was who He said He was – Yahweh, Adonai, Elohim, El Shaddai, King of kings, Lord of lords and the One and only Son of God! They both were completely blown away and transformed! They began to thank me asked if they could hug me. I told them I can’t go where He was going to take them. I said, ‘You both now know the WAY, the Truth and the Life and it’s certainly not Buddha it’s Jesus Christ!
Please be praying for them – thank y’all.
John 14:1-6
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Spring 2024

This young lady walked into the Surf Shop just as I opened the doors and I immediately felt an unction from Holy Spirit that He had brought her here.
I introduced myself and asked if she would like me to pray for her because Holy Spirit wanted me to. She was kinda taken aback at first then said that she just got married. Her husband was in the Coffee Shop side. I said can I pray over y’all and bless you, as I did, her husband walked in at the same time and they were elated and said YES!
I got my Talit, put it around them and anointed them with oil. They said nobody had prayed over them for their marriage. I was humbled and honored. I blessed them with Numbers 6:24-26, declared a hedge of protection over their marriage, spoke life into the wife’s womb and saw them in their future with several children, then I asked the Lord to baptize them with His Spirit, as I did His power came upon them and they began to weep. They were not only completely overwhelmed but didn’t fully comprehend what had just occurred. I explained to them what had just happened and why it was so powerful. They go to a very large church and knew nothing about it. I’m discovering this with many people coming in to the shop who attend the churches not only here in our area but abroad. It’s sad but truth. The churches have gotten so large and business like, many and I say MANY are what we say, ‘Lost in the sauce’.
They then told me they knew for a fact that it was not a coincidence that the Lord had sent them here (it was a GODINCIDENCE) because they had already had been to another coffee shop and had coffee, but somehow they were impelled to come here! They thanked me over and over and said that they would never be the same – I already knew that 😎

Spring 2024

Holy Spirit led these five young students (Florida Gators) to the Surf Shop yesterday – they even told me they had to come here before leaving PCB and knew without doubt that the Lord sent them to this particular location! They wanted to meet me, so I went over and introduced myself. We talked for quite some time. I began to teach them about the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom’, which btw, they only knew a little about but knew about ‘Salvation’.
I showed them in scripture where and what Yeshua meant and about the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire AND why it was essential to understand and receive. As I spoke with them, they were all overwhelmed as Holy Spirit began to move upon them and several of them were tearing up. They wanted me to pray for them. I said, ‘Certainly! I had already been planning to do so because the Lord was about to send His power over and upon them.’ I put them in the center of the shop in a tight circle, covered them with my Talit, and anointed each one with oil explaining it all to them. I began to pray and prophesy the Word over them and asked the Lord to baptize them with Holy Spirit 🌊 and fire 🔥. Oh yeah – WHAM!
When it hit them, they were overwhelmed and a couple of them about fell out. I don’t know if any of them began to speak in Tounges because as His power came upon us, I prophesied that they would bring ‘Revival’ to their university (University of Florida)
I had NO IDEA they were in a group of students who were walking around campus praying for revival because they had been seeing it happening at other universities (FSU, Auburn, Alabama, recently Georgia etc). I also had no idea that they had just established the FIRST all Christian Fraternity and Sorority!
Wow just wow! They have my contact information and are going to let me know when it happens and IT WILL because the Word was spoken! They have invited Lib and I to come meet with them in Gainesville. Btw – no coincidence – a GODINCIDENCE – that Mommy Surf went to University of Florida and was in a Sorority! Our God is SO absolutely Amazing and Good!

Spring 2024

Mindy came to our ‘Sunset Worship & Prayer for America’ Sunday evening. We met, and I shared the
‘Gospel of the Kingdom’ with her. She knew about the ‘Gospel of Salvation’ and even went through several ‘Freedom’ classes at church, gave her life to Jesus Christ but didn’t know about the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire. I told her if she would come to the shop, I would go through scripture and show her what it was and why it was not only powerful but necessary to understand. Also, that the Lord was the only One who could baptize her with this baptism. To make a long story short, she came in today and after talking with her for awhile, we prayed on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, our shoes removed, I covered her with my Talit and anointed her with oil – the power of God came upon us, and she received the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire. She was totally wrecked! I also connected her with a woman’s small group who is learning more about the Presence and Power of Holy Spirit. She’ll be doing ministry with our team at ‘Waves of Thunder & Glory’ in May during Bike Week – she’s a Biker and works with a Christian Biker organization. God is moving and connecting His people and building an Army of God!
So much more is happening – it’s nonstop all day everyday. We appreciate all your support and prayers.

Spring 2024

WOW – Revival is in the atmosphere! Folks coming in from all over our community, state and nation receiving baptisms in water and Holy Spirit and fire, healings with signs miracles and wonders! All in the Mighty Name of Yashua Hamashiach. We thank all of you for your continued prayers and support as God moves mightily!

Spring 2024

Holy Spirit led me to a young lady under a sponsor tent. I knew the Lord wanted her to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. She was a believer in Jesus Christ, but didn’t know about it. I explained and went to scripture to show her what it was, why it was powerful and so forth. I covered her with my Talit, anointed her with oil and prayed. Power of Holy Spirit came upon her. She was overwhelmed and said her whole body was sweating (it was cool under the tent) and her eyes became glazed and watery. I said that’s it! Get ready everything is about to go to a whole new level. People all around us were watching us.

Spring 2024

12 years ago when I was involved with a ministry I started at Surfside Middle School called ‘GET REAL’.
I have so many things I could tell you about it but don’t have the time. However, picture #2 is a young man who walked up to me Saturday morning as I was setting up for the Skim Competition this past weekend. He came up to me and said, ‘Hey Mr. Surf, you don’t remember me but you used to minister to me in Middle School at Surfside. I just wanted to come out and say hi and thank you. I just got out of prison and I remembered everything about what you said and I’ve turned my life around and I’m finally on the right road.’ He told me his story – it was really rough, and he spent several years in prison for the crimes he committed.
We hugged and I prayed with him right there on the beach under the tent. The POWER 🔥of God came down on us both. He was totally blown away and about passed out! I said I’m a lot further ahead than I was back then with the Lord.

Spring 2024

This is Allison, Hope and Shelby from Nashville who are here for a Bachelorette party – Hope will be getting married. They came in for coffee and while waiting did some shopping in the Surf Shop. Shelby said they had to come here because we love Jesus. She saw our sign and as soon as she walked in, she said the atmosphere was thick with His presence. I immediately said is there anything I can pray for you for, and she said certainly! I also said I’d like to pray and bless Hope as she was about to begin a new life with her marriage. Allison hadn’t come in to the shop yet.
I began to take each one individually and put my Talit around them, had them remove their shoes, anointed them with oil, laid hands on them and prayed and prophesied over each one. The power of Holy Ghost came upon them both and they were we wrecked, particularly, Shelby- it was VERY powerful. Then Allison came in. I didn’t know how much she had seen. I said, I would pray with her also and her girlfriends were all about it. However, I recognized hesitation and slight resistance on Allison’s part. Holy Spirit revealed to me that she did not fully believe in the Lord and questioned if God was real because she had been exposed to and hardened by religion (btw I’m finding that many are in this state)
I immediately let her know what He revealed. She and her friends were taken aback as to how I knew this because I had never met any of them before. I then began, led completely by Holy Spirit, to share the gospel of salvation and the gospel of the Kingdom and deep things in scripture with Allison that she never heard. Her friends stood nearby watching in wonder and waited to see how their friend would take it in. Allison began to tear up, and I said let’s pray – with our shoes removed, I covered her with the Talit, anointed her with oil, laying hands on her, I prayed. I asked the Lord to empower her from above fill her with his Spirit and hold her in His arms so she knew He was real, specifically chose her to be His, and saturate her with His love. Allison lost it! She wept and wept and wept 😭. She met Christ and was completely transformed. Her girlfriends were crying 😭 also. It was an absolutely beautiful scene. Just look at Allison’s face in the picture (blond hair and grey shirt) You can see the pure joy of the Lord all over her! God is SO absolutely amazing and good!

Spring 2024

Pastor Gary, his wife Shar and their Saint Bernard Shepherd’ ‘Hazel’ who actually has a large social media following called’ The Adventures of Hazel!’
The pastor and his wife have just moved to the area as they have had a condo here for years and Shar just retired. Pastor Gary still does ministry work but can do most of it online. Hazel (9 years old) is not only the love of their life but their big baby and a significant part of their family. Unfortunately, Hazel has bladder cancer and the chemotherapy treatments weren’t effective and the Pastor and Sharare are devastated. They follow us on social media, and today as they were driving around down towards 30A (South Walton Beaches) Shar all of a sudden said to her husband, ‘We need to go to the surf shop now! We need to have Mr. Surf pray over Hazel to be healed. Jesus is going to heal her!’ They immediately headed towards PCB.
I was at a friends house and was headed home to rest. I was very worn out and still recovering from all the work and pouring out over this past weekend at the huge National Skim Competition. I got a call from my employee ‘Jenn’ who said she really wanted me to come in to pray for this dog. I was very close to saying I’m at home resting, y’all pray. As I’m heading home a voice from within told me to GO!
It was Holy Spirit. I said I’d be there shortly and headed to the shop. So here’s what transpired:
I introduced myself, and was very careful to let Holy Spirit lead me in my words and actions – as this was a first for me. We laid Hazel on the floor, I removed my shoes, covered her with my Talit (see picture) and put oil on my hands and asked Pastor and Shar where the bladder was. I began to pray 🙏 and as I commanded the cancer to leave Hazel’s body in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and spoke scriptures of healing into her body, SHE COUGHED and then COUGHED! I We all were completely surprised – it was crazy! Jenn began crying because she raised Saint Bernards when she was little. Hazel hadn’t coughed the entire time she was in the shop and we all knew for certain it was the cancer being spewed out by the power of Jesus Christ! Both the pastor and his wife were crying. I know it was complete because when I pray, water drips from my eyes confirming the Lord has done what He had me release by His word. I’m telling you folks this is absolute TRUTH! They recorded it all and said they would tag it to Hazel’s page. However, it wasn’t over! Shar also needed healing in her body with several things, so we all went to the Surfboard Prayer Bench, removed our shoes, covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil and prayed for healing. I declared the complete Psalm 91 over them both. They were blown away. Pastor turned on his phone and said this is what we were playing and praying the entire time we were driving to the shop – it was Psalm 91!
Received a text from Shar (Hazel’s mom ) the next morning saying that Hazel was more at peace and PAIN FREE for the first time and slept all night not having to be taken outside to go to the potty. She normally has to go out every couple hours due to the problems caused by the bladder cancer. At 10am she was still sleeping peacefully with no signs of complication! Halleluiah – Thank you Jesus! We give You all the praise and glory and honor.

Spring 2024

This is Chase & Shelby expecting ‘Lila May’ their daughter soon to be. They tried to have a baby for more  three years. The Lord led them to the surf shop late last summer. We met and I asked them if I could pray with them. I sat them on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, we removed our shoes, I  covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil and we prayed. I declared the Word of Life into her womb in the name of Yashua. I remember it well. Holy Spirit came upon them. Shelby found out four months later, she was pregnant! She is about to have her baby! God is So Absolutely Good!

Spring 2024

For those who believe and know the supernatural natural power of God is absolute and real, you also know so is the supernatural forces of darkness. I believe as we progress towards the return of our Lord, just as scripture tells us, spiritual warfare will increase to such a point it will be as Jesus Christ Himself said, ‘like the days of Noah’ and ‘like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah’ – those days were very dark and evil prevailed. However, remember Noah and his family, and Lot and his family were spared. There are people who worship and serve satan and the forces of darkness just as we Christians worship and serve Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. What we must remember is our identity is in Him and He has ALL authority and power over every demonic and dark force and even satan himself. We too have His authority and power in the same manner. With that said, here’s what occurred in the shop on Saturday. A young couple came in to the shop. I immediately knew they were servants of darkness. Jenn our employee, immediately felt the darkness around them that they carried with them. I know God loves them and wants to set them free and I also know they have NO AUTHORITY over me whatsoever. Why, because Jesus simply tells me so in scripture. I approached them cordially and asked if I could help them find anything. They said no that they were just there to look around. I noticed a necklace one of them was wearing and asked about it because it was like a dagger. I said it kinda looked like my necklace which is made of real brass nails that form a cross and kinda looks like a sword. I could see that she (it was a girl) was a little uneasy. I said it’s the Sword of the Spirit, and asked her if she knew what that was. As soon as I said that, it was as if they immediately knew they had no power over me and rudely said we’re leaving. That’s all I said and btw I was completely polite and cordial. What happened was (see pic by it was worse than that) every cross necklace in our jewelry case was crumbled up into a tangled ball. Jenn had just straightened the whole case up before they came in. They were never near our case! I’m going to boldly say this:
Christians better take heed in the days ahead and be intentional with their relationship and walk with the Lord. I believe we’re going to see some really really heavy / dark things to come. It’s good because it will only make His light shine brighter and we’ll see some of the greatest moments of the move of God that we’ve never seen before!

Summer 2024

Alissa and her friend are graduating from college and both beginning new adventures in their lives. I prayed and prophesied over them both. Alissa’s mom brought her to the shop awhile back and we all prayed along with her sisters. Alissa was healed and received the baptism of Holy Spirit. God is moving in this Z generation!

Summer 2024

This is Michelle here in PCB with her family for a Baseball Tournament. It was a GODINCIDENCE – no such things as coincidence – I met her first thing yesterday morning. I came in early to pray 🙏 and anoint the shop. Michelle was in the coffee shop first thing – they open at 7am. We open at 8am. She peeked into the shop and said, ‘Excuse me sir, can I come in and look around?’ I said okay but the register wasn’t open yet. She was fine with that, HOWEVER, I KNEW IMMEDIATELY HOLY SPIRIT brought her in because it happens EVERY TIME that I come in early to pray 🙏 and someone interrupts me, it’s a Divine Appointment. So, I said, ‘You’re not here to look around!’ You’re here because the Lord brought you here and you need prayer. I believe it’s for healing and you know why and what it is. You don’t have to tell me. You’re already healed because He brought you in and knew you’d be standing here me before the foundations of the world. He knows you’re struggle and has heard your prayers. You’re healed in Yashua’s name! Now let’s pray. Michelle just stared at me TOTALLY SHOCKED!!! She lost it! She began crying and crying. I put her in the middle of the shop, we removed our shoes, I covered her with the Talit and anointed her with oil. She used almost a box of tissues as I prayed with her and asked Yashua to heal her and remove all the weight she had been carrying. It was SO powerful. I can’t put into words what goes on when these encounters happen. There are no words to describe them. To make a long story short, Michelle had a lot going on BUT no longer! She was healed, completely free and baptized in Holy Spirit. I spent some time with her going over the deeper things of God, the baptisms and so forth. She had attended church but never heard about what I revealed and I went to scripture so she would understand it was ABSOLUTE TRUTH! She hugged me and kept thanking me. All I said is it just Jesus and it’s how He wants us all to live. It was His commission to the church (the EKKLESIA) now you go unto all the world and do the same! She left completely transformed! God is SO Absolutely beautiful and amazing. I love ❤️ YASHUA so much! 🏄‍♂️🌊
As soon as Michelle walked out, Holy Spirit immediately brought another woman in –

Summer 2024

Holy Spirit led this husband and wife to the shop. I asked why they came the husband said they just felt like they were led – it was the Lord. The wife has had several surgeries and just recently a knee right knee replacement. (both knees and other surgeries throughout her body) She could barely walk and was in severe pain. I took them to the Surfboard Prayer Bench, we removed our shoes, I covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil. The husband had already received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire but she hadn’t. To make a long story short, not only was she completely healed from her severe pain and could freely walk, she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and we baptized her in water the next day!
She said when I placed my hands on her knees, it felt like suction cups sucking all the pain out – totally crazy!

Summer 2024

Matthew and his wife(Amanda – sitting under tent) asked my wife and I to pray for them for healing. Amanda was in a severe dirt bike accident and should have died. She broke her neck, mangled her hand, with lots of other injuries. She was in severe pain and lived in complete fear. She was very withdrawn and so forth.
My wife and I took them into the shop – all alone. We set them on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, put the Talit over them, anointed them with oil and we all removed our shoes. The presence of Holy Spirit was so thick you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. We prayed – Amanda was healed AND when I prayed for Matthew for the Lord to fill him with more, Matthew was completely overwhelmed. He looked at me and kept saying, ‘DID YOU FEEL THAT! DID YOU FEEL THAT! THERE WAS A WIND GUSHING THROUGH MY BODY!!!’
I just smiled and told Him it was Holy Spirit and both their lives were about to go to a whole different level. What’s so amazing is that they both shared their testimony this morning at the service we had at the shop in front of about a hundred people. Totally outside of the box of what Amanda would ever do. Pastor Chris Chris James (their pastor) said she was a completely different person and completely healed of fear. Glory Hallelujah – we give all the praise and glory to our Lord and Savior King Jesus!

Summer 2024

This is Barbara. We met her months ago on 30A down at Blue Mountain Beach, Florida where we sometimes go to surf. I noticed she would always surf alone. I also noticed afterwards she would hangout and feed a cat. My wife approached her one day and discovered she was basically homeless. She makes tye-dye Ts and tries to sell them to make a little money. We got to know her, and ministered to her when we would see her and helped her a little with some finances. We shared our faith and told her about Jesus, but at that time she wasn’t ready to give her life to Him. We prayed for her and Holy Spirit definitely touched her. She showed up at our shop today! I haven’t seen her in months. To make a long story short, she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and was baptized in the Holy Spirit! Glory Hallelujah – our God is So Absolutely Good!

Summer 2024

These ladies drove all the way down from Chicago Illinois. They came to bring their friend (with hat) to the shop to be prayed for for healing because she has colon cancer. The moment they stepped into the shop and I saw the lady sit on our bench at the front door, I got hit by a Wave of wind (Holy Spirit) , began shaking and whispering in my prayer language – I immediately knew they were here for prayer for healing and the Lord would heal her. Totally supernatural! One of the ladies walked into the shop, and I boldly approached her and said you’re here for me to pray with y’all for healing for that woman aren’t you. She said yes, we came all the way down from Illinois. We all went to the Surfboard Prayer Bench, I had her remove her shoes, anointed her with oil and covered her with my Talit. I bluntly said, ‘Anna’ you are healed – period! She stared directly at me and said YES I AM! The shop filled up with people, and as everyone witnessed what was happening, we prayed. Boom 💥 – the power of God came upon us and water came out from my eyes (it’s not crying, it just comes out when it’s a really powerful prayer). Anna then told me she had problems with her lungs and breathing, so we began praying as I laid hands on her lungs asking Jesus to heal and open up her lungs and ease her breathing. That’s exactly what He did! Glory Hallelujah- all praise and glory be to our Lord and Savior King Jesus!
Pic #4 This father came in to the shop yesterday. Holy Spirit brought him all the way from the West end of the beach. He began to weep when he was at the register. He’s spirit-filled (Holy Spirit and fire) and works in a ministry. He needed healing. Jenn asked me to come over and pray with him, so I took him to the Surfboard Prayer Bench, we removed our shoes, I anointed him with oil and covered him with my Talit. However, there was more than healing needed. He opened up to me and shared some things he hadn’t with anyone else – he needed deliverance! What happened next was absolutely RADICAL! Not at will to disclose it but everyone in the building who was there witnessed it and heard it. Jesus Christ set him free and he was also healed of his pain. He brought his family in today to shop, and I was humbled and honored to pray with and over each one of them AND the Lord had me speak prophesy over each of their children. Again, all this going down right smack dab in the middle of the shop while people are coming in listening and witnessing it all.

Summer 2024

This mother and daughter came in for coffee and to shop. They are Spirit-filled, and we talked about the deeper things of God and the Word. Come to find out mom needed healing and the daughter has a powerful call to minister to the youth. We removed our shoes, I anointed them with oil, covered them with my Talit, and we prayed. The shop filled up with people and the power of God came upon us. IT GOT HOT 🥵! There center of the open portal to heaven in the shop is right where we are standing. Everyone in the building knew without a doubt that something supernatural was happening. I know for certain she was healed and the Lord had me prophesy over her daughter. Her husband husband is sick also. I told the mom, ‘Now you go lay your hands on your husband and COMMAND the sickness to leave his body. He will be healed also!
Matthew 10:8
“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”

Summer 2024

The Turner’s are missionaries and have a nonprofit organization United Grounds Coffee Co. They brought their son (next to me) in to be prayed for for healing because he has Type 1 diabetes. We all went to the Surfboard Prayer Bench, removed our shoes, I covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil. We prayed and I declared the Word over their son to be healed in the name of Jesus Christ. The power of God came upon us, it got hot 🥵, water 💦 came from my eyes and as I prayed, I felt an electric buzzing where my hand was on his stomach. I asked them about it and they showed me a small device that inserts insulin when his blood sugar levels are too high / low. His mom can monitor the levels on her phone.
What happened next was absolutely Jesus! She showed me the levels before we prayed and the scale dropped below a Red line. I said he’s healed. However, they said that there was still a trace. Then she realized she hadn’t reset his monitor and when she did it revealed – NO DATA! It was as if he had never had the disease. He was completely healed in the name of Jesus Christ! Glory Hallelujah!

Summer 2024

This is Ava and Jim from Virginia. They contacted me and wanted me to baptize them in the Gulf. They have been waiting a very long time for this to happen. HOWEVER, it was a lot more than just a water baptism, as MOST OFTEN it happens that way.
Before I baptize anyone in water, I have them meet me at the shop. I take them to our Surfboard Prayer Bench, have my Talit and anointing oil with me – ready – and I go through scripture showing and teaching about the three baptisms – YES – I said THREE. I would say 99% do not have an understanding about it AND are completely blown away when they hear it. When they do hear it, everything they knew and or heard about in the Bible and Jesus Christ comes to order and complete sense. You see a LIGHT 💡 go off as if they’ve discovered a priceless treasure. I SO MUCH LOVE WHAT God has given to my wife and I and how we can reach so many people in such a special and unique way.
Back to the testimony: As I do before every water baptism, I met Jim and Ava in the shop several days ago. I sat Ava and Jim on the bench and taught them – ALL ACCORDING to the word of God – what the three baptisms were and why they needed all of them. They listened to every word and soaked it all in. They wanted to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire (Mat. 3:11, Luke 3:15-18).
I covered them with my Talit, anointed them with oil and asked Holy Spirit to baptize them. They both began crying 😭 I also spoke healing into Jim. I just sensed he needed physical healing. I had no idea what he would tell me today when they came for their water baptism. As I took hold of Jim’s feet, I heard the Lord say, ‘UNFORGIVENESS’. I looked up at him and said, ‘Is there someone you haven’t forgiven?’ He just looked at me kinda surprised and shocked at the same time and said, ‘No, I don’t think so.’ His wife snapped back REAL LOUD and said, ‘Yes there is!!! And you know who it is!’ To make a long story short, I had to give a hard word to Jim about what scripture teaches about unforgiveness and what the Lord says. Jim let it go.
This morning they came in to be baptized in water 💦. What’s ABSOLUTELY AMAZING is that as we sat in the shop, and I went over some deep things in the Word about living in the Kingdom, Jim told me that after I had prayed for them the first time a couple days ago, he was COMPLETELY HEALED from his kidney stones! I didn’t even know he had them, all I sensed was to declare healing in his body – TOTALLY HOLY SPIRIT led. God is SO Absolutely Good!

Summer 2024

This family (the Ward family) is from up north and is staying in Destin. They have been to the shop before, and had to come to revisit to say hello, eat and shop. I’ve prayed with them before. We met and talked about everything going on in America, the move of God – basically our conversation was all about the Word. I didn’t know their older daughter’Reagan’ and she wasn’t present because she was in the coffee shop side sitting away from all of us. I said to ‘BJ’ and ‘Tomi’ (the parents) we should all pray before y’all leave. They said, ‘Certainly’. However, what they didn’t know that when I was in the coffee shop earlier, Holy Spirit highlighted their daughter ‘Reagan’, but at that moment I didn’t respond. Before I began to pray for them I had to go upstairs to turn down the ac. As I was coming downstairs I immediately noticed ‘Reagan’ sitting on our Surfboard Prayer Bench and again Holy Spirit highlighted her. Keep in mind I don’t know she’s BJ and Tomi’s daughter. As I continued down the stairs, I noticed BJ and Tomi were standing by the Surfboard Prayer Bench also. I approached them and said do y’all know this girl? They said yes, that she was their daughter. I then told them and looked directly at Reagan and said, ‘You are sitting here by Divine incidence – a GODINCIDENCE!’ It’s not your parents that need prayer – YOU DO! And you know why! I don’t know what it’s about but Holy Spirit highlighted you earlier when I was in the coffee shop. I had no idea you were their daughter. I could see Holy Spirit all over her! She teared up just a little and nodded in agreement. I said let’s all sit, remove our shoes, I covered them with my Talit and anointed each one of them with oil. I inquired the Lord to give me a word and began praying. WOW just WOW! The power of the Lord came upon us, and I prophesied a word over Reagan – she has a ‘Deborah’s anointing and call’ upon her life and be used by God to break down injustice and unrighteousness bring in God’s justice and righteousness in her field of major – Law. It was a powerful WORD – all led by Holy Spirit. Here’s why I know absolutely without a doubt – a similar WORD was spoken over her by her pastor. She was at a point contemplating and doubting if she should continue to continue with her field of choice – Law. She cried and said ‘Thank you , so much. I needed to hear that! Now I know for certain I’m to carry through with a degree in Law.
However, the Word wasn’t only for Reagan. There was a similar Word for ‘Ransom’ their son but it was in a different way. He would also be someone who would carry God’s authority of justice and righteousness. I heard like a policeman possibly, one who officiates and directs orders. I was off a little 🙈 – it happens at times. However, his parents (BJ and Tomi who are anointed and prophetic) informed me he most likely would /,desired to be a Football Coach!
I wasn’t too far off 😎 The whole family was in tears. What’s so amazing is that the whole time we all were at the bench praying, the shop was completely filled with people and they all heard, witnessed and sensed the presence of Holy Spirit as it all went down! The EKKLESIA in action and Church without walls! I love ❤️ this life SO much! Thank you YASHUA HAMASHIACH! We give You all the honor and glory. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen!

Summer 2024

The Stephen family drove all the way from Tennessee to come meet us and pray with us (Jeremy- dad, Summer- mom, Hunter- son, Chloe- daughter)
Jeremy has a deteriorating nervous system disease and the doctors don’t know the cause of it. He’s getting worse and came here for prayer. All I can say is what took place was GOD! The shop was completely full. This happens when Holy Spirit is about to do something huge – He draws folks in and the shop fills up. People witness it and feel the power of His presence in the building. What’s crazy is that Holy Spirit even revealed the root cause of how Jeremy’s illness came to be! And He even had me release a word on how to protect himself from it reoccurring again. Yes – YASHUA HAMASHIACH completely healed him! And yes, we all sat on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, removed our shoes, covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil. I can’t even begin to describe how ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and GOOD our God is!

Summer 2024

The ‘TIDE’ is slowly rising – BE PREPARED!🔥 (pic sent by a friend)
I had several dreams last night. Not at will to disclose them at this time. One I believe infers to the word below.
– this is a long read, however, EVERYONE should read it slowly and deeply.
Taken from today’s ‘Give HIM :15 by Dutch Sheets.
A Poignant History Lesson
Our friend Larry Tomczak, noted teacher, and long-time board member of Intercessors for America, gives a needed history lesson, equipping us to think and act appropriately regarding what is happening here and around the world. He also gives us a poignant reminder of Biden’s duplicity and spin nature. Larry shares:
Amazing Story: Reagan Gifted Israel’s Iron Dome that Biden Blocked
“Iran, the world’s leading terrorist nation (which previously held Americans hostage for 444 days until Reagan secured their release), recently rained down 120 ballistic missiles, 170 drones, and 30 cruise missiles on Israel. It was an unprecedented direct attack following their previous Hamas proxy attack on October 7, 2023, that killed 1163 people (including Americans). [The equivalent for America would have been 50,000 killed on 9/11.]
“Joe Biden applauded the stunning success of the Jewish leaders employing their ‘Iron Dome’ technology, obliterating 99% of the weapons of destruction. He attempted to bask in the glow of the monumental achievement. Yet in a moment, I’ll share the backdrop story of Biden’s opposition to this advanced system when President Ronald Reagan presented the concept to America in the 80s.
Heed History
“British statesman Winston Churchill is honored as the primary leader who saved Western Civilization. When Britain’s Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, returned from a 1938 meeting with Hitler, foolishly declaring, ‘There is peace for our time!’(1) Churchill knew better, refusing to project weakness and gamble with appeasement to avoid conflict. He told the English citizens, ‘Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!’(2)
“Churchill looked at the big picture, as did Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis and Reagan in standing up to Marxism and Islamic terrorism. Today we face a similar situation where peaceniks, Jew-hating activists, and understandably cautious people don’t want to risk escalating Middle East tensions. They say we should tolerate the unfair demonizing of Israel; keep giving Iran billions (being used to develop a nuclear weapon and fund proxy terrorism attacks); avoid justified retaliation; try again for the failed two-state solution; call for a cease-fire; give Iran $6 billion in ransom for five hostages, and don’t be concerned about Iran’s growing alliance with China, Russia, and North Korea.
“Iran’s leaders laugh all the way to the bank with the $100 billion (given them directly or indirectly) while we hope they’ll not continue developing a nuclear weapon that would dangerously change the entire Middle East region, bringing the world to the brink of an apocalyptic holocaust.
“Iran’s fanatical leaders declare ‘Death to Israel and America – the Great Satan!’
They are the number one state sponsor of terrorism; they’re developing long-range ballistic missiles capable of hitting America; and can cut off oil passing through the Red Sea to bring about another disastrous energy crisis like 1979 (which I remember painfully well!).
Facing Reality
“Richard Goldberg, Senior Advisor at the Foundation of the Defense of Democracies, feels that Iran is at the one-yard line of their nuclear weapon capability and in April demonstrated their delivery capability with the multi-missile assault on Israel.(3) Former CIA Director David Petraeus states: ‘The U.S. and Israel will never let Iran have a nuclear weapon.’(4) But will this Administration do so?
“America’s future, including that of our children and grandchildren, is at stake. We must return to Reagan’s ‘peace through strength!’(5)
“The acceleration of Iran’s nuclear program was ignited when Biden took office. We’re inching towards a defining moment in dealing with this powder keg.
Prudent or Patsies?
“‘The prudent see danger and take refuge but the simple keep going and pay the penalty’ (Proverbs 27:12).
“President Reagan unveiled in the Oval Office his vision for replacing Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) with a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to protect America. Democrats mocked it, calling it a ‘Star Wars’ fantasy.
“It is a matter of historical record that then-Senator Joe Biden and ‘all Democrats opposed it.’ For years, they worked to defund and kill it through amendments.(6)
“‘Among the most vocal critics of the Reagan doctrine and a strong voice for removing it from the bargaining table was then-Senator Joe Biden who said, “The president’s adherence to SDI constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft. Reagan stood fast in the face of that pressure and refused to back off his missile defense initiative.’(7)
“Reagan met with Soviet leader Gorbachev in Iceland for a summit on nuclear disarmament. Biden, the Democrats, and Gorbachev wanted Reagan to bargain away the SDI system, but he refused. He knew that in the Cold War, the Soviets did not have the technology nor the resources for such a system. He refused to be intimidated.
“Reagan said Communism was an ‘evil empire’ that belonged ‘on the trash heap of history.’ He went to the Berlin Wall and called on Gorbachev in no uncertain terms to ‘tear down this wall!’(😎 Then in 1990, the 30-year Berlin Wall came down, and in 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed!
“In the face of ongoing opposition from Biden and the Democrat Party, Reagan met with Israeli leaders to share SDI technology and partner in developing it. Since 1986, the United States and Israel developed the ‘Star Wars’ technology that was used to stop and humiliate Iran in this recent Iranian attack.
“Today, they continue working on an advanced system that will use lasers with pinpoint accuracy to literally shoot missiles and planes out of the sky.
“The historic ‘Abraham Accords’ engineered by the Trump Administration to work with Israel and moderate Arab nations (who distrust and dislike the radical Iranian regime) has tragically been sabotaged, and its diplomatic success was blunted by the current administration. But the 2024 election brings renewed hope.
Here’s the Deal
“Reagan once gave a speech citing ‘Twilight’s Last Gleaming.’ He pointed out that our National Anthem concludes not with a declaration but a question, ‘Is our flag still there?’(9)
“In this time of growing campus protests (organized and funded, not spontaneous) basically, ignorant students celebrate Hamas (who tortured, beheaded, raped, and killed 1163 adults, children, and babies and featured it in videos). We must learn the lessons of history, act courageous, and pray fervently while communicating the gospel and truth so our flag will still be there.
“‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and passed on for them to do the same, or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our grandchildren what it was once like in the United States, where men were free.’” (“The Gipper” Ronald Reagan)(10)
Pray with me:
Father, we live in days of great evil and great grace. We know that Iran is the leading supporter of terrorism and that its leaders hate America and Israel. Yet we also know it is the nation where earth’s greatest spiritual harvest is occurring. Remind us to always in our hearts separate evil people from hungry people. You loved both Ishmael and Isaac, as did Abraham, and You love their offspring. We hate evil and despise the demonic powers at work in that part of the world, yet we, too, love the people. We boldly ask You for MILLIONS of salvations in that part of the world.
The prince of Persia hates Israel, the giver of Messiah, and America, raised up to trumpet Messiah’s message of redemption throughout the world. But You defeated him at Calvary and You will manifest his defeat again as You have before in history. We ask for this. Rescue his victims! We bind his influence in that region and his attacks against America and Israel. Hang him on his gallows!
And we ask for clarity to those in America who have been brainwashed regarding Hamas. Reverse the influence this spirit has gained in our nation by lifting the veil of deception and sending another Jesus People Movement, one much greater than that of the 60s and 70s. We see this beginning and declare that it will increase exponentially.
Give our leaders wisdom as they deal with the unrest. Show them how to stop the evil actions taking place, doing so with wisdom. Raise up voices of wisdom to counteract the lies. We ask for this in Yeshua’s name. Amen.
Our decree:
We decree that truth will prevail in our day, and the power of the gospel will explode throughout the Earth.
Today’s post was contributed by our friend Larry Tomczak. You can find out more about Larry at LarryTomczak.com.

Summer 2024

Fire 🔥 Fire 🔥 Fire 🔥 – Full on Revival!
We have people coming in from all over being healed physically and emotionally, baptism of Holy Spirit and fire, and releasing prophecy. The pictures posted, are but just a few of the Divine Appointments today. I cannot put into words what the Lord is doing – just about all day and everyday we are open. One man told me it’s like a God hub housing His Kingdom. I’m meeting so many new friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. What’s so encouraging is that many see what’s happening and they are putting us on their prayer lists and taking back to their churches who will cover us in prayer also!

Summer 2024

Seth came in the shop this morning to buy a surfboard. As he was shopping a Youth Group visiting PCB, came in and led a spontaneous praise and worship session in the middle of the shop. The presence of the Lord was powerful! Seth felt the presence of the Lord and immediately went to Dorsie (our employee) and asked can the owner baptize me!? I want to be baptized and I want to be baptized today! Can he baptize me!? Dorsie immediately introduced me to Seth. I could see Holy Spirit all over him. I said son before we go across the street and I baptize you in water 💦, we need to sit and talk and I need to tell you about the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire. There were two spirit filled girls in the shop at the same time. They are here with a Young Adults (college) Group / Retreat. I was talking with them earlier. They stood by, watched and listened as I spoke with Seth. They confirmed everything I was sharing with Seth was truth. To make a long story short, we removed our sandals, sat at the Surfboard Prayer Bench, I covered Seth with my Talit and anointed him with oil. I laid hands on Seth and asked the Lord to baptize him with in the Holy Spirit. The power of the Lord came upon Seth, he began weeping and weeping and I believe spoke an utterance in Tounges and trembled. When all was said and done, Seth looked up at us and said really really loud, ‘GOOD GOD WHAT WAS THAT! I’VE NEVER EVER EXPERIENCED ANYTHING LIKE THAT IN MY LIFE!
We all smiled. I had to giggle at how he responded. We all went directly from the shop across the street to the beach, and Seth was baptized in the Gulf. He will never be the same. The Lord is sending a lot of young people in to minister to.

Summer 2024


Yesterday morning, I was approached by a lady who was in tears and wanted to share a praise report. She told me she came to the shop a year ago with her daughters. One of them was in a very bad place and situation in her life at the time. She was a stripper, involved in drugs and even the cartel. I knew nothing about this until yesterday. The lady began to tell me that when she and her daughters had come to shop, she said I approached her one daughter and said the Holy Spirit highlighted her. I began to talk with her and told her God was about to change her life because she had a powerful call on her life. The mother told me her and her other daughter walked away and let me talk with her because they knew she needed it. She said I prophesied over her and then prayed. Well guess what? Yessiree – her daughter has completely turned her life around and everything the Lord had me speak over her came true. She’s even going to begin leading a small group of women in Bible study. God is SO Absolutely Good! I really need to hear these praise reports from time to time because sometimes I ask the Lord if I’m really making an impact for His Kingdom. That’s all I really desire and want to do. Life is short and when we leave we can’t take nothing with us. However, while we’re here sometimes the road feels so long and difficult. I just want to Thank everyone who keeps me in your prayers. They really mean a lot. I’m heading out to the property today to take a rest time with Mommy Surf 🏄‍♀️ and spend quiet time with the Lord to refresh and refill.

Summer 2024 Our Anniversary June 6th

In 1991 (33 years ago) The Good Lord knew exactly who I needed to be the man I’ve become, and still becoming to love me unconditionally, carry me, and stand by me no matter what the circumstances and or hardships life would bring our way. Throughout it all, ‘Mommy Surf’ (Lib) other than the Lord, has been my anchor and kept me on course, running the race, fighting the good fight never giving up and or giving in. She’s absolutely beautiful inside and out (every who knows her would be in complete agreement) talented, an incredible surfer, loves people and animals- except possums and rats, an extremely very hard worker and the foundation of keeping the business (Mr. Surf’s) high above troubled waters financially – I’ve always said ‘Literally everything she touches turns to gold!’ She’s so talented with finances (she does well with the coins) – Oh yeah, and boy can she cook! Wouldn’t do life with any other woman!
We’ve been through it all and here we are still riding the ‘Wave 🏄‍♀️🏄‍♂️🌊
Happy Thirty Three Years and going stronger every day!
Love you Mommy Surf 🏄‍♀️!

Summer 2024

WOW 🤩! What an incredible evening for ‘Sunset Worship’ with Luke Partridge Lay-It- Down Luke 🏄‍♂️ & Jake Partridge Big Wave Jake 🏄‍♂️🌊 and the whole crew of people who came over from SRB at New Life Church to support us and help in ministering, and the baptisms of Holy Spirit. We also had five water baptisms.
When we first got to the beach, the atmosphere was thick with chaos. However, within several minutes once we sounded the shofar over the sound system and began worship music everything began to shift, the devil and every dark spirit in the area immediately knew we , God’s Ekklesia, were there to take the territory. Those who are prophetic knew, and y’all who are reading this, know what I’m saying.
Testimony upon Testimony –
#1 A lady (tourist) approached my wife (Mommy Surf) and said she was wanting to go down to the beach to watch the sunset but was tired from being on the beach. She said the enemy tried his hardest to keep her from going. However, something deep inside her said, ‘Go!’ It was Holy Spirit! She actually told her daughter she wanted to be baptized in water a creek, lake or the ocean if possible why they were here earlier that day. They knew nothing about the Sunset Worship and water baptisms. As she sat and listened to the worship music, she was shocked when she heard us announce, ‘Is there anyone who wants to be baptized in the Gulf this evening. And yesseri – she was just one of five who we baptized yesterday evening. She was already baptized in the Holy Spirit.
# 2 A local couple (engaged to be married) sitting on the beach also heard about the baptism and the man requested to be baptized in the Gulf. I went over to meet them, introduced myself and asked them if they knew about the, three, yes you heard me THREE baptisms? (Fire, Water, Wind)
They were surprised and said they wanted to know what I meant. They attend a large church. I told them sometimes people don’t get the discipleship needed to know the deeper revelations of the Word, so I spent time, going through scripture, making illustrations in the sand, teaching and reading scripture. Boom – you could see a lightbulb come on as their eyes and hearts were opene! Everything they had been receiving at the church came to light and made sense. This is why discipleship is SO IMPORTANT! To make a long story short, that’s them in the picture with my wife and I. We covered them with the Talit, anointed them with oil, prayed and asked the Lord to fill them with the Holy Spirit. Both teared up. The lady told my wife, ‘I’m so light! I feel like I’m going to pass out.’
My wife smiled and said, ‘that’s Holy Spirit!’ What’s amazing is that the lady wasn’t going to be baptized in water because she’s terrified of the water. However, she got baptized in the Gulf!
#3 Another young lady approached me and asked if I could pray for her. She heard me over the PA talk about the baptism of Holy Spirit and asked if anyone never received it but had been baptized in water. She was one. Actually, she attends a church that doesn’t teach or believe in it. Unfortunately, there are many, AND and many miss out and suffer because of it. I’m speaking to the quire because I was one for too many years. Just saying – I’m John and I’m BOLD and speak out against that religious spirit!!!🏄‍♂️🌊💪⚔️🔥🔥🔥
Again, to make a long story short, the people from New Life SRB, assisted me in praying for her, and yes she also teared up as the Lord filled her with Holy Spirit. Here’s the kicker. It was meant to happen because she lives near the church where the people who were assisting me. We were able to connect her so she could continue to be discipled! God is AWESOME!
Again THANK YOU New Life SRB

Summer 2024

Healings upon healings, baptism in Holy Spirit and prophecies one after the other sometimes back to back. Below is a picture of just one POWERFUL healing –
This is the Johnson family (confirmation #1 – our last name is Johnson)
The mom had a full lower leg brace / cast on her right leg. She had been hiking on a cliff and her foot got wedged between rocks and she fell over 20+ft . Her foot completely turned around in almost a 360 degree rotation wrenching and tearing apart her muscles, ligaments, and nerves etc. When I saw her, I immediately knew I was supposed to pray for her. Holy Spirit impressed upon me to do so. However, I didn’t act on it immediately and got caught up / sidetracked with praying for another couple. I thought she had left, but she was sitting on the Surfboard Prayer Bench (a GODINCIDENCE) at the entrance to the shop. I came over and introduced myself and told her that I thought she had left, and that Holy Spirit had impressed me that I needed to pray for her for healing. As soon as I said that, we all (the family was there also) felt His presence and the mom began to weep.
I knew for certain something BIG was about to happen. The dad said, ‘That’s crazy because it was the same thing with me. When she was injured, I was at work and felt the urge to call her but didn’t, and it wasn’t until the hospital had called that he knew the accident happened.’ (Confirmation #2)
We all sat down. (picture of the family on the surfboard bench). I got my Talit and anointing oil, but felt strongly I needed to put my hands on her foot. I knew I wouldn’t be able to anoint her leg because of the leg brace. However, I was surprised when she said that she could remove it. However, she said she COULD NOT move her foot because of the nerve damage and her foot had to be absolutely stable in order for healing. She also said she was in a lot of pain. I said I would be very careful and that I would only put a little oil on her foot and barely touch it. Her husband was adamant about being very careful. I just knew I needed to touch her foot. What happened next – ONLY JESUS! And everyone there, even customers coming into the shop, witnessed what happened next.
I covered her with the Talit (Prayer Shawl) and put the oil on her foot. I began to pray and speak scriptures of healing asking Jesus to heal her. All of a sudden her toes began moving up and down. I thought she was doing it. She wasn’t. She said she felt tingling sensation in her toes. Then her whole foot began to curl up and down and started tapping on the floor. I was kinda freaking out and said, ‘ I promise I’m not moving your foot!’ She said she was not doing it, it was moving on its own! Everyone there was watching and everyone was just as shocked as I was.
I kept praying. Then her foot was not only tapping up and down it began to move back and forth sideways. IT WAS DANCING! Her daughter (in pic) said, ‘Mommy you’re foot is dancing!’
As her foot danced, I literately could feel what I believe was the Lord putting everything back in order in her foot. I can’t explain it – it was so surreal. In all – it was done – healed in the name of Jesus and all her pain was gone.
I’m telling you people – this is SO REAL and just the beginning of so many things to come. God is moving mightily and many will know Jesus Christ is King and He’s given us the authority to bring His Kingdom to earth. Many will come to know Him and many will be set free, healed, delivered, and so much more!

Summer 2024

Testimony from the Surf Shop: Eric (Dad), Kristin (Mom) and miracle baby (William) Harris are staying down in South Visit South Walton for a Summer vacation visit. They contacted me a week ago and said that they wanted to come to the shop for a visit to introduce me to their miracle son. They came to the shop about a year ago and asked me to pray for them to have a child. They had been trying for years and were told Kristin couldn’t have a child. There’s more to this story but I’m leaving it undisclosed for respectful reasons. To make a long story short, I prayed for them to have a baby, and they told me that it was about a week later Kristin became pregnant with little William! Wow just wow – God is So Absolutely Amazing and Absolutely Good! We give YASHUA all the praise, honor and glory.

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.