Eye Witness Accounts Of Jesus Changing Lives

Surf Shop Testimony

I had to go to the shop very early this morning to check the roof because of all the rain. We have a leak and I have to check the bucket to make sure it’s catching the water. We have someone coming in to fix it but not till tomorrow. Since I was in early, I also prayed over and anointed the entire inside. I do this quite regularly sometimes several days a week. As most often happens, the Lord brings someone in for prayer when I’m there early before opening the surf shop side. The Barista Bar opens at 7am – Surf Shop at 8am. As soon as the Barista Bar opened, a lady (Laurel) came in for coffee. Holy Spirit immediately highlighted her as I was praying and anointing. At first I didn’t do anything and continued to do what I was doing, and as I did she got her coffee and left. However, a moment later she came back in to give someone her business card. I immediately knew it was the Lord because I silently said, ‘Lord, if she comes back, I know you brought her here.’ It was without a doubt a GODINCIDENCE!
I approached her and introduced myself and began telling her about the shop and how it was Holy ground and the Lord brought people here for prayer for many reasons. I shared deep Truth and scripture with her for about thirty minutes or so. She soaked in every word. I then shared that often I hear a word from the Lord as to why the Lord has brought that person in, but I didn’t know why He had brought her (Laurel) in. I said many come in for healing – spiritual, physical or emotional.
I then shared a testimony of a couple who came in awhile ago and I heard ‘sickness’, so I approached them and told them they weren’t there to shop, either one of them needed healing or someone they knew. When I said that, the man screamed and his knees buckled and the lady cried – their son had just been diagnosed with a terminal disease. I said that’s why you’re here, we need to decree and declare healing and the WORD will go out and not return void as we come together in faith and believe it’s done!
As I was sharing this testimony with Laurel, she began to tear up and I knew she knew why she was there. She told me she was in remission from cancer and was about to go to a Cancer Center in Texas to get a follow up report – BAM! We both knew it was confirmation without a doubt that’s why she was here. I said we need to pray. I sat Laurel on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, anointed her with oil and covered her with my Talit. I asked her if she went to church. She said she believed in Jesus but did not go to church or read the Bible.
I said well you just got a WHOLE LOT OF CHURCH AND TEACHING! I then went on to teach and explain about the baptisms of believing, water and Holy Spirit. I said I’ll not only declare healing over her body but ask the Lord to baptize her and fill her with His spirit (Holy Spirit). As I began to pray, I heard the word ‘Fear’ and knew she had a spirit of fear. So, not only was Laurel there to be healed, she was there to be delivered and receive the baptism of Holy Spirit!
All I can say is you just had to be there to see and experience all that happened. Laurel wept, and was so overwhelmed she basically went out and just sat there for awhile soaking in all that the Lord was doing. Keep in mind this was all done in a Surf Shop. Laurel would have never gone to a church. Afterwards, she asked if we had service here on Sundays, and I said no not really – it’s church everyday but we do have a lot of gatherings and we are about to go into season and do more. She said she would come back and talk more and I’ll be connecting her with others to help her with her walk with the Lord. Just another day at the shop living in the Kingdom and being the EKKLESIA.

Surf Shop Testimony

Here’s a follow up ‘PRAISE REPORT’ from a Testimony I posted this on Saturday. 
(I reposted the Testimony at the end of this Paise report) I received this from Grady the following Monday. 
From Grady:
Hi everyone, I just want to take a moment and share my God-incident from this weekend. As many of you know I’ve been battling a broken ankle for the last 6 months or so. This weekend we went down to the beach and I obviously had Tj (his friend) test out my new skimboard. Well with a New skimboard you gotta have wax so I had to go get wax from Mr surfs. So I go and get some and talk to my good friends John (Owner) and Ford (staff) who own and run the shop. (Mind you John is the one who helped lead me to Christ and baptize me, and that the surf shop is Holy ground) Well I get the wax and leave and the day goes on. The next day I felt led to go back and get lunch there with my pops. I get there and look around as usual. I say hey to John and he asks if I had been skimming today and I said no because my ankle was broken, and was bothering me. So he tells me he would pray for healing over me. As he’s gathering the prayer oil and Talit the man playing the guitar started playing ‘dry bones’. The man said before he knew he was coming to the shop, God told him to play that song while he was in the shower this morning. John also said he was about to leave but God told him to stay, and right when he turned around to come back in the shop I walked in. He started praying, praying for me and anointing my leg with oil and my foot started twitching and moving. The Lord was healing it from the inside out and I could feel and see it. And then he prayed for the fire of the Holy Spirit to fill me and that I would receive a promotion in a spiritual sense, right then a warm calming mood/feeling came over me. My ankle and soul and everything now feels so much better and idk how to describe other than a God moment and the Holy Spirit healing me. The next day I met a bunch of my closest friends to go and skim. I skimmed ALL DAY with ZERO PAIN. The reason I share this is to show how God has worked in my life to show me how the impossible is possible. Just two weeks ago I was told my ankle would never heal the same and that I would struggle with running for the rest of my life. Matthew 19:26, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”
God bless! 🤙🏾💙
Pic 1 (Max Sisk, Grady, and me / Daddy Surf 🏄‍♂️ 🌊)
Grady came into the shop with his grandfather. They’re from Georgia. Grady’s grandparents have a condo here in PCB. There’s an incredible story behind how Grady came to be baptized in the Holy Spirit at the shop. Actually, I was honored to baptize Grady and his two younger brothers in the Gulf – all that is another story.
As we all spoke, I found out Grady had injured his foot playing football awhile back. He kept playing sports, as most athletes do, ignoring it and dealt with the pain not knowing he’d fractured it. Over time it remained and then got worse when he tweaked it skimboarding. I immediately knew the Lord brought him in to be healed. During this time, I received a text from Max saying he’d like to come over to the shop and worship. I said, ‘Bring your guitar and head on over.’ Little did I know that Holy Spirit spoke to him and to open up worship with the song ‘Dry Bones’.
– the Lord set it all in order.
I sat Grady on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, we removed our shoes, I anointed him and his foot with oil and covered him with my Talit. As I got ready to pray for Yeshua to heal Grady’s foot, I heard Max begin to play the song with the words ‘Dry bones come to life!’ CRAZY. I asked Max, ‘Why are you playing that song?’ That’s when he told me that Holy Spirit spoke to him, in the shower btw, to come to the shop, worship and begin with that particular song. Max knew nothing about Grady or why I was about to pray for him for. As a matter of fact, he has never met Grady. I knew it was a ‘GODINCIDENCE’ and confirmation that Grady would be healed. As I prayed for Grady holding his foot, his foot supernaturally began to jerk and I heard it crack. I wasn’t moving it, only holding Grady’s foot and leg. I asked Grady why was he jerking his foot? He said I’m not! It was supernaturally moving. Then I heard the Lord say to prophesy for ‘promotion!’ As I did, laying hands on Grady, I spoke the words Holy Spirit gave me. Grady was completely overwhelmed as the power of the Lord poured into him. What happened is beyond expression. Like I said, Grady was completely overwhelmed and just sat there saying ‘WOW WOW!’

Surf Shop Testimony and MY personal Praise Report!

wow 😯 – Wow 😮 – WOW! 🤩
I’m TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY – how Yeshua is the God miracles. I have a COMPLETE tear of my right shoulder rotator’s cuff and the major head of my bicep (same arm) is completely ruptured (7” inch separation / detachment) from my shoulder. Explain to me how I have complete range of motion and almost full strength in my arm – ONLY Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Yeshua Hamashiach) Lord of lords, King of kings Jehovah-Rapha (the Lord who heals) my arm is functioning supernaturally naturally.
I paddled and surfed for almost two hours with only minimal soreness. Just saying, I’ve always had the soreness. Like I said I totally blown away.
God is Absolutely amazing and SO GOOD!
Picture from the surf session. Everyone was out having a blast and the vibe was awesome! I was paddling up to everyone in the line up sharing what the Lord had done for me!

Surf Shop Testimony

Once again it’s been FIRE 🔥 at the shop and I’ve been pouring out all day. The Testimonies are so much, there’s no way possible to write down all the things that the Lord is doing. Like I said – been poring out God’s LOVE all day.  I was humbled and honored to meet and pray with this group of God’s daughter’s. As we prayed the presence of Holy Spirit was powerful and a couple of the girls began to tear up! 
I’m still trying to wrap my head around how radically amazing our Lord orchestras the MOST EXTRAORDINARY circumstances / encounters.

Surf Shop Testimony

The Lord is bringing in more Kingdom connections daily and is moving mightily! Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We SO GREATLY appreciate all your prayers and support. These girls came to the shop and I let them pray for healing over a friend who came in for prayer because she was suffering with severe neck pain. It was their first time in doing so. I stood by and prayed in the spirit as they laid hands on her and prayed – BAM! Holy Spirit reduced her neck pain! It was so beautiful and the girls who prayed were blown away! They were so encouraged and their faith increased to a whole new level. Discipling the next generation to expand God’s Kingdom in the earth.

Surf Shop Testimony

This is Iris  – I recognized her but because I meet and pray with so many people, it’s difficult to recall the details. She came in this afternoon to tell me what had happened. She said a few months ago she came to the shop with a friend (Sam). It was after church and they wanted to go out to lunch and she sensed she needed to come to Finn’s. When she got here, she said she felt an impression to come into the Surf Shop. I was there and I approached her and sensed she needed prayer. She told me she had fluid in her heart and a spot on her lungs and didn’t want surgery. She had gone through quite a lot when the tornado came through PCB last January (2024). She had lost most everything. She said that I prayed with her for healing. I then remembered, and I remembered it was POWERFUL as the presence of Holy Spirit was heavy. She said that all the fluid in her heart was gone, as well as, the spot on her lungs – Yeshua (Jesus) healed her completely!
As for Sam, her friend, I and my employee ‘Robin’ prayed for him. She said he was in a really bad state. I also remembered it was powerful and he needed a lot of emotional healing. Sam was set free from the strongholds that were oppressing him. Iris told me that since that day we prayed with Sam, he left a completely different person in a positive way, and was set free from the person he was before! All praise and honor and glory to our Lord and Savior Yeshua Hamashiach!

Surf Shop Testimony

This is Sam (Samuel). I use to minister to him and his brother almost a decade ago.
I haven’t seen him in QUITE AWHILE!
Holy Spirit brought him and his brother up to my mind and heart. I don’t have any contact information and or knowledge of what ever happened to them – BUT GOD!
Two days after Holy Spirit brought him to my mind, my employee texts me and says there’s a kid who came by wanting to talk with you. He said you used to minister to him and he’d attend your SK8 nights at the shop years ago. He left his number and I believe he needs prayer.
I immediately knew without a doubt – it was God ordained and the Lord wanted me to do something. I prayed and asked Him and He let me know.
I contacted Sam, and we set a time to come meet. We sat and I listened to all that was going on with him and his family – a pretty tough life to say the least.
I sat and shared the deeper things of Yeshua (Jesus), scripture, and explained the baptisms of accepting Yeshua as Lord and Savior, the baptism of water and the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire. Sam also had severe back pain.
I got my employee ‘Robin’ and had Sam sit on the Surfboard Prayer Bench. I covered him with my Talit and anointed him with oil. We began to pray over Sam. I commanded the strongholds that were afflicting Sam, to be broken off (deliverance), his back to be healed and the Lord to baptize him in the Holy Spirit and fire. Yessiree – it was done! Sam teared up and sweat as the Lord healed, delivered and set Sam free and he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. He will never be the same. Sam will be bringing his girlfriend in to meet with me and I’ll be discipling them regularly. Just like the shirt says that I’m wearing : ‘GOD IS GOOD’
Just another great morning at the Surf Shop.

Surf Shop Testimony

Praise Reports – from my dear brother RonLeah Dyer. (read at the end)
I remember clearly what happened the morning Ron came into the shop with his family. When they told me about their daughter’s condition I clearly heard the Lord say for me to pray for their daughter the words ‘REVERSE OSMOSIS!’ It was so vivid!
I immediately laid my hands on her and declared the words He gave me to speak in the Mighty Name of Yeshua Hamashiach! Here’s (in the post) Ron’s testimony.
From Ron:
God sends us to places not only for his commission, but to receive rewards for our obediences. A year ago we started becoming aware of sensory issues in our toddler Izzy. It was after her first rounds of vaccines. She would flap her hands, spin in circles and hard blink for example. Just very sensitive in behavior. Though many worldly voices spoke over our daughter, we kept faith in a God that can do all things. We had a Praying Church at Samburg Baptist and In our obedience to do the great commission in Panama City, We received a Huge Miracle! John at Mr. Surf’s Surf Shop received a Word to Pray over Elizabeth and Spoke the Word Reverse Osmosis! Since she has been Improving with Leaps and Bounds! Her outburst have almost Stopped completely, No More Circles or Hand Flapping and her vocabulary and Attention has improved Drastically! We also had been praying about a Product to Help called Zeolite, which was also confirmed in the Spirit with Kimberly  Quinn. Faith, and Obedience of Works is the Key to getting your Miracle! With man this isn’t possible but with God all things are Possible! Matthew19:26

Surf Shop Testimony

This is Mark and his wife. I met and prayed with Mark’s wife several weeks ago. I was sitting in the coffee shop when she came in with a friend. I was engaged in a conversation / meeting with a friend when she walked by me, and Holy Spirit immediately highlighted her and gave me an unction that she needed prayer. Basically, He (Holy Spirit) spoke and said that I needed to pray for her, but about what He didn’t reveal it. All I knew is that Holy Spirit wanted me to pray for her.
Unfortunately, I was engaged in a meeting at that time and I watched as she and her friend got an Acai bowl and went outside to sit and eat. As soon as I was done with my meeting, I got up and went to my truck because I had to be somewhere. I forgot all about Mark’s wife. When I pulled out of the driveway, I remembered and looked back. She was still sitting in the Courtyard outside with her friend, but because I was busy (B – being U – under S – satans Y – yoke) I just kept going. About a quarter of a mile down the road, Holy Spirit just about knocked me over saying, ‘What are you doing – GO PRAY for her now!’
I immediately turned around and headed back to the shop, however, it was too late. They had left. I openly spoke out, ‘Okay Lord, I’m sorry I missed the opportunity, but if she comes back, I will IMMEDIATELY approach her and tell her what happened. Yep, that’s what happened.
A few days later she was walking in with another friend as I was leaving the shop. This time I immediately walked straight up to her, introduced myself and boldly told her what had happened and that it was no coincidence she was there. I needed to pray for her! I missed it a few days ago when she had come in, and now that she was here, I needed to pray for her and she knew what it was about. She was not only shocked, she began to tear up. She told me she was there the first time meeting with her friend because her mom had just got into a really bad car accident and was in critical condition at the hospital, and that she was still in the hospital in bad condition. I immediately said let’s pray now! I told Fio the manager of the coffee shop to join me, and we prayed. It was powerful and the presence of Holy Spirit was strong. Both she and her friend were taken aback. I believe it was the first time they ever experienced His presence in such a way. I told them what was happening and that her mom would be fine. We all hugged and said our goodbyes.
The story continues –
This morning she walked in with her husband (Mark) and I asked him if she had told him what had happened. He said no. I then explained everything and began to share / teach them about how and what living in Spirit and Truth meant, and about ushering in the Kingdom of Heaven, and about the three baptisms and much more. I also shared several powerful testimonies with them. They soaked it all in like sponges. They disclosed that Mark had just began learning about Jesus Christ and started reading the Book of Matthew. He thanked me deeply for spending time sharing the Word. We exchanged numbers and I’ll be disciplining them. It’s so amazing as the Lord is bringing in people almost every day. I’m sensing He’s building something very special and unique here at the shop. I’m so humble, grateful and excited for all the Lord is doing.

Surf Shop Testimony

This is ‘Angela’ and ‘Erik’. I met them as I was coming out of Chili’s Restaurant in California. They had a table set up outside the front entrance and were raising money to purchase goods for kids in need. They both are believers in Christ and go to a church. I told them that I would donate to their organization, but I also wanted to share the Gospel of the Kingdom and about the three baptisms. They were unsuspecting and kinda confused to say the least. I began to go through scripture with both of them. They knew about the scriptures and had heard them but were never given a deeper teaching and understanding of what they said / meant. They were absolutely astounded as the knowledge of the Word began to take fruit. As I spoke, Holy Spirit gave me ‘words of knowledge’ for each of them. I told them what Holy Spirit said – Angela was a single mother and at times struggled with finances and Erik was a leader. I had never met them. Angela was a single mom of three kids and Erik was the leader in the organization they were working for – BAM, spot on!
Again they were totally blown away!
While all this was happening, Holy Spirit drew in another young man (19 y/o) who was just as amazed as Angela and Erik were.
After spending about an hour with them, I asked if I could pray with them and we would ask the Lord to baptize them in Holy Spirit and fire. They adamantly said, ‘YES!’
I anointed them with oil and laid hands on them and prayed.
What happened next was epic! As I prayed, people were coming in and out of the restaurant watching and listening to everything – something you rarely see in So. California, especially at a public restaurant.
The power of the Lord came down.
Angela said she saw an explosion of light surround her.
Erik just about fell out, as I was holding him up, he just wept. He looked at me and grabbed me and gave me a huge hug and thanked me. I said it’s just Jesus bro – now go y’all are empowered to advance His Kingdom and Light into those dark places where those kids are enslaved. I told them to be ready because everything was about to change for them, but they had to keep their lamps full of oil and on fire for Yeshua. We took this picture and said our goodbyes.
Man, I love this life!

Surf Shop Testimony

On a portion of my trip to Fort Collins Colorado to visit my mom, she wanted to take me out of the city to a famous Cowboy Restaurant (about a thirty minute drive) called ‘Vern’s’. The restaurant has been there for decades.  As expected, the Lord had set up several Divine Appointments, one of which was ‘Bill’ (see pic).
Bill is a regular at the restaurant and owns ten acres out near the restaurant. As my mom and I were ordering food, Bill walked in to the restaurant very slowly. He definitely stood out, particularly because he was visibly struggling and moving very slowly. He couldn’t use his left hand and arm and he had a very difficult time, to say the least, to sit at the table to eat. I knew nothing about Bill, but immediately I knew I had to pray with him. I told my mom what I was going to do, and walked over to Bill and introduced myself. He spoke very slowly and said thank you that would be nice. The restaurant was pretty full and I laid hands on Bill and began praying. The presence of Holy Spirit was undeniable. I believe just about everyone in the restaurant knew that there was a supernatural presence in the room. I just spoke the words Holy Spirit gave me and when I was done, Bill looked up at me and said, ‘Thank you, that was very nice. I needed that.’ I went back to our table where my mom and I were eating. After Bill finished eating, I watched as he got up out of his chair and he seemed notably stronger. He then approached my mom and I and said, ‘I just wanted you to know that I had a stroke awhile ago and the words you spoke over me were spot on. Everything you said was so true’.
I didn’t even remember what I said. It was a special moment. We took this picture then Bill went outside and drove away – YES DROVE – in his old pickup truck.

Surf Shop Testimony

This is Cheyenne. I met her at the airport in Atlanta and it was NO coincidence- it was certainly a GODINCIDENCE – Holy Spirit orchestrated it all. It all began at the PCB airport. I was going through TSA and they kinda rush you through. I most always carry my cross (from Israel) and anointing oil in my pocket. I know it’s not necessary to use them. I use them as a ‘prophetic act’ to honor Yeshua – it’s just how Papa God has me ministering. It also opens up opportunities to talk with people about things in the Bible (Old and New Testament) that they never heard of, and allows a deeper understanding of the Word. Back to my story –
As was rushing to take stuff out of my pocket, my small bottle of oil flew out and broke on the floor – oh no 🙈! I looked up and said these exact words, ‘Okay Lord, I know I don’t need the oil, I only need you, but I know you allowed it to happen for a reason.’
FAST FWD to Atlanta airport – I had a three hour layover because our plane was stuck on the runway and I, as well as 18 others, didn’t make the next flight. I decided to walk around the terminal and happened (Holy Spirit is orchestrating it all) by a small shop with oils and things for health. I thought maybe they sell a small bottle of Frankincense and Myrrh like the one that broke in PCB?
I walked up and met Cheyenne and told her what I needed. She said most likely they had something like it or very similar. Yep – we found a small bottle similar to the one I broke in PCB, and it was an immunity booster used for healing! WOW 😮! However, it gets much better than this: As Cheyenne and her coworker were at the register finishing up the sale, I shared why I was getting the oil. I also began sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom – Cheyenne was a believer but her coworker wasn’t. Then loud and clear, Holy Spirit spoke ‘This all happened from beginning to end so you could pray for Cheyenne – she needed prayer 🙏 Tell her everything, and that I (Holy Spirit) brought you here to pray with her and that’s why you’re here.
You know me, I ALWAYS obey Him when He speaks, so I spoke and shared everything with Cheyenne (and her coworker). Cheyenne immediately said, ‘THAT’ CRAZY! I BELIEVE IT!’
I said no it’s not crazy, it’s just how the Lord does things if you’re listening.
She definitely needed prayer for a very serious situation involving someone she loved dearly – Suicide. We prayed. She wept as I anointed her with the oil and we held hands and prayed. The power 🔥of the Lord filled the shop – you could not deny His presence. There was also another customer there and I could clearly see she and the coworker knew something supernaturally powerful was taking place.
The Lord orchestrated every single thing from PCB breaking the oil, to missing the flight and staying in Atlanta, to walking around the terminal and to going to that exact spot (shop) at that exact time when Cheyenne was working! I didn’t mention she didn’t work the day before because of a very serious situation – the one she needed prayer for!
I got to spend some time with her coworker and plant some seeds and water them. She’s searching and Holy Spirit spoke through me giving her some nuggets of Truth to chew on.
God is SO absolutely amazingly good. He blows me away every single day I’m here on earth to continue to do whatever He wills.

Surf Shop Testimony

Emilio and Yesimar. They are visiting PCB for the Holiday Season and the Lord had a special gift for them as He led them to the shop. I was sitting on the Surfboard Bench and sensed that (Holy Spirit unction) I needed to share the Gospel of the Kingdom and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with them. As Barbara Toth played worship music on the keyboard preparing the soil, I spent about forty minutes plus, sharing and teaching them Truth from scripture planting the seed. As I did, they were completely still and overwhelmed by the presence of Holy Spirit. I stood them in the middle of the shop, we removed our shoes, I covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil asking the Lord to baptize them in Holy Spirit – BAM 🔥🔥🔥 Power came upon them and they began to weep – bringing in the harvest. Their lives will never be the same, and I told them to be ready because when they would leave, they would leave on a whole new and HIGHER level with the Lord.
What’s awesome is that the shop and coffee shop were packed with people watching and couldn’t deny the presence of the Lord as it all happened. The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife. We hugged and I told them, ‘Now GO – take what you received here back to your family, friends and community!
This is what we do and who we are; an EKKLESIA, a Kingdom Business and Marketplace Ministry, first and foremost to advance God’s Kingdom here and abroad.

Surf Shop Testimony

Sarah (daughter) and Patty (mom) They came to the shop the other day. I immediately approached them just after praying with another Divine Appointment for healing – that testimony is on our livestream on Instagram.
I knew the Lord sent Sarah and Patty in for prayer. What I didn’t know is what Sarah told me – she said she brought her father in a year ago (Patty’s husband) because he was developing Alzheimer’s. She said that at that time, her mom ‘Patty’ was fighting for her life because she had been in a severe car accident and was in the hospital. Her mom had to have several surgeries. They came in the other day for us to pray for Sarah, who was in SEVERE pain throughout her body because of all the surgeries. Robin (our employee) and I, sat them both on the Surfboard Prayer, we removed our shoes, I covered them with my Talit and anointed them with oil and we prayed for healing. Again, power came 🔥 upon them both. Holy Spirit revealed to me that Sarah also needed prayer. Again it was an amazing moment and you just had to be there to experience what happened.
They came in today to shop and let me know that her (Patty’s) pain had significantly decreased and she was so much better – Glory Hallelujah – all praise and honor to Yeshua Hamashiach!
Just wanted to share these testimonies with y’all and encourage you too to GO! Be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ of Nazareth – we are called to be His ambassadors on earth until He calls us home or He returns. The time is near!

Surf Shop Testimony

Mom comes in with her three daughters and purchases three sweatshirts (see picture). I see them and asked them if they knew who the ‘Giant Slayer’ was in the Bible that their t-shirts were referring to. The oldest one said, with a great big smile, ‘JESUS!’ I wasn’t expecting that, but actually she was correct and I told her so. Jesus slayed the greatest giant of all – ‘the devil himself!’ I then told the girls about David in the Bible and how he slayed the giant ‘Goliath’. I said, ‘Hey we’ve got an illustrated kids Bible and it’s actually got the picture of the scene. With that said, they, and their mom all followed me to the bookshelf where we sell our books. I pulled out the Bible opening it up (it’s about 3”inches thick) and it opened up right to the page of that particular story! (see picture)
Only GOD! We were all blown away!
I even tried to do the same thing after they left but couldn’t repeat it. I believe it was the was the Lord just giving us all a ‘Wink’ letting us know how awesomely amazing He is and how much He loves us.

Surf Shop Testimony

I began the day, as I do each morning, spending deep deep intimate time with the Lord filling up with ‘Oil’ to prepare for the day’s activities. As I arrived early at the shop, these three young, fine men (surfers) were sitting in the coffee shop waiting for the Surf Shop to open so they could get some wax. It was definitely a Divine Appointment. I opened up early so they could come in and they asked to go upstairs to look at boards also. When they came down to get wax, you know me, I immediately began sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom with them and several testimonies. They were completely captured and mesmerized – so hungry! I shared deep Kingdom principles and about the Five-fold ministry and power of Holy Spirit. They soaked it all in like sponges. I told them about us now establishing a Surf Church and ministry – Surf’s Up Global – here and the vision the Lord had given my wife and I. I asked them if they’d be interested in joining us in this endeavor and that we could all meet regularly for discipleship, and more. They were SO EXCITED, and said yes. I got their numbers and we’ll be getting together and others as well. I’ve been discipling more and more each week. God is building His Remnant army for ‘Such a Time as this!

Surf Shop Testimony

Holy Spirit WITHOUT a doubt led this family here. The lady in the white sweatshirt came into the shop early morning and was walking around. I sensed she needed prayer, so I approached her and introduced myself, told her Holy Sprit had highlighted her and I knew she needed prayer for something going on with her in her life. She told me she felt led to come here and felt the Lord’s presence. As she did she began to tear up and I knew there was a lot going on. I sat her on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, we removed our shoes, I covered her with my Talit and anointed her with oil. Holy Spirit came upon her and lifted all the weight she was holding onto – anxiety & stress. She immediately said I’m going to get my sister. She has cancer and that’s why were here on vacation for a get away. The whole family came in and I prayed for each one of them at the Prayer Bench and healing for her sister. I was powerful! They were all overwhelmed and tears flowed as Holy Spirit did His work. We all hugged and took this picture.

Surf Shop Testimony

Once again – not a coincidence but a GOD incidence that the Lord brought this family in to eat and shop. I immediately sensed that the dad needed pray for healing. I was busy at the time they came in and they went outside to order their food. They sat outside and I had forgotten about them – BUT GOD would do what He had brought them in to do! I saw the family getting into their car and were getting ready to leave, so I had thought I had messed up and missed the Divine Appointment. HOWEVER, the daughter was in the restroom inside the shop and when she came out, I immediately approached her and told her that I believed the Lord had brought them in. particularly for her dad for healing. She began to cry and I said we can pray now but it would be better if y’all could come back in so I can pray with your father and your family. She immediately said NO I will get them and she literally ran out to make sure they came back in. To make a long story short, we all gathered and I sat them on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, we all removed our shoes and I anointed each of them with oil. I came to find out that the father’s nervous system was being attacked by an unknown cause and getting worse. We all prayed for healing and the Lord also gave me prophetic words to speak over them. The power of the Lord came upon us. the temperature went up as the Fire of Holy Spirit fell and they all wept and wept as Holy Spirit did what He needed to do. The shop filled up with customers as the presence of the Lord drew them in and people watch and listened from a distance. All I can say is you just had to be there to see and experience what occurred.  

Happening now.

Testimony coming soon.

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Testimony coming soon.