Eye Witness Accounts Of Jesus Changing Lives

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony and MY personal Praise Report!

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony
The Lord is bringing in more Kingdom connections daily and is moving mightily! Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We SO GREATLY appreciate all your prayers and support. These girls came to the shop and I let them pray for healing over a friend who came in for prayer because she was suffering with severe neck pain. It was their first time in doing so. I stood by and prayed in the spirit as they laid hands on her and prayed – BAM! Holy Spirit reduced her neck pain! It was so beautiful and the girls who prayed were blown away! They were so encouraged and their faith increased to a whole new level. Discipling the next generation to expand God’s Kingdom in the earth.

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony
This is ‘Angela’ and ‘Erik’. I met them as I was coming out of Chili’s Restaurant in California. They had a table set up outside the front entrance and were raising money to purchase goods for kids in need. They both are believers in Christ and go to a church. I told them that I would donate to their organization, but I also wanted to share the Gospel of the Kingdom and about the three baptisms. They were unsuspecting and kinda confused to say the least. I began to go through scripture with both of them. They knew about the scriptures and had heard them but were never given a deeper teaching and understanding of what they said / meant. They were absolutely astounded as the knowledge of the Word began to take fruit. As I spoke, Holy Spirit gave me ‘words of knowledge’ for each of them. I told them what Holy Spirit said – Angela was a single mother and at times struggled with finances and Erik was a leader. I had never met them. Angela was a single mom of three kids and Erik was the leader in the organization they were working for – BAM, spot on!
Again they were totally blown away!
While all this was happening, Holy Spirit drew in another young man (19 y/o) who was just as amazed as Angela and Erik were.
After spending about an hour with them, I asked if I could pray with them and we would ask the Lord to baptize them in Holy Spirit and fire. They adamantly said, ‘YES!’
I anointed them with oil and laid hands on them and prayed.
What happened next was epic! As I prayed, people were coming in and out of the restaurant watching and listening to everything – something you rarely see in So. California, especially at a public restaurant.
The power of the Lord came down.
Angela said she saw an explosion of light surround her.
Erik just about fell out, as I was holding him up, he just wept. He looked at me and grabbed me and gave me a huge hug and thanked me. I said it’s just Jesus bro – now go y’all are empowered to advance His Kingdom and Light into those dark places where those kids are enslaved. I told them to be ready because everything was about to change for them, but they had to keep their lamps full of oil and on fire for Yeshua. We took this picture and said our goodbyes.
Man, I love this life!

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony
Holy Spirit WITHOUT a doubt led this family here. The lady in the white sweatshirt came into the shop early morning and was walking around. I sensed she needed prayer, so I approached her and introduced myself, told her Holy Sprit had highlighted her and I knew she needed prayer for something going on with her in her life. She told me she felt led to come here and felt the Lord’s presence. As she did she began to tear up and I knew there was a lot going on. I sat her on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, we removed our shoes, I covered her with my Talit and anointed her with oil. Holy Spirit came upon her and lifted all the weight she was holding onto – anxiety & stress. She immediately said I’m going to get my sister. She has cancer and that’s why were here on vacation for a get away. The whole family came in and I prayed for each one of them at the Prayer Bench and healing for her sister. I was powerful! They were all overwhelmed and tears flowed as Holy Spirit did His work. We all hugged and took this picture.

Surf Shop Testimony
Once again – not a coincidence but a GOD incidence that the Lord brought this family in to eat and shop. I immediately sensed that the dad needed pray for healing. I was busy at the time they came in and they went outside to order their food. They sat outside and I had forgotten about them – BUT GOD would do what He had brought them in to do! I saw the family getting into their car and were getting ready to leave, so I had thought I had messed up and missed the Divine Appointment. HOWEVER, the daughter was in the restroom inside the shop and when she came out, I immediately approached her and told her that I believed the Lord had brought them in. particularly for her dad for healing. She began to cry and I said we can pray now but it would be better if y’all could come back in so I can pray with your father and your family. She immediately said NO I will get them and she literally ran out to make sure they came back in. To make a long story short, we all gathered and I sat them on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, we all removed our shoes and I anointed each of them with oil. I came to find out that the father’s nervous system was being attacked by an unknown cause and getting worse. We all prayed for healing and the Lord also gave me prophetic words to speak over them. The power of the Lord came upon us. the temperature went up as the Fire of Holy Spirit fell and they all wept and wept as Holy Spirit did what He needed to do. The shop filled up with customers as the presence of the Lord drew them in and people watch and listened from a distance. All I can say is you just had to be there to see and experience what occurred.

Surf Shop Testimony
This is Destanie – Holy Spirit led her to the shop this morning because it was her appointed time!
She came to be baptized in water but did not know there was so much more than just surrendering to the Lord and being baptized in water. I took the time to teach / show her in scripture about the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire. Destanie soaked in the Word as her eyes teared up. The presence of Holy Spirit was SO powerful when I sat Destanie on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, covered her with my Talit, anointed her with oil and asked the Lord to baptize her in Holy Spirit – WOW just WOW! The Lord even revealed to me that she had gone through some fierce battles but stood strong because He was preparing her for her future – for ‘Such A Time as this!’ I began to prophesy the word’s the Lord gave me over her and into her spirit. She wept and wept as prayed over her, and the shop filled up with people as they watched in the distance. You could not deny the power and presence of the LORD. Afterwards, we went across the street and Destanie was baptized in water. As I prayed for Destanie back in the Surf Shop, the Lord had me speak the words that He was about to pour out a ‘Rain of Abundance’ in her life. As soon as she went into the water it began to rain! And stopped as she got out. We were both totally blown away – Divine Confirmation. God is so GOOD!

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony
This mom came in last year with her husband and I prayed for them. The husband serves in the military and they are stationed in Germany. They were visiting this PCB week and came back to the shop. They just had little ‘Magnolia’ and when they brought her to me she had a severe skin condition and was covered in a rash, particularly her face, and doctors didn’t know the cause of the condition. I asked if I could pray over Magnolia and they said YES! I laid hands on her and asked YASHUA HAMASHIACH to heal her. WOW – Yashua is a Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness that is who HE is! YASHUA completely healed her and the skin condition vanished!

Surf Shop Testimony
This family is from Tennessee. The mom contacted me about a water baptism in the Gulf for her and her teenage daughter. We set it up, however, as I ALWAYS do I have them meet me at the shop to go over scripture and teach / explain what baptism is and that there are three parts (just as in God there are three – Father, Son, Holy Spirit). You first believe (1), then have a water baptism (2) and then receive the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire (3) – only the Lord can do this. Over time the Lord has blessed me with the ability to explain it in a simple way that even a caveman can understand it (remember the commercials ) After the teaching, I ask them if they would like to be baptized by Holy Spirit – I also explain why John says, ‘Holy Spirit
and fire
and why the fire. It NEVER ceases to amaze me to see them light up to finally understand what they heard and or read about for many years. We together then ask Father to baptize them in Holy Spirit and every time it happens! We must go through boxes of tissues every week for the people to use who come here. In this case both mom and daughter wept and wept as Holy Spirit came upon them. Now here’s where it gets really good! Mom wanted her husband to come in and join us to listen in, however he didn’t. As we were all getting ready to leave the shop to go to the beach, the dad / husband came in. As you can see in the picture, he’s a very BIG and strong man. He noticed that his wife and daughter crying. I could tell he was a tad uncomfortable, particularly after seeing me praying over them. I approached him and told him what had happened. Then I began to teach and explain everything at what had just happened with his wife and daughter. He (the dad) was blown away because he had been going to church and churches for a long time and never had it explained to him in such a way. Both he and Amanda his wife no longer attend church. However, their daughter does but the church she attends doesn’t teach or believe in it. The dad had some questions for me and I answered them all according to scripture. I even gave him examples pertaining to life experiences. I then asked if I could pray for him and he said yes and as his wife and daughter watched, Holy Spirit came upon him also. His eyes were red and watery. It was awesome. I could tell he knew something powerful just had happened, but I also sensed he still wanted to know more. We went to the beach and I baptized the mom and daughter. People on the beach were rejoicing, clapping and singing hallelujah! One lady came over asking if she could hug them and she was crying. The whole family gave me a big hug and thanked me. I’ll be sending them scriptures and continue to teach them by text. I’m praying they find a Biblically based church, particularly a Five-fold ministry church and referred them to watch online Word Alive Outreach International. the church my wife and I are in apostolic alignment with.
Praise Report – in keeping contact with the family, the dad said he felt different and was it was like the Word was new as he read it. He asked me if what had happened to his wife and daughter had happened to him when I prayed over him, laid hands on him and ask the Lord to fill him with His presence. He knew something happened because he felt it ( I remember he wanted to cry but held it back because he was embarrassed) . I said Yes Sir! I
I continue to keep in touch and disciple through messages. I’m sure they will be returning next season.

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony
This is Alma who came to visit me. She told me that she watched me livestream on Instagram and had asked for prayer about a tumor in her side. She had some symptoms and went to the doctor to find out what the cause was. That’s when they discovered the tumor. She said that I prayed and commanded the tumor to leave and for her to be healed in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach – Jesus Christ! She asked if I remembered and I did! And, I also remember that I asked all who were watching to come into agreement and pray with me. She said after that she went to the doctor and they couldn’t find a tumor! However, Alma told me she began to have symptoms again and went back and was told by one doctor the tumor was there and by another that they couldn’t find it? The Lord clearly spoke to me about the situation. I told Alma that I had just heard from the Lord and we needed to pray immediately. When we did, she was sitting on our Surfboard Prayer Bench and I put my Talit over her and anointed her with oil. We had our shoes removed. I began to pray, as I believe I knew exactly what the Lord was telling me about the situation. Literally – the FIRE of Holy Spirit came upon us. Alma sweat so much that my Talit was wet. I even got hot
and began to pray in the spirit. The shop filled up with customers as they watched and couldn’t deny the presence of Holy Spirit! Alma said her body was on fire and even after we were through for another hour or so she said her body was still on fire. I had to go home and wash my Talit.
Praise Report – she contacted me later and informed me that the doctors could find no tumor!

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony




As expected the Lord sent in several Divine Appointments. These are just a few of the people who Holy Spirit in for baptism of Holy Spirit, healing and to receive prophetic words. We never know what to expect, so we’re always ready to expect the unexpected and live naturally in the supernatural. Just know this – God is doing a NEW thing. Keep your eyes fixed on Yeshua. Don’t look to the left or to the right. He alone is the Author and Finisher of our faith. He goes before us, His glory is our rear guard and He hems us in on every side. We have NOTHING to fear! We fight from a place of ABSOLUTE victory and are absolutely free in Him!

We are a Kingdom Business and Marketplace ministers. We applied and received recognition from the IRS as a “CHURCH’ – Surf’s Up Global is the name of our church which is a church outside the four walls and we have NO paid staff. The moment we open our doors – it’s Church as the Lord brings in folks from all over and all kinds of life. We minister, pray, teach, baptize and do whatever He (Holy Spirit) leads us to do. Yesterday the Lord sent in a young couple whose parents live here. They were visiting from Texas and the young man was buying one of our books called, ‘Acts 29 The Church has left the Building’ by Johnny Taylor who’s a dear friend and brother in Christ of ours. I approached him and began a conversation. I said, ‘You know there’s no Acts 29.’ He looked at me curiously and said really? I said yes we are still in the Book of Acts – ‘The Church Age’. That began our conversation as I spent over an hour discipling both he and his wife. What’s crazy is that I didn’t know another customer (she) was standing nearby listening. She purchased her things and left. HOWEVER, she came back in the shop after leaving and said, ‘I don’t mean to interrupt, but I couldn’t help but hear y’all and I just had to come back in. I want to tell you that this man is speaking TRUTH! Listen to what he says. Holy Spirit turned me around to come in and tell you that!’
I said ‘wow Thank you’. The two I was ministering to were also surprised. After we spoke, I asked if they wanted to receive the baptism and they said, YES!!! I took them to our Surfboard Prayer Bench and did what the Lord has me do. They both received the baptism of Holy Spirit, they both wept and wept. Afterwards they thanked me and we all hugged. They have been going to church for years and knew nothing about all of this. They said will CERTAINLY be visiting each time they come back to PCB which is often. The Lord is sending in more and more people like this, and many who also need healing and deliverance.



Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony
‘Clark and LaJuan’ came all the way from Waco Texas. Literally Clark said Holy Spirit turned their car South when they were in Tallahassee and led them here to the shop! I’m not at will to disclose why they came for prayer. However, it was without a doubt a ‘Divine Appointment’. I was at home and felt a strong unction from Holy Spirit that I needed to go to the shop because He would have an appointment for me. I arrived just at the time they walked in! To make a long story short, we all went to the Surfboard Prayer Bench and I did what the Lord has me do. As we prayed the power of God came upon us so strong, LaJuan wept and wept, as well as Clark. Clark bent completely over almost to the ground breathing heavily as Holy Spirit healed him and he was solid sweat – it was an air conditioning building – he was the only one covered in sweat. Yeshua healed him and set him absolutely free all done in the Mighty Most Powerful and Precious Name of Yeshua! That was it! That was my only appointment for today. We took the picture and said our goodbyes.

Surf Shop Testimony
This young lady, she said she had to come back (she was here on vacation with a friend) and visit because of the presence Holy Spirit to have coffee one more time and shop. In our conversation, I came to find out she’s about to be married, so I said I’d love to pray with her and bless her future marriage. As we prayed, the Lord gave me a word that as she and her husband were joined as one, they would become (and their future children and children’s children) a ‘Bright Light’ like a city on a hill shining for the Lord! She smiled, and what was crazy, showed me the tattoo on her wrist about ‘Being the Light!’ and even more amazing turned the sweatshirt she was purchasing which said, ‘Be the Light!’ I didn’t even know it. God just does things like this throughout the day every day of the week that we’re open.

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony
PRAISE REPORT: The twins and Ella in picture: I prayed over them the other day on the Surfboard Prayer Bench and they all received the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire
. The twins told me they felt like electricity was going through their bodies and were tingling all over. It was much more powerful with Ella and guess what? This morning she went out to the beach real early and said as she was praying and all of a sudden she began praying in her spirit language! (praying in Tounges) She was so excited and overwhelmed! She told me that she knew that the Lord had sent her here. She’s very involved in her youth program back home at her church. I said get ready girl – God’s about to use you and take you to a whole new level!

Surf Shop Testimony
This is Leslie and Boyd here on vacation and without a doubt Holy Spirit brought them in. Holy Spirit spoke loud and clear as I saw our employee, Robin talking and sharing things with Leslie. I immediately knew she needed prayer for healing (spiritually and emotionally). To make a long story short, lots of strongholds were broken off, her identity and confidence restored AND she received the baptism of Holy Spirit. She is a Christian and didn’t, as many do, know anything about it. After helping her to understand what it was and why it was so important and that He (Holy Spirit) would empower her to overcome her struggles. We prayed in the middle of the shop as the shop began to fill up with people, as most always happens, and the power of Holy Spirit came upon her. She looked up at me with her eyes wide open and tears coming out and said, ‘I felt like I was standing on the ocean and waves were moving all around me and under my feet.’ We talked some then she mentioned that Boyd had cancer and was about to begin receiving chemotherapy – BOOM – now I knew Holy Spirit absolutely brought them both in for complete healing. I immediately approached Boyd who was on the far side of the shop standing by the Surfboard Prayer Bench. He had been watching Leslie and I from a distance as I was praying for her. I introduced myself and blatantly told him why I knew he was healed. We spoke quite awhile as I went through scripture and shared testimonies of what Yeshua was doing here. I could tell that he believed in every word and he was ready to be prayed for. I sat Boyd down on the Surfboard Prayer Bench, we both removed our sandals, I put my Talit around him and anointed him with oil. The shop was still full of customers as I began to pray and declare healing into his body in the Mighty Name of Yashua and commanded the cancer to leave and be cast out! Power
came down, the temperature around us increased and Boyd began weeping and weeping. AND as all this was happening, a song came on over us through the sound system and was saying, ’I am Jesus, Your Healer! The song kept playing the words over and over as I was commanding the cancer to leave and declaring healing into his body. It was radical, and Boyd was completely blown away. After all was said and done, Boyd just sat there and couldn’t move because he was so overwhelmed at what had just occurred. I told Boyd to just sit there and let Holy Spirit do His thing. What a Divine Encounter – We both know he was healed and I’ll be getting a Praise Report soon. We exchanged numbers. Glory Hallelujah, all praise, glory and honor to our King YASHUA!

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony
I met this lady ‘Myesha’ who has just moved here. Immediately, Holy Spirit highlighted her, so I approached her and we sat and chatted as she had a smoothie bowl. Definitely a Divine Appointment. I made a new friend and she’s a very strong Christian woman. We shared stories about each other. Then I felt an unction to pray for her and her family. No coincidence – a GODINCIDENCE, Myshea said the words the Lord gave me to pray over her were confirmation, as she just purchased a necklace with the same scripture I was praying over her and her family and situation. She’ll be coming back regularly to visit and fellowship. God is Divinely lining up and connecting people right now. What a glorious time to be alive!

Surf Shop Testimony
This is young Ezekiel who was visiting with his parents and my friend. We all were talking and about to pray when again, I felt a powerful unction to pray and prophesy over Ezekiel. The Lord had me release a powerful word over him and also come against a hindrance that was holding him back to move into his full potential. Wow just wow – the mom said how did you know? That was spot on! I said it was the Lord and told Ezekiel to be prepared because God was bringing him to a whole new level. The parents wanted to take this picture of us holding the eagle because of what it represents. Btw – Ezekiel is adopted, as well as I was – Confirmation!

Surf Shop Testimony

Surf Shop Testimony

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.

Happening now.
Testimony coming soon.