Daddy Surf's Corner


First Saturday of the month:

7:30a Men’s Breakfast with Andrew McKean (Teacher)
All men are invited and we encourage fathers to bring their sons.
Pancakes, scrambled eggs, Turkey bacon, coffee, Orange Juice and fruit – $12

Justin Buxton provides food and coffee, and we provide juice and fruit


Thursday, July 2

Spyglass | Dawn Patrol | Knee High | Glassy

Friday, July 5

Spyglass | Late Afternoon | Knee-Chest | First signs of Beryl Gap Swell

Saturday, July 6

Spyglass | Dawn Patrol | Thigh+ | Warpy Groundswell

At first the Gap swell from Beryl was masked by super high tide, which in combo with long period swell sent water way past the normal water line. 

Navigating doubleups was essential at beach breaks on the high tide. 

The second sandbar began to show signs of larger waves.

Park | AM | Waist-Chest | Offshore Groundswell

Though still small, the long period, high tide, and dredge-ledge combined to produce quite a bit of refraction. This particular bump of backwash sent TSV’s longboard into a somersault. Bet the beach view of this wipeout was quite humorous.

A frothy bodysurf tube
Mohit watches on as Jesse Pendergrast catches the wave of the morning

Vinny looked for head dips while we waited for the size to fill in.

Paris Janos navigated the transition from cloudy closeouts to sunny liners

Mohit enjoying his new Mike Whisnant Shapes 9’0″

Park | Afternoon | Waist-Chest | Offshore Groundswell

Finn Dennis turned knee shorebreak into something workable with a bit of help from the extra push of the longer period gap swell.

What a difference 2 hours makes. The image on the left was captured at 12:32, and the image on the right was captured at 2:32. The change in the sun’s angle transformed the water from shade of stunning beauty to an almost swimming-pool hue. The waves were fun (if inconsistent), but the water color was something else. 

Thursday, July 25th

Spyglass | Dawn Patrol | Knee | Clean

Some of the Finns Barista crew showed up to join Daddy and Mommy Surf and TSV for an impromptu surf lesson at Spyglass.

Mommy Surf finding one of the bigger waves of the morning
Finns Barista Bar employee Kai caught a few
Caden Gaither joined the squad and skimmed with TSV
Caden got in on the small wave action

Selections From
The New Board Brigade

Shop Update

Our Master Builder Robin installed new surfboard racks, and we have filled all that extra space with new shipments of a variety of new boards from Torq, Softech, Catch Surf, Wave Bandit and more

Tax Free Holiday Until August 11th on all clothes, shoes, books, bags and more

Women’s Swimsuits 40% Off

Great Selection of Gifts


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