August 18, 2023

By SurfinT

Gulf Drive Beach Access9:05 AM TSV, 9:05 Gulf Drive Beach Access No surf, but skim looks fun, and chance of surf early next week. Stay tuned.  SURF Lumps Clean 😓 WATER Clear WARM WIND Slack Offshore 😄 SKIM Knee Good 👍

August 17, 2023

By SurfinT

Treasure Island Condo7:40 AM TSV, 7:40 AM- Treasure Island Condo No surf, but skim looks fun, and chance of surf early next week. Stay tuned.  SURF Lumps Clean 😓 WATER Jellies? Clear WARM WIND Slack Offshore 😄 SKIM Knee Good 👍 Buoy Forecast Snapshot SESSION LOG The micro conditions were not enough to keep Griffin…

Mr. Surf’s Almanac | August 16 | 2023

By SurfinT

Daddy Surf’s Corner It’s been a great month of marketplace ministry. Here are some of the highs! Beach Baptism on August 4th Aaron Michaels Leading worship on August 5th Dreams, Divine Appointments and Godincidences Break from social media giving time to appreciate God’s Creation and Work  Coming up on September 5th we have a March…

August 16, 2023

By SurfinT

St Andrews State Park7 AM Mommy Surf, 7 AM- SASP Pics of beach sent in from Mommy Surf. She says there’s a good clean bump for skim but too deep for surfing  at this time – keep an eye on it! Good for little kids learning. Weather and water are beautiful with plenty sunshine and…

August 2, 2023

By SurfinT

Beach AccessEvening Daddy Surf, Evening – Beach Access Late evening Beach  & Surf  Report: We truly are blessed and live in paradise – from the sugar white sands and emerald blue green waters of the beach to the plush green rolling hills in the country just fifty minutes north, today was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!No surf and…

August 1, 2023

By SurfinT

St Andrews State ParkMorning Daddy Surf, Morning – SASP An absolutely beautiful morning with plenty sunshine warm in 90s, no surf, emerald blue green water in 80s and Yellow flags. SURF FLAT Clean 😞 WATER CLEAR-CLOUDY WARM WIND Slack Offshore 🤨 SKIM <1 FT LUMP Lake-like 😐